How to add a button on a template in magento 2 - magento

I want to add a WhatsApp button on a template by default instead of doing this on each page
I want to add a button like this
we are using Magento page builder
should de here, in this section
I'm a beginner in Magento, and I have access to the admin page and the server. I don't know where it's modified from


Joomla Insert Content into product details

I use VirtueMart. I need to add some content to product details page to specific DIV. I cant only change template. I need to do this by php because it will be Joomla plugin.
Look at the override system for customizing Joomla, it also applies to Virtuemart. You can add code or simple html to the product details page and place it in the templates HTML folder (where overrides go).
If you only wish to have this on some products, you can have that product details file named something other than default.php and then it will be available to select as the layout to use in the Virtuemart product edit screen.

How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

Magento custom file upload not working in Magento

In my web site I want to add custom file upload function in front end. So I just using Magento default custom option. After upload image when I click to add to cart button it shows "Please specify product required option's".

How to link a specific store view in Magento from outside the store?

I have Magento set up in a multi-language store so that every language has its own store view. I have an HTML landing page where users choose the language they want, and I want to link each store view from the landing page.
I need to create a URL for each specific view so that it can be accessed from the landing page (like, etc.), outside of the Magento installation. That means that I can't use any core code to get the store view.
I noticed that this URL format: shown in the URL bar after selecting a specific store view from the default dropdown in Magento. However, if I set up a link with this format from outside the Magento installation, it just redirects to the base URL (
Thanks in advance,
Pul Vila,here the soap list using soap client of magento list ,for referece here
after using htaccess write url of landing page...

How to edit magento home page via code?

Hello I'm trying to edit home page
For example I want to write code on the middle part of the page, ( banner )
The dropdown boxes you can see on demo must be included in banner side.
Go to Magento admin->CMS->Pages
Select Home Page
In Content Tab, add your dropdown
Create a new template (home.phtml).
(make a copy of design/frontend/base/default/template/page/1column.phtml).
And choose this template in the CMS Page design layout.
You can freely edit the complete template (PHP+HTML)
