WebFlux - Execute code after request ended - spring

I want to know, how to execute code that is guaranteed to run after a REST request in WebFlux ended, specifically no matter how the request ended (success, error, cancelling etc) or what exception was thrown.
We have a service that offers long running downloads that export CSV based on a DB stream. We need to restrict the number of requests per tenant and this is currently implemented in the service (yeah, there might be better options).
To do this, we have thread safe counter that is increased when the request starts and should be decreased when the request ends.
Flux<String> exportMeasurements( MeasurementsExportParameter exportParameter ) {
Mono<String> header = Mono.just( csvConverter.getHeader() );
Mono<String> utf8ByteOrderMark = Mono.just( UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK.toString() );
Mono<String> headerWithBom = utf8ByteOrderMark.zipWith( header, String::concat );
parallelDownloadService.increase( exportParameter.getOwnerId() );
Flux<String> data = influxTemplate
.queryChunked( queries, exportServiceProperties.getMeasurements().getQueryChunkSize() )
.publishOn( Schedulers.boundedElastic() )
.map( this::handleQueryError )
.buffer( 2, 1 )
.map( this::convertToCSV )
.doOnCancel( () -> parallelDownloadService.decrease( exportParameter.getOwnerId() ) )
.doOnTerminate( () -> parallelDownloadService.decrease( exportParameter.getOwnerId() ) )
.doOnError( exception -> logError( exception, EXPORT_TYPE_MEASUREMENT ) );
return headerWithBom.concatWith( data );
That works in most cases, but sometimes not. I've been able to reproduce it starting a request via Postman, having a breakpoint when the query starts, then cancelling the request in Postman and then resume the app.
In that case neither doOnCancel, doOnTerminate nor doOnError is called (I added breakpoints). I also tried doFinally which is also not called.
So I read something about cancellation travelling back upstream, not sure if that can be applied here. Is there any obvious reason why that doesn't work?


Is there a step that will not cause an error? bufferTimeout: "Could not emit buffer due to lack of requests"

API: Exception - reactor-code
The example works as follows:
Subscribes to the next one on departure. The incoming data comes from the Rabbit and it will be processed. This can take a relatively long time and the result will send into another Rabbit queue.
Because of bulk processing, I use buffer for 10 elements. If not receive enough elements for 10, I use a timeout (on buffer) to release for processing.
Problem: If processing or rabbit publisher is slow, bufferTimeout not receive "request", when timeout run out bufferTimeout would like to emit. Then I get the following Exception: "Could not emit buffer due to lack of requests"
Since I need all the data, I exclude next method usage: onBackPressureDrop or onBackPressureLatest. Using plain onBackPressure won't be good because it is not forward the received request number. (onBackPressure use request(unbound) not request(n))
Example Kotlin code:
class SpringCloudStreamRabbitProcessor {
fun rabbitFunc() = Function<Flux<Int>, Flux<Int>> {
it.bufferTimeout(10, Duration.ofMinutes(1))
.concatMap { intList ->
// process
.flatMapIterable { intList ->

Jdbi transaction - multiple methods - Resources should be closed

Suppose I want to run two sql queries in a transaction I have code like the below:
jdbi.useHandle(handle -> handle.useTransaction(h -> {
var id = handle.createUpdate("some query")
.mapTo(Long.class).findOne().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No id"));
handle.createUpdate("INSERT INTO SOMETABLE (id) " +
"VALUES (:id , xxx);")
Now as the complexity grows I want to extract each update in into it's own method:
jdbi.useHandle(handle -> handle.useTransaction(h -> {
var id = someQuery1(h);
someQuery2(id, h);
...with someQuery1 looking like:
private Long someQuery1(Handle handle) {
return handle.createUpdate("some query")
.mapTo(Long.class).findOne().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No id"));
Now when I refactor to the latter I get a SonarQube blocker bug on the someQuery1 handle.createUpdate stating:
Resources should be closed
Connections, streams, files, and other
classes that implement the Closeable interface or its super-interface,
AutoCloseable, needs to be closed after use....*
I was under the impression, that because I'm using jdbi.useHandle (and passing the same handle to the called methods) that a callback would be used and immediately release the handle upon return. As per the jdbi docs:
Both withHandle and useHandle open a temporary handle, call your
callback, and immediately release the handle when your callback
Any help / suggestions appreciated.
SonarQube doesn't know any specifics regarding JDBI implementation and just triggers by AutoCloseable/Closable not being closed. Just suppress sonar issue and/or file a feature-request to SonarQube team to improve this behavior.

