Why does Swagger selection of enum contains an unwanted empty string option? - enums

Trying to get rid of the 'empty' value from the enum list on Swagger UI.
My field options is a list of enums which null is not a part of it. My OpenApi3 specification is as below:
"description": "number of options",
"explode": true,
"in": "query",
"name": "options",
"required": false,
"schema": {
"items": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"type": "array"
"style": "form"
I seem to make it disappear if I make the field required:
But I don't want this. The field should be either nullable or be part of one of the enum values. The reason is that, if the 'empty' value is selected, the request goes like
This brings up a HTTP 400 result with the message
"The value '' is invalid."
I don't want this '--' entry to be listed at all. The field should be nullable (nothing selected) or be part of the enum values.


Get files from Sharepoint after doing a Filter on Array

The problem I am having is :
Sharepoint Get File Files (Properties Only) can only do one filter for ODATA, not a a second AND clause so I need to use Filter Array to make secondary filter work. And it does work....
But now I need to take my filtered array and somehow get the {FullPath} property and get the file content via passing a path and I get this error...
[ {
"#odata.etag": ""1"",
"ItemInternalId": "120",
"ID": 120,
"Modified": "2022-03-21T15:03:31Z",
"Editor": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
"Claims": "i:0#.f|membership|dev#email.com",
"DisplayName": "Bob dole",
"Email": "dev#email.com",
"Picture": "https://company.sharepoint.us/sites/devtest/_layouts/15/UserPhoto.aspx?Size=L&AccountName=dev#email.com",
"Department": "Information Technology",
"JobTitle": "Senior Applications Developer II"
"Editor#Claims": "data",
"Created": "2022-03-21T15:03:31Z",
"Author": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
"Claims": "i:0#.f|membership|dev#email.com",
"DisplayName": "Bob Dole",
"Email": "dev#email.com",
"Picture": "https://company.sharepoint.us/sites/devtest/_layouts/15/UserPhoto.aspx?Size=L&AccountName=dev#email.com",
"Department": "Information Technology",
"JobTitle": "Senior Applications Developer II"
"Author#Claims": "i:0#.f|membership|dev#email.com",
"OData__DisplayName": "",
"{Identifier}": "Shared%2bDocuments%252fSDS%252fFiles%252fA10_NICKEL%2bVANADIUM%2bPRODUCT_PIS-USA_French.pdf",
"{IsFolder}": false,
"{Thumbnail}": ...DATA,
"{Link}": "https://company.sharepoint.us/sites/devtest/Shared%20Documents/SDS/Files/A10_NICKEL%20VANADIUM%20PRODUCT_PIS-USA_French.pdf",
"{FilenameWithExtension}": "A10_NICKEL VANADIUM PRODUCT_PIS-USA_French.pdf",
"{Path}": "Shared Documents/SDS/Files/",
"{FullPath}": "Shared Documents/SDS/Files/A10_NICKEL VANADIUM PRODUCT_PIS-USA_French.pdf",
"{IsCheckedOut}": false,
"{VersionNumber}": "1.0" } ]
So from what I can see, I think it's what I thought. Even though you're filtering an array down to a single element, you need to treat it like an array.
I'm going to make an assumption that you're always going to retrieve a single item as a result of your filter step.
I created a variable (SharePoint Documents) to store your "filtered" array so I could then do the work to extract the {FullPath} property.
I then created variable that is initialised with the first (again, I'm making the assumption that your filter will only ever return a single element) and used this expression ...
variables('SharePoint Documents')?[0]['{FullPath}']
This is the result and you can use that in your next step to get the file content from SharePoint ...
If my assumption is wrong and you can have more than one then you'll need to throw it in a loop and do the same sort of thing ...
This is the expression contained within ...
Result ...
I actually ended up doing this and it works.

How to search birthData in fhir using _content?

