spring-data-jdbc bad sql grammar on update - spring-data-jdbc

In spring-data-jdbc 2.3.2 with 2.6.4 data-jdbc starter. I am seeing the following output. Not clear if this is my error in a model layer or an issue with the framework.
This happens when the root aggregate tries to get updated because of a one-to-many reference modification.
As far as I can tell the SQL spec expects a SET statement here. This is the exception I am getting :
Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [UPDATE "tb_entity" WHERE "tb_entity"."field_id" = ?]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "WHERE"
Position: 21
Any suggestion is welcome.

Take a look at the foreign table primary key. Even though not strictly necessary to be in consistent state. Anyways, one of the statement of 3NF is that all records in a table must be uniquely identified not matter if they don't represent an entity perse. Data-jdbc uses this key for the relations with List, Set, Map.


oracle jdbcTemplate Invalid column type

I am using below code while deleting a row from database
jdbcTemplateObject.update("DELETE FROM SUPERVISION_ROOM cl WHERE cl.fk_group IN ? and cl.fk_room IN ?", gourpIds, deleteExamDTO.getRoomIds());
But i getting following exception:
PreparedStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [DELETE
FROM SUPERVISION_ROOM cl WHERE cl.fk_group IN ? and cl.fk_room IN ?];
SQL state [99999]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type; nested
exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type] with root
JDBCTemplate does not support a transparent IN list binding as you try to use it.
It is documented in 11.7.3. Passing in lists of values for IN clause
You would have to either have a number of variations with the desired number of place holders prepared or you would have to dynamically generate the SQL string once you know how many place holders are required.
So basically you must first expand the SQL statement with the right number of placeholders and then pass each element as a separate paramater.
WHERE cl.fk_group IN (?,?,?,?) and cl.fk_room IN (?,?)

hibernate generated sql query changes characters improperly

DBMS - oracle 11gr2
we recently upgraded the IDE and OS of a java console application that runs 10 times a month.
now None of our queries work properly since hibernate converts the letter i to İ which is not I. All insert statements and id fields affected negatively.
now in our queries
id -> İD not ID
insert -> İNSERT not INSERT
neither select statements nor inserts do not execute.
for example:
in the previous version Select id from table a is now sent to the db as
SELECT İD from table a ,
and we dont have such a column called İD at all.
stack trace is as follows
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "İD": geçersiz belirleyici (invalid identifier)
Query: ReadObjectQuery(name="readObject" referenceClass=OrtakEntity sql="SELECT İD, ADİ, ALACAKLARİNDAHACİZVARMİ, ANNEADİ, FROM A WHERE (İD = ?)")
********************sistem toplam sure***********************0.0
********************Time unit toplam sure***********************0
Local Exception Stack:
Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.2.0.v20110202-r8913): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "İD": geçersiz belirleyici
Error Code: 904
at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(DatabaseException.java:333)
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall(DatabaseAccessor.java:684)
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.executeCall(DatabaseAccessor.java:526)
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.session
I resolved the issue by changing the settings of the computer to English and United States as location. (still not the best approach but now the program runs)

JDBC Error in insert with DB2 (works with Sql Server)

I use in a Java Application JDBC to query the DBMS. The application works correctly with Sql Server but I get this error in DB2 during one insert:
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlDataException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-302, SQLSTATE=22001, SQLERRMC=1, DRIVER=3.63.75
The insert is made using the ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE.
My query is a plain select of the table, then I declare my PreparedStatement, passing the parameters and afterwards with the ResultSet I do first the moveToInsertRow() and then the insertRow().
Do you know if there are any problems with this approach using DB2?
As I told you before the same code works correctly with Sql Server.
SQL Code -302 on DB2 means:
So it seems like you are trying to insert a value into a column which is too large or too short (e.g. Hello World into a varchar(5)). Probably the column has a different length in DB2 and sql-server or you are inserting different values.
Probably too late to add to this thread.. but someone else might find it useful
Got the same SQL Exception when trying to do a SELECT : didn't realize the property value in WHERE clause was exceeding the limit on the corresponding column
SELECT * FROM <schema>.<table_name> WHERE PropertyName = 'value';
value was a VARCHAR type but exceeded the Length limit
Detailed exception does say it clearly that data integrity was violated: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
So a good idea would be to do a length check on the value(s) that are being set on the properties before firing any queries to the database.