Gatling : session.isFailed returning true even the previously executed request has succeeded

I was tasked with running some performance tests in order to benchmark our systems. I designed the scenario as below :
var scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Sample Scenario")
exec(<first request>)
.pause(2, 5)
.doIf(session => !session.isFailed) {
70d -> exec(<second request>),
15d -> exec(<third request),
15d -> exec(<fourth request>)
The issue I'm facing cropped up when we were performing fail-over tests in our system. I noticed that during the simulation all of requests stopped executing after the "first request" once a failure was introduced in the system.
I checked the logs and the "first request" was successful and as per my understanding !session.isFailed condition should be true allowing for further execution of the scenario.
Can anyone please share why the condition is being marked as false instead of true?
As per Gatling.io team:
The session keeps its status even after several requests.
As you mentioned, a failure was introduced in the system
One of the primary goals is to have points in your scenario where the virtual user may leave (because of the failure) with exitHereIfFailed
If you want to recover, you should mark your session as succeeded.
var scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Sample Scenario")
exec(session => session.markAsSucceeded) // <---- reset the status
.exec(<first request>)
.pause(2, 5)
.doIf(session => !session.isFailed) {
70d -> exec(<second request>),
15d -> exec(<third request),
15d -> exec(<fourth request>)

Is it possible to avoid .await with Elastic4s

I'm using Elastic4s (Scala Client for ElasticSearch).
I can retrieve multiGet results with await :
val client = HttpClient(ElasticsearchClientUri(esHosts, esPort))
val resp = client.execute {
get(C1) from "mlphi_crm_0/profiles" fetchSourceInclude("crm_events"),
get(C2) from "mlphi_crm_0/profiles" fetchSourceInclude("crm_events"),
get(C3) from "mlphi_crm_0/profiles" fetchSourceInclude("crm_events")
val result = resp.items
But I've read that in practice it's better to avoid this ".await".
How can we do that ? thanks
You shouldn't use .await because you're blocking the thread waiting for the future to return.
Instead you should handle the future like you would any other API that returns futures - whether that be reactive-mongo, akka.ask or whatever.
I realise this is old, but in case anyone else comes across it, the simplest way to handle this would be:
val client = HttpClient(ElasticsearchClientUri(esHosts, esPort))
val respFuture = client.execute {
get(C1) from "mlphi_crm_0/profiles" fetchSourceInclude("crm_events"),
get(C2) from "mlphi_crm_0/profiles" fetchSourceInclude("crm_events"),
get(C3) from "mlphi_crm_0/profiles" fetchSourceInclude("crm_events")
respFuture.map(resp=> ...[do stuff with resp.items])
The key thing here is that your processing actually takes place in a subthread, which Scala takes care of calling for you when, any only when, the data is ready for you. The caller keeps running immediately after respFuture.map(). Whatever your function in map(()=>{}) returns is passed back as a new Future; if you don't need it then use onComplete or andThen as they make error handling a little easier.
See https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html for more details on Futures handling, and https://alvinalexander.com/scala/concurrency-with-scala-futures-tutorials-examples for some good examples

routing files with zeromq (jeromq)

