Bash: Calculate the time differences in hours from input like "YYYYMMDDHH" - bash

I have two dates in forms like: YYYYMMDDHH and want to calculate the differences (in hours) between these two dates. For example
which stands for two dates: 1996-01-01 00:00:00 and 1996-01-01 22:00:00. I want to use date to calculate the difference in hours, the result shall be 22 hours. I tried with
START=$(date -d "$start_date" +"%s")
END=$(date -d "$end_date" +"%s")
HOURS=$(bc -l <<< "($END - $START) / 3600")
but it failed...
So how can I do this? Thanks!

For performance reasons we want to limit the number of sub-process calls we need to invoke:
use bash substring functionality to convert inputs into usable date/time strings
use bash math to replace bc call
bash substring functionality to break the inputs into a usable date/time format, eg:
# convert to usable date/time format:
$ start_date=1996010100
$ echo "${start_date:0:4}-${start_date:4:2}-${start_date:6:2} ${start_date:8:2}:00:00"
1996-01-01 00:00:00
# convert to epoch/seconds:
$ start=$(date -d "${start_date:0:4}-${start_date:4:2}-${start_date:6:2} ${start_date:8:2}:00:00" +"%s")
$ echo $start
Applying to ${end_date} and using bash math:
$ end_date=1996010122
$ end=$(date -d "${end_date:0:4}-${end_date:4:2}-${end_date:6:2} ${end_date:8:2}:00:00" +"%s")
$ echo $end
$ hours=$(( (end - start) / 3600))
$ echo $hours
This leaves us with 2 sub-process calls ($(date ...)). While other languages/tools (awk, perl, etc) can likely speed this up a bit, if you need to store the result in a bash variable then you're looking at needing at least 1 sub-process call (ie, hours=$(awk/perl/??? ...)).
If performance is really important (eg, needing to perform this 1000's of times) take a look at this SO answer that uses a fifo, background date process and io redirection ... yeah, a bit more coding and a bit more convoluted but also a bit faster for large volumes of operations.

busybox date can do the trick
START=$(busybox date -D "%Y%m%d%H" -d "$start_date" +"%s")
END=$(busybox date -D "%Y%m%d%H" -d "$end_date" +"%s")
HOURS=$(bc -l <<< "scale=0;($END - $START) / 3600")
echo $HOURS

If it's possible for you to use a more fully-featured scripting language like Python, it'll provide a much more pleasant and understandable date parsing experience, and is probably installed by default (datetime is also a standard Python library)
Structured with shell vars
python -c "import datetime ; td = datetime.datetime.strptime('${end_date}', '%Y%m%d%H') - datetime.datetime.strptime('${start_date}', '%Y%m%d%H') ; print(int(td.total_seconds() / 3600))"
Structured to read dates and format code from stdin
echo '%Y%m%d%H' 1996010100 1996010122 | python -c "import datetime,sys ; fmt, date_start, date_end = ; td = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_end, fmt) - datetime.datetime.strptime(date_start, fmt) ; print(int(td.total_seconds() / 3600))"
Should work with both Python 3 and Python 2.7
format codes available here (1989 C standard)

which stands for two dates: 1996-01-01 00:00:00
So convert it to that form if it stands for it.
start_date=$(sed -E 's/(....)(..)(..)(..)/\1-\2-\3 \4:00:00/' <<<"$start_date")
start=$(date -d "$start_date" +"%s")
and the same with end.

the most simple way is to install "dateutils" using this command
sudo apt-get install dateutils
Run these commands to get the difference in seconds:
dateutils.ddiff -i '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' 20200817040001 20210817040101
next step: Simply divide by 86400 to get the number of days or similarly for hours and minutes :)


