esp32 WiFi connection issues - esp32

I'm a beginer with ESP32 programming.
I'm trying to play with the example provided in and it works perfectly with my iPhone in tethering mode, however it's impossible to connect to my home access point.
I (776) wifi:mode : sta (30:c6:f7:29:c6:48)
I (776) wifi:enable tsf
I (786) wifi station: wifi_init_sta finished.
I (996) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (1746) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (2746) wifi:state: auth -> init (200)
I (2746) wifi:new:<1,0>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<1,0>, prof:1
I (2756) wifi station: retry to connect to the AP
Each try fails. I tried to play with some parameters but nothing improves the situation. Any idea on how to collect more information to set the connection properly?
By the way I'm able to scan every visible network with so this is why I guess it's configuration related...

I was having this issue. I found that, for me, the issue was not in the ESP32. It was the WiFi Router. I had the security on the router set to 'WEP' in the router. When I changed the security to 'WPA2-PSK' the ESP32 device connected right away.


Route websocket data through USB link to PC client (Android)

I have an issue where WiFi is not available on an Android device. We want to stream image data from the device using a websocket server (written using WebSocket++) through to the PC. However, I'm not sure if this is possible without operational WiFi. So, the position we are in is that we may only have the USB link available.
Someone today suggested we might be able to get Websockets working using adb port forwarding (see, but I'm not sure if that's correct. Could this work, and what would that solution look like?
Are there any other reasonable options. I'm not certain if tethering is available on the device and if that could be another solution?

From WiFi to Cellular 3/4G on ESP32

I am building a project utilizing Wifi on the ESP32 module. Using RTOS, I am running a web server on 1 core and a web client on another core. This works very well and I can access the web server remotely via my browser and the WiFi provided IP address. The Web client reads some sensors and sends the data via WiFi to my database. All good and everything works as desired.
Now I need to do the next step and move beyond the reach of the WiFi and reproduce the same result via 3/4G cellular. I looked at the "easy" solution to use an industrial 3/4G WiFi router and simply keep what I have. Cost of these "industrial" type routers are on the high side, where as 3/4G module which also include a GPS chip are around half or less. Problem is that I cannot get my head around how I will "replace" my current WiFi functionality with one of these modules. The modules seems to expect you to connect via serial (rs232) and using modem AT commands establish a connection to the internet. Question is, after connecting to the internet, how do you continue to have "network functionality" same as with the built-in WiFi? Is there some library that will do ethernet over the serial port? Can I still have the WiFi and the "serial ethernet" running at the same time or switch between the two?

Tizen WebSockets: can access Internet WebSocket server but cannot acces LAN WebSocket server

last week I started to develop apps for a Samsung Smartwatch with the Tizen SDK 2.4.0. My sample web application connects to a remote Websocket server (a simple echo server) and sends some random requests and prints the received messages (Server is This works fine on an emulated devices as well as on the real Gear S2 Smartwatch (Example was taken from
But as soon as I start a Websocket server in my home LAN I run into problems. The server is launched via a simple Python example I found on Github ( The emulator device from the SDK connects to this server without any problems using the local IPv4. But the real device, which is logged in to the same WiFi access point, doesn't.
Note that the connection between my PC and my watch device works fine, since the SDK flashes the developed apps via WiFi to the device.
In my config.xml all connections are allowed
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"></access>
and the privilege for "Internet" is available.
The logs show that the watch tries to open a connection, but is then stuck. No error message is printed - the watch just does not go beyond the initial creation of the websocket.
Do you have any hints or thoughts about how I could debug this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I found the solution - my virus scanner has an integrated software firewall that blocked incoming connections...
Try with higher ports maybe ? I got WS working fine on SamsungZ1 on Tizen:2.3:Mobile
Maybe I could try your code on Tizen:2.4:Mobile too ?

A confusion about chromecast discover

When I click google cast icon in my chrome browser, it will try to discover whether there is an available chromecast around my pc.
If yes, then it will recognize it (assume that chromecast has already been set and connect to the same router which my pc is connected to).
My first confusion is, during this course, does my pc ever connect to chromecast's own wifi signal? Or they ONLY talk via my router?
My second confusion comes from a test:
I set 2 routers: router_A on top;router_B connects to LAN port of router_A;
My pc also connects to router_A;
chromecast dongle connects to router_B;
multicast/upnp of router B is enabled, firewall on router_B is disabled.
My pc cannot find chromecast in this situation. I'm confused and I think it should work since router_B obtains ip/gateway from router_A.
The third confusion is when I swapped my pc and chromcast, to let my pc connect to router_B, and chromecast connect to router_A, my pc found the chormcast......
After Chormecast is set up with a wifi network, it is discovered through mDNS. For (2) and (3), since discovery is done through multicast/mDNS, you need to read on that topic and look at the configuration settings of your routers to see how you can set things up to get what you want.

RN-42 Drops connection on SPP profile

I am using RN42 on embedded device connected to UART. Baudrate is 115200 ( I tried lowering it but didnt help. )
I am using default settings.
Every time when I pair a device with PC I can open a serial port to remote device, but as soon as i Close the port, and I try to open it again It will fail with "semaphore timeout error".
If I want to restore connection I have to delete device from PC and add it again, then it will work for 1st time and fail again.
Does anyone have similar issues or maybe solution to this? If you need more info ask, I realy dont know what info to supply in this case.
On PC side I have USB Bluetooth device and integrated one. The both behave the same.
On embedded side RN42 is connected to UART of AM3517.
I hope you can help me.
I found the issue. It was PIN3 (GPIO6) connected high. This way after 1 connection module switched to auto master and was unable to connect to other masters.