When I search with only birthData in fhir I am getting results.
For example: http://localhost:8080/hapi-fhir-jpaserver/fhir/Patient?_pretty=true&birthdate=2020-03-16 will return patient who has birthdate as 2020-03-16.
When I am searching with _content I am not getting any results. Something like this:
_content is for searching text content.
If you want to search for dates you need to use a date search parameter. E.g.:
This can be achieved using Search Parameters.
Search parameters are essentially named paths within resources that are indexed by the system so that they can be used to find resources that match a given criteria.
Using Search parameter
we can add additional search parameters that will index fields that do not have a standard search parameter defined.
we can add additional search parameters that will index extensions used by your clients.
we can disable search parameters
Lets say I have a PractitionerRole
"resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
"id": "6639",
"meta": {
"versionId": "1",
"lastUpdated": "2020-03-19T13:26:34.748+05:30",
"source": "#aYyeIlv9Yutudiwy"
"text": {
"status": "generated",
"div": "<div xmlns=\"<http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">foo</div>">
"active": true,
"practitioner": {
"reference": "Practitioner/6607"
"organization": {
"reference": "Organization/6528"
"specialty": [
"coding": [
"system": "<http://snomed.info/sct",>
"code": "42343242",
"display": "Clinical immunology"
PractitionerRole has thier own search parameters. Apart from those search parameters we wanted to have a search parameter which will filter all practitioner roles based on practitioner.reference. We can achieve this using Search parameters. All we need to do is creating a new search parameter just like below.
"resourceType": "SearchParameter",
"title": "Practitioner Referecene",
"base": [ "PractitionerRole" ],
"status": "active",
"code": "practitioner_reference",
"type": "token",
"expression": "PractitionerRole.practitioner.reference",
"xpathUsage": "normal"
Here what fhir tells is when user wanted to filter with practitioner_reference then look for PractitionerRole.practitioner.reference.
This looks something like this:
We can also extend this to search with multiple parameters. We can create a search parameter with or condition so that it can search with multi parameters.
"resourceType": "SearchParameter",
"title": "Patient Multi Search",
"base": [ "Patient" ],
"status": "active",
"code": "pcontent",
"type": "token",
"expression": "Patient.managingOrganization.reference|Patient.birthDate|Patient.address[0].city",
"xpathUsage": "normal"
Above SearchParameter will search withPatient.managingOrganization.reference or Patient.birthDate or Patient.address[0].city.
The query looks like this:
Search With City → http://localhost:8080/hapi-fhir-jpaserver/fhir/Patient?pcontent=Bruenmouth
Search With Birth Date → http://localhost:8080/hapi-fhir-jpaserver/fhir/Patient?pcontent=2019-04-06

ElasticSearch URI Search null field

I need to create a query via URI to filter all data between two dates and also if this date field is null.
For example:
I have the field "creation_date" in some objects, however I want that in the resulting also does not appear the objects that the field does not have.
I tried something similar below:
http://localhost//elasticsearch/channels/channel/_search?q=channel.schedule.creation_date:[2018-06-19 TO 2018-12-22] OR channel.schedule.creation_date: NULL
As far as comparing the dates is OK, it works. The problem is to get the NULL values.
Source sample:
"_source": {
"channel": {
"activated": false,
"approved": false,
"content": "Jvjv",
"creation_date": "2018-06-21T13:06:10.000Z",
"facebookLink": "J jv",
"id": "Kvjvjv",
"instagramId": "Jvjv",
"name": "Kbkbkvk",
"ownerId": "sZtxdhiNbNY9sr2DtiCzlgJfsqb2",
"plan": 0,
"purpose": "Jvjv",
"recurrence": 1,
"segment": "Jvjvjv",
"twitterId": "Jvjv",
"youtubeId": "Jvj"
You can do this using the NOT(_exists_:field_name) constraint:
Can you try this ?
http://localhost//elasticsearch/channels/channel/_search?q=channel.schedule.creation_date:[2018-06-19 TO 2018-12-22] OR NOT(_exists_:channel.schedule.creation_date)