Calculating PowerShell ticks in Bash

I am translating a PowerShell script in Bash.
This is how the ticks for current datetime are obtained in PowerShell:
By following the definition of Ticks, this is how I am trying to approximate the same calculation using the date command in bash:
echo $(($(($(date -u '+%s') - $(date -d "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 UTC" '+%s'))) * 10000000 ))
This is what I got the last time I tried:
$ echo $(($(($(date -u '+%s') - $(date -d "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 UTC" '+%s'))) * 10000000 )) ; pwsh -c "[System.DateTime]::Now.Ticks;"
In particular, the first 7 digits are identical, but digits in position 8 and 9 are still too different between the two values.
I calculated that this means there is just a 2 hours difference between the 2 values. But why? It cannot be the timezone, since I specified UTC timezone in both date commands, right? What do you think?
Note: my suspects about the timezone are increasing, since I am currently based in UTC+2 (therefore 2 hours difference from UTC), but how is this possible since I explicitly specified UTC as timezone in the date commands?
Solved it! The problem wasn't in the date commands, it was in the PowerShell command, which was using the +2 Timezone (CEST time). To fix this, I am now using UtcNow instead of Now.
This is what I am getting now:
$ echo $(($(($(date -u '+%s') - $(date -d "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 UTC" '+%s'))) * 10000000 )) ; pwsh -c "[System.DateTime]::UtcNow.Ticks;"
As you can see, now all the digits are identical, except for the last 7th digits, since I added zeros on purpose to convert from seconds to ticks, as I am not interested in fractions of seconds (for now) and I consider them negligible.
Alternative way
Another way to make the two values identical (still excluding fractions of seconds), is to remove the -u option in the first date command in order to use the current time zone, and replace UTC with +0200 in the second date command. If I do this, I can leave Now on the PowerShell command (instead of replacing it with UtcNow).
By doing this, I am getting:
$ echo $(($(($(date '+%s') - $(date -d "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 +0200" '+%s'))) * 10000000)) ; pwsh -c "[System.DateTime]::Now.Ticks;"
If you also want fractions of seconds
I just understood that if you also need to consider fractions of seconds, then you just need to add the result of date '+%N' (nanoseconds) divided by 100 to the calculation, in any of the two approaches shown above.
Since the result of date '+%N' can have some leading zeros, Bash may think it's an octal value. To avoid this, just prepend 10# to explicitly say it is a decimal value.
For example, taking the second approach shown above (the "alternative way"), now I get:
$ echo $(($(($(date '+%s') - $(date -d "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000 +0200" '+%s'))) * 10000000 + $((10#$(date '+%N')/100)) ))

simpler way to calculate the minute of the day in bash

I want to know the minute of the day in a bash shell script, and at the moment I can only think to do this by piping two date commands with the hour of day and minute of hour to bc in this way:
mod=$(echo 60*$(date +%H)+$(date +%M) | bc)
echo $mod
This works, but is very clunky and not very elegant, is there a nicer way? I didn't see an option of minute of day in the date command.
I'm using bash version
As a more efficient approach (with bash 4.4 or later), albeit not necessarily a shorter one:
printf -v dateMath '%( (10#%H*60)+10#%M )T' -1
mod=$(( dateMath )) a less-efficient one-liner (but still much faster than using date and bc), you could also write this as:
mod=$(( $(printf '%( (10#%H*60)+10#%M )T' -1) ))

How to subtract 60 minutes from current time in unix

I'm currently creating a shell script that will run a python code once an hour that collects, processes, and displays data from a radar for the previous hour.
The python code I am using requires a UTC begin time and end time in format "YYYYMMDDHHmm". So far, I have found using the unix command date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M" will retrieve my current time in the correct format, but I have not been able to find a way to subtract 60 minutes from this first time and have it output the "start" time/
code I have tried:
date +"%Y%m%d%H%M-60" >> out: 201908201833-60
now= date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M" >> out:201908201834
echo "$now - 60" >> out: - 60
I'm just starting to self teach/learn shell coding and I am more comfortable with python coding which is why my attempts are set up more like how you would write with python. I'm sure there is a way to store the variable and have it subtract 60 from the end time, but I have not been able to find a good online source for this (both on here and via Google).
You can use -d option in date:
date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M" -d '-60 minutes'
or else subtract 1 hour instead of 60 minutes:
date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M" -d '-1 hour'
To be able to capture this value in a variable, use command substitution:
now=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M" -d '-1 hour')
On OSX (BSD) use this date command as -d is not supported:
now=$(date -u -v-1H +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
Your current attempt has some simple shell script errors.
now= date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M" >> out:201908201834
This assigns an empty string to the variable now and then runs the date command as previously. If the plan is to capture the output to the variable now, the syntax for that is
now=$(date -u +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
Next up, you try to
echo "$now - 60"
which of course will output the literal string
201908201834 - 60
rather than perform arithmetic evaluation. You can say
echo "$((now - 60))"
to subtract 60 from the value and echo that -- but of course, date arithmetic isn't that simple; subtracting 60 from 201908210012 will not produce 201908202312 like you would hope.
If you have GNU date (that's a big if if you really want to target any Unix) you could simply have done
date -u -d "60 minutes ago" +%F%H%M
but if you are doing this from Python anyway, performing the date extraction and manipulation in Python too will be a lot more efficient as well as more portable.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
dt = datetime.strptime(when,'%Y%m%d%H%M')
print(dt - timedelta(minutes=60))
The shell command substitution $(command) and arithmetic evaluation $((expression)) syntaxes look vaguely similar, but are really unrelated. Both of them have been introduced after the fundamental shell syntax was already stable, so they had to find a way to introduce new syntax which didn't already have a well-established meaning in the original Bourne shell.

