How do I convert APK to AAB? - apk

I have an APK file and I'm trying to convert it to an ABB file
But I did not succeed
I tried through ANDROID STUDIO but failed
Maybe someone can please help me?


Adding pubspec extension to project in root visual studio flutter

I am trying to write a code in dart and I want to add dependencies so I added 'Pubspec Assist'
extension. when I tried to use it it showed me this message:
Pubspec Assist: Pubspec file not found in workspace root. Open the pubspec file you would like to edit and try again. "
how do I place it in my workspace root. I'm new to dart and Vstudio and I need detailed explanation please. thanks in advance.
Easiest thing is to do as it says. Either open a project where the pubspec.yaml file is at the root, or open the file in the editor and then start Pubspec Assist.
and Sometimes you need to restart your ide or code editor for some extensions to work so try restarting your ide/code editor
Hope this was helpful enough
Below is the correct order of how your flutter project can be arranged, your pubspec.yaml file must be inside your project's directory as myproject/pubspec.yaml
and not inside any other subdirectories its the best practice which you should follow for flutter project.
and if this didnt worked out for you just try running flutter clean and then flutter create .

How to use pjsip in flutter?

Hai I created flutter_module with the command flutter create -t flutter_module.
Now I want to use pjsip in my flutter project.I provided flutter_pjsip and url in dependencies.But When I run flutter pub get in terminal it says ,
Because flutter_module depends on flutter_pjsip from unknown source "url", version solving failed
Can anyone please help me to integrate pjsip into vs code flutter project.Thanks in advance.

how to solve × Build failed. Standalone build failed! in android expo?

I am a beginner to expo. I would like to generate APK,
using expo build: android but I get this error (× Build failed.
Standalone build failed).
Please, how to solve this problem.?
thank you
first of all, you change your icon in the app.json icon extension .png required then delete .expo file in your project then
expo build:android -c

Xbuild can't recognize SignAndroidPackage when using bamboo

I am trying to create a .APK file in Bamboo using the xbuild executable in a command task. The way I thought it should work is like this:
CusomterApp.sln /t:SignAndroidPackage /p:Configuration=Release
This however when I run the build will give this error. Target named 'SignAndroidPackage' not found in the project. I have tried to build it without it but I am getting other errors instead. I have tried changing the order of it and changing the target but it doesn't seem to create the apk file doing this.
I have seen in another question that someone created an apk file using this(not on Bamboo):
xbuild $ANDROID_PROJECT_FILE /t:SignAndroidPackage /p:Configuration=Release
So I thought I should have no problems with using this on Bamboo but the executable doesn't seem to recognize the SignAndroidPackage and doesn't work, any ideas on how to fix this?
I create a .IPA file for an IPhone app using mdtool, with this command -v build -t:Build "c:Release|iPhone" CustomerApp.sln and this works fine for creating the .IPA file so I would have thought that the .APK would be fine too.
I think that the problem is to do with using the solution file for the Android apk file, The bamboo will create a solution folder which has both iOS and Android files in it. The iOS worked and built the IPA file when I used the CustomerApp.sln file. The apk file does not build when I use the CustomerApp.sln. If I use this CustomerApp.Droid/CustomerApp.Droid.csproj file I get a list of error's Are you missing an assembly reference?
When I was doing the IPA I got this error using the CustomerApp.iOS/CustomerApp.iOS.csproj file which I fixed by using the CustomerApp.sln file instead. How can I fix this as the whole folder contains information that is necessary for the creation of the APK file?
I have found a problem that when I try to build the apk file using this: /p:Configuration=Release CustomerApp.sln it gives me the error PCL assemblies not installed and it also has this warning : Unable to find framework corresponding to the target moniker '.NetPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile78'. Framework assembly references will be resolved from the GAC, which might not be the intended behaviour. I don't know why this is happening as I looked for the profile in the folder specified and it was there.
I had this problem before when trying to use xbuild to create the IPA file but then I used mdtool and it worked fine, I think I need to use xbuild to build the apk file but I can't see how to fix it. I also tried to run it in the terminal of the mac and I got the same error. Why is this happening?
The reason this happens is because you have to specify a .csproj, not a .sln. If you give it a solution file, you'll get an error complaining that it can't find the "SignAndroidPackage" target.

Xcode GIT Can't Copy New Files

I just installed Xcode 4.2 and now can't copy a new image file to my project. It has something to do with GIT and I've pasted the error below, but I can't seem to find an answer with Google. Can someone please shed light on this?
The operation could not be performed because the file is not under version control.
I suspect that the copy failed first then you get the error about version control as a red herring, did you select to copy the file to a location that you have both permissions and space for? If so add the file yourself to your project in the file system, then add to your project, see if you still get that error.
