Can I change a published app to open testing in playstore? - google-play

I had uploaded an app on playstore, and it is now in production mode.
Can I change it to open testing mode?
And if it happens, will it change to production level app to app with early access?


How to disable window asking for permission to make changes on your device

I have developed an electron app and created an installer using electron-builder.
Every time I run the app, windows asks for permission for allowing the app to make changes on my device.
How can I disable that?
Is it happening because of some signing problem of the electron app?

How can I test a standalone watchOS application?

I can't figure out how to test running my watchOS app as a standalone app. When I run it on the simulator it never works unless I also have the associated iOS app. Running the watch scheme shows that the iOS app is running along with the watchOS app. I created a scheme which just builds the watch and it will cause the watch app to start, but it doesn't actually update the compiled binary.
First of all, you have to create certificates for all project targets and upload on Testflight, Through Testflight (mobile application) you can install the app and it will sync automatically in the watch.
The second option will, Connect your watch with mobile and install that watch application via Xcode on mobile, it will sync automatically in the watch.

Mac OSX Core Data App - Cannot turn on iCloud Capability

I have a published Mac app which uses Core Data and I am in the beginning stages of implementing iCloud (Documents) to sync data between devices (using Ensembles). When I attempt to turn on iCloud the app does not run. It builds successfully and then says it has finished running. This message appears in the Console:
Message from debugger: unable to attach
If I turn off the iCloud capability it will run successfully with no issues.
I am logged into iCloud, and there are no issues shown in the setup. Any ideas as to why I cannot use the iCloud capability? The same issue occurs if I try to activate Push Notifications (even with iCloud Off).
iCloud Settings 1
iCloud Settings 2

When running UI Tests on an XCode Server Bot, is it possible to see the actual simulator running?

We have set up a Xcode project with alot of the new UI tests that run the app and test the user interface. Its nice to see the tests running in the simulator when i run them on my local mac.
We have setup this project with XCode server and a Bot is running it. We have a monitor connected to this mac thats running the server, and can show the Bots running. I was wondering if there is a way to show the actual simulator on the server machine when it is running the UI tests?
The simulator should run and be visible. If you've setup the server with a separate account for the bots, all you have to do is switch users to that account to see the simulator. It's possible to have multiple users logged in at once.
You don't even need a monitor, use Apple's built in desktop sharing and login remotely.
First you have to open the simulator by running the app or running a test on it. Don't close the simulator. Now if you start the bot, u can monitor the status of the test cases on that simulator in the screen.

App manager won't add any apps

I try to add either a packaged or hosted app into app manager on firefox 30. I've verified that the hosted app works on my handset (obviously I have no way of testing that the packaged app works without installing it via app manager, which isn't working). The app then does not show up in the list of apps in app manager (which is empty), nor does firefox display any error messages either as alerts or logs in the console. I went on a hunt for logs around my filesystem, but I couldn't find anything. I am on OSX 10.9.
I just had the same issue, appeared that I was running Firefox without write rights. Starting FF with sudo resolved the issue.