Getting java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index while inserting into table

I have been working with a snippet of code where java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index is being thrown at runtime.
I have worked several times in past with this exception and every time i find that developer has used wrong indexes while using rs.getsString() method.
But my problem this time is that i am getting this exception while inserting the records into the table. Can any one please suggest what is the reason why i am getting this exception while inserting into the database?
Also i am not able to see the query being executed at the time of exception because the driver being used (oracle drivers) don't print the query when i try to use prepareStmt.toString(). This method print the object reference instead.
Please help. Any help is highly appreciated.
Best Regards
Anubhav Jain!
I'm guessing the problem is you do setXXXX to a prepared statement with wrong index (for example 0 or bigger than the number of '?' in the SQL statement)
I also faced the same issue. Later I found out that in my query string I had used quote marks around ? symbol, which is not allowed.
For example :
insert into document_table(ID, SOURCE, DESTINATION, STATUS) values('?','Active','Backup' ,'D')
is not allowed. It should have been written as:
insert into document_table(ID, SOURCE, DESTINATION, STATUS) values(?,'Active','Backup' ,'D')

Can someone explain ORA-29861 error in plain english and its possible cause?

I have an application implemented in Grails framework using underlying Hibernate. After it runs for a while, I got an Oracle DB error and resolved it by rebuilding the offending index. I wonder if anyone can propose the possible cause(s) and ways to prevent it from happening.
Caused by:
Hibernate operation: Could not execute JDBC batch update;
uncategorized SQLException for SQL [update RSS_ITEM set guid=?,
pubdate=?, link=?, rss_source_id=?, title=?, description=?,
rating_raw=?, rating_tuned=?, date_created=?, date_locked=? where
RSS_ITEM_ID=?]; SQL state [99999]; error code [29861]; ORA-29861:
domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE
; nested exception is java.sql.BatchUpdateException:
domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE
To locate broken index use:
select index_name,index_type,status,domidx_status,domidx_opstatus from user_indexes where index_type like '%DOMAIN%' and (domidx_status <> 'VALID' or domidx_opstatus <> 'VALID');
To rebuild the index use:
alter index INDEX_NAME rebuild;
Domain indexes are a special type of index. It is possible to build our own using OCI but the chances are you're using one of the index types offered by Oracle Text. I say this as your table seems to include free text columns.
The most commonly used Text index is the CTXSYS.CONTEXT index type. The point about this index type is that it is not maintained transactionally, so as to minimize the effort involved in indexing large documents. This means when you insert or update a document into your table it is not indexed immediately. Instead is that a background process, such as a database job, which kicks off the index synchronization on a regular basis. The index is unusable while it is being synchronized. If the resync fails for any reason then you will need to drop and recreate the index.
Is this a regular occurrence for you? If so you may need to re-appraise your application. Perhaps a different sort of index (such as CTXSYS.CTXCAT) might be more appropriate. One thing which strikes me about your error message is that your UPDATE statement touches a lot of columns, including what looks like the primary key. This makes me think you have a single generic update statement which sets every column regardless of whether it has actually changed. This is bad practice with normal indexes; it will kill your application if you are using text indexes.
Cause: An attempt has been made to access a domain index that is being
built or is marked failed by an
unsuccessful DDL or is marked unusable
by a DDL operation.
Action: Wait if the specified index is marked LOADING Drop the
specified index if it is marked FAILED
Drop or rebuild the specified index if
it is marked UNUSABLE.
That should hopefully be enough context. Can you figure out the problem from that?