Time difference between two dates in the log files

I am trying to get the time difference between two dates as given below in Bash script. However I am not successful
head_info: 05-31-2017:04:27:37
tail_info: 05-31-2017:04:30:57
the problem is that after Reformation above time and while trying to calculate in seconds due to space, it is ignoring time.
This is my script:
fm_head_info=(${head_info:6:4}"-"${head_info:0:2}"-"${head_info:3:2}" \
fm_tail_info=(${tail_info:6:4}"-"${tail_info:0:2}"-"${tail_info:3:2}" \
$ fm_head_info
-bash: 2017-05-31: command not found
Thank you
Let's define your shell variables:
$ tail_info=05-31-2017:04:30:57
$ head_info=05-31-2017:04:27:37
Now, let's create a function to convert those dates to seconds-since-epoch:
$ date2sec() { date -d "$(sed 's|-|/|g; s|:| |' <<<"$*")" +%s; }
To find the time difference between those two date in seconds:
$ echo $(( $(date2sec "$tail_info") - $(date2sec "$head_info") ))
As written above, this requires bash (or similar advanced shell) and GNU date. In other words, this should work on any standard Linux. To make this work on OSX, some changes to the date command will likely be necessary.
How it works
Starting with the innermost command inside the function date2sec, we have:
sed 's|-|/|g; s|:| |' <<<"$*"
In the argumnet to the function, this replaces all - with / and it replaces the first : with a space. This converts the the dates from the format in your input to one that the GNU date function will understand. For example:
$ sed 's|-|/|g; s|:| |' <<<"05-31-2017:04:30:57"
05/31/2017 04:30:57
With this form, we can use date to find seconds-since-epoch:
$ date -d "05/31/2017 04:30:57" +%s
And, for the head_info:
$ date -d "05/31/2017 04:27:37" +%s
Now that we have that, all that is left is to subtract the times:
$ echo $(( 1496230257 - 1496230057 ))
Your immediate issue is the inclusion of erroneous (...) surrounding your string indexed assignment and your questionable quoting. It looks like you intended:
fm_head_info="${head_info:6:4}-${head_info:0:2}-${head_info:3:2} ${head_info:11:8}"
fm_tail_info="${tail_info:6:4}-${tail_info:0:2}-${tail_info:3:2} ${tail_info:11:8}"
Your use of string indexes is correct, e.g.
fm_head_info="${head_info:6:4}-${head_info:0:2}-${head_info:3:2} ${head_info:11:8}"
fm_tail_info="${tail_info:6:4}-${tail_info:0:2}-${tail_info:3:2} ${tail_info:11:8}"
echo "fm_head_info: $fm_head_info"
echo "fm_tail_info: $fm_tail_info"
Example Use/Output
$ bash
fm_head_info: 2017-05-31 04:27:37
fm_tail_info: 2017-05-31 04:30:57
You can then do something similar with the differences in date -d "$var" +%s as John shows in his answer to arrive at the time difference. Note, string indexes are limited to bash, while a sed solution (absent the herestring) would be portable on all POSIX shells.

Get remaining seconds from input HH:mm in bash (OSX)

I want write a simple bash script. Input is "HH:mm" string and the output is remaining seconds to that time, for example
$ 12:55 # now it's 12:30. so 25 minutes left.
I thought using date command would probably the solution of this. But it seems like it doesn't exist the simple way that I can use.
(Added after checking some answers)
It looks like the date command depends on OS and version.
I use OSX, and the result of the suggested answer is as follows.
$ date -d '12:55' '+%s'
usage: date [-jnu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] ...
[-f fmt date | [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss]] [+format]
The *BSD (and thus OSX) date command has a different option syntax than GNU date, which is ubiquitous on Linux and available on many other platforms (including OSX, with Homebrew, Fink, etc).
now=$(date -j +%s)
then=$(date -j -f '%H:%M' 12:55 +%s)
echo "$((then-now)) seconds left"
For a portable solution, maybe use a portable scripting language instead.
You can do:
ts=$(date -d '12:55' '+%s')
now=$(date '+%s')
This script accepts the target time as a command line argument (accessed in the script as the parameter $1
current_time=$(date +%s)
target_time=$(date +%s --date="$1")
# evaluate the difference using an arithmetic expression
echo "seconds remaining to target time: "$(( target_time - current_time ))
% ./ "22:00"
seconds remaining to target time: 16151