Validate the list elements in evaluateJsonPath in apache nifi

Using apache nifi, I want to get the all the input twitter files which have the hashtags for "tech"
The input json is
"created_at": "Sun Mar 25 18:00:43 +0000 2018",
"id": 977968537028481025,
"id_str": "977968537028481025",
"text": "#bby__nim You know like datttt",
"entities": {
"hashtags": [
"text": "tech",
"indices": [
"text": "BusinessPlan",
"indices": [
"urls": [
"user_mentions": [
"screen_name": "bby__nim",
"name": "bbynim\ud83d\udc7d",
"id": 424356807,
"id_str": "424356807",
"indices": [
"symbols": [
"favorited": false,
"retweeted": false,
"filter_level": "low",
"lang": "en",
"timestamp_ms": "1522000843661"
Under EvaulateJsonPath, validating whether the hashtags is present or not using $.{entities.hashtags:jsonPath('$[0]')}, which is successfully validating
But in RouteOnAttribute, can someone tell me how to validate whether the entities.hashtags has the value called tech?
Use the evaluate json path processor configs as shown below,
Now we are extracting all the text values from the hashtags array and keeping as flowfile attribute.
In addition you have to change the properties Destination to flowfile-attribute and Return Type as Json
Now we are having all the text values in an array then use RouteOnAttribute processor to validate the entities.hastags attribute having a tech value in it (or) not.
RouteOnAttribute configs:-
Add a new property as
contains tech
${entities.hashtags:contains("tech")} //checks as sub string if the array having tech
We are using contains function in our expression language will evaluate the array having tech substring in it or not.
But we need to check the values in the array so use the below expression language for that
contains tech
${anyDelineatedValue("${entities.hashtags:replace('[',''):replace(']','')}",","):equals('"tech"')} //checks values in the array
we are using anyDelineatedValue,replace,equals functions in our expression language will evaluate the array having tech values in it or not.
In addition if you want to check the first text value in hashtags array then your evaluatejson path would be

Api blueprint failing with dredd on a realtime api?

I am in the middle of upgrading dredd from 1.08 to the latest version, while at it, I am trying to validate our api documentation, written in blueprint with the realtime test api and it is failing.
Since the tests are running against a real time api, the response returned from the api contains different values than specified in the blurprint document. I receive the following error from dredd.
Could someone help me figure it out ? :)
body: At '/data/email' No enum match for: "dredd_testzz#keyflow.se"
body: At '/data/firstName' No enum match for: "Sniper"
body: At '/data/lastName' No enum match for: "Wolf"
body: At '/data/verified' No enum match for: false
## `ResponseSchema` (object)
+ email: `john.doe#example.com` (string, required) - Email address
+ firstName: John (string, required) - First name
+ lastName: Doe (string, required) - Last name
+ verified: true (boolean, required) - True
# Group Account
## Login [/login/?]
Login user
### Login [POST]
Authentication required.
+ Request (application/json)
+ Attribute (LoginInputSchema)
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=UTF-8)
+ Attribute
+ status: 200 (number, required, fixed)
+ data (ResponseSchema, required, fixed)
The JSON Schema generated by dredd is below
bodySchema: {
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"status": {
"type": "number",
"enum": [
"data": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"description": "Email address of the guest."
"firstName": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"description": "First name of the guest."
"lastName": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"description": "Last name of the guest."
"verified": {
"type": "boolean",
"enum": [
"description": "The user is verified or not"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
"required": [
TL;DR: Try to use fixed-type instead of fixed in your API Blueprint document. fixed requires the sample values to be the actual values.
More elaborate explanation:
body: At '/data/email' No enum match for: "dredd_testzz#keyflow.se"
This means the response returned by the server under test contains a correctly parseable JSON body, but the body isn't valid according to the schema provided by the API description.
The error points to /data/email, which means the {"data": {"email": ... property is problematic. Further, it mentions that enum of values is expected, and that the actual response contains dredd_testzz#keyflow.se, which isn't allowed by the enum. The other errors are similar.
Looking at the API description, the specification of what is expected in the response goes as follows:
+ Attribute
+ status: 200 (number, required, fixed)
+ data (ResponseSchema, required, fixed)
The fixed attribute, as explained in the 4.3 Nested Member Types section of the MSON spec, fixes not only the structure, but also all values, and propagates further down the data structure:
...MAY specify fixed to indicate a "value object" where all the properties MUST be present and the values of the properties MUST be the values specified, if any, in its Nested Member Types. Further, such an object type structure MUST NOT contain any other properties.
I think you want to use fixed-type instead, which fixes just the structure. This is further explained also in the Making Dredd Validation Stricter section of the Dredd docs.
