Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (Mac) Popups Block Mouse - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac, Version 8.10.19 (build 2). Sometimes, and only sometimes, I'll try to click on something in the C# editor, and a popup will appear under my mouse, which prevents the click from registering. Is there any way to turn off these popups? I've included a gif that demonstrates the behavior.


Visual Studio Properties Window glitch

When I'm using Visual Studio and I go on the properties window, its really hard to browse for something.
It has this black weird layout which only displays when I'm using dark mode and also gets worse by opening some tabs.
I'm using VS 2015, but this happened to me on VS 2012 that being the reason why I upgraded to VS 2015.
I've tried changing to custom themes to see if it would help but it didn't.
Image of glitch

Why does my Visual Studio crashing each time I press a toolbar button?

So I downloaded Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise for Windows 10 for a class. I'm able to code and debug just fine, however if I press any of the toolbar buttons (File, Project, git, tools, etc) VS will freeze for a second, then crash. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

Visual Studio 2017 tells me a Visual Studio 2019 version is now available every time I open the IDE

This just started today: whenever I open an instance of the VS 2017 IDE, I get a yellow bar informing me of a new version of Visual Studio 2019, which pushes down the existing windows thus reducing the visible area of the windows.
I don't have or use VS 2019, and at this moment in time I don't care about its new versions. The first time it happened I clicked the "x" thinking that would be the end of it, and when it did it again I clicked "More info" with the same result. How do I stop this?
Posts like this erroneously point people to the "Tools | Options | Environment | Extensions and Update" which, as the OP notes, is about updates to extensions, not the IDE.
I've developed an extension for Visual Commander: Block Visual Studio 2019 installation prompts in VS 2017.
But these messages all stopped to appear by themselves today on my machine...

Visual Studio 2012 Pro Power Tools class/method name hover tooltip

I installed Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012 and I guess one feature is either missing or turned off. I mean the tooltip that appears when howering on the classname and method name.
Here are the screens of what I mean. This is from VS 2010.
How can I turn on the same feature in the Visual Studio 2012 or is it just removed from this version of IDE?
The Solution Navigator has been incorporated into Visual Studio 2012 and is no longer part of the Productivity Power Tools extension. There also doesn't seem to be any way to enable interactive tooltips.

MSVC 2010 back and forward navigation toolbar buttons

I just started trying out MSVC-2010 seriously, and discovered 2 critical toolbar buttons I always used are missing: The back and forward navigation buttons, which were present in MSVC 2003 through 2008. These jump back (or forward) through the sequence of locations observed in the code recently. Can anyone tell me how to get these buttons back?
Here are the product miscellanea:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel
Installed Version: VC Express
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 01013-532-2002287-70195
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
In Visual C++ 2010 Express, you can restore these and many other menu and toolbar commands by selecting Tools->Settings->Expert Settings.
Apparently only experts want to navigate through their code :-)
I see them on the Standard Toolbar:
If for some reason yours have fallen off, you can put them back using Customize. The commands are under Navigate. They are also on the View Menu (Navigate Backwards and Navigate Forwards) and have keyboard shortcuts which are listed on the View Menu.