I'm trying to implement a "file dispatcher" on zmq (actually jeromq, I'd rather avoid jni).
What I need is to load balance incoming files to processors:
each file is handled only by one processor
files are potentially large so I need to manage the file transfer
Ideally I would like something like https://github.com/zeromq/filemq but
with a push/pull behaviour rather than publish/subscribe
being able to handle the received file rather than writing it to disk
My idea is to use a mix of taskvent/tasksink and asyncsrv samples.
Client side:
one PULL socket to be notified of a file to be processed
one DEALER socket to handle the (async) file transfer chunk by chunk
Server side:
one PUSH socket to dispatch incoming file (names)
one ROUTER socket to handle file requests
a few DEALER workers managing the file transfers for clients and connected to the router via an inproc proxy
My first question is: does this seem like the right way to go? Anything simpler maybe?
My second question is: my current implem gets stuck on sending out the actual file data.
clients are notified by the server, and issue a request.
the server worker gets the request, and writes the response back to the inproc queue but the response never seems to go out of the server (can't see it in wireshark) and the client is stuck on the poller.poll awaiting the response.
It's not a matter of sockets being full and dropping data, I'm starting with very small files sent in one go.
Any insight?
Following raffian's advice I simplified my code, removing the push/pull extra socket (it does make sense now that you say it)
I'm left with the "non working" socket!
Here's my current code. It has many flaws that are out of scope for now (client ID, next chunk etc..)
For now, I'm just trying to have both guys talking to each other roughly in that sequence
object FileDispatcher extends App
val context = ZMQ.context(1)
// server is the frontend that pushes filenames to clients and receives requests
val server = context.socket(ZMQ.ROUTER)
// backend handles clients requests
val backend = context.socket(ZMQ.DEALER)
// files to dispatch given in arguments
args.toList.foreach { filepath =>
println(s"publish $filepath")
server.send("newfile".getBytes(), ZMQ.SNDMORE)
server.send(filepath.getBytes(), 0)
// multithreaded server: router hands out requests to DEALER workers via a inproc queue
val NB_WORKERS = 1
val workers = List.fill(NB_WORKERS)(new Thread(new ServerWorker(context)))
workers foreach (_.start)
ZMQ.proxy(server, backend, null)
class ServerWorker(ctx: ZMQ.Context) extends Runnable
override def run()
val worker = ctx.socket(ZMQ.DEALER)
while (true)
val zmsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(worker)
zmsg.pop // drop inner queue envelope (?)
val cmd = zmsg.pop //cmd is used to continue/stop
cmd.toString match {
case "get" =>
val file = zmsg.pop.toString
println(s"clientReq: cmd: $cmd , file:$file")
//1- brute force: ignore cmd and send full file in one go!
worker.send("eof".getBytes, ZMQ.SNDMORE) //header indicates this is the last chunk
val bytes = io.Source.fromFile(file).mkString("").getBytes //dirty read, for testing only!
worker.send(bytes, 0)
println(s"${bytes.size} bytes sent for $file: "+new String(bytes))
case x => println("cmd "+x+" not implemented!")
object FileHandler extends App
val context = ZMQ.context(1)
// client is notified of new files then fetches file from server
val client = context.socket(ZMQ.DEALER)
val poller = new ZMQ.Poller(1) //"poll" responses
poller.register(client, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN)
while (true)
val zmsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(client)
val cmd = zmsg.pop
val data = zmsg.pop
// header is the command/action
cmd.toString match {
case "newfile" => startDownload(data.toString)// message content is the filename to fetch
case "chunk" => gotChunk(data.toString, zmsg.pop.getData) //filename, chunk
case "eof" => endDownload(data.toString, zmsg.pop.getData) //filename, last chunk
def startDownload(filename: String)
println("got notification: start download for "+filename)
client.send("get".getBytes, ZMQ.SNDMORE) //command header
client.send(filename.getBytes, 0)
def gotChunk(filename: String, bytes: Array[Byte])
println("got chunk for "+filename+": "+new String(bytes)) //callback the user here
client.send("next".getBytes, ZMQ.SNDMORE)
client.send(filename.getBytes, 0)
def endDownload(filename: String, bytes: Array[Byte])
println("got eof for "+filename+": "+new String(bytes)) //callback the user here
On the client, you don't need PULL with DEALER.
DEALER is PUSH and PULL combined, so use DEALER only, your code will be simpler.
Same goes for the server, unless you're doing something special, you don't need PUSH with ROUTER, router is bidirectional.
the server worker gets the request, and writes the response back to
the inproc queue but the response never seems to go out of the server
(can't see it in wireshark) and the client is stuck on the poller.poll
awaiting the response.
Code Problems
In the server, you're dispatching files with args.toList.foreach before starting the proxy, this is probably why nothing is leaving the server. Start the proxy first, then use it; Also, once you call ZMQProxy(..), the code blocks indefinitely, so you'll need a separate thread to send the filepaths.
The client may have an issue with the poller. The typical pattern for polling is:
ZMQ.Poller items = new ZMQ.Poller (1);
items.register(receiver, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN);
while (true) {
if (items.pollin(0)) {
message = receiver.recv(0);
In the above code, 1) poll until timeout, 2) then check for messages, and if available, 3) get with receiver.recv(0). But in your code, you poll then drop into recv() without checking. You need to check if the poller has messages for that polled socket before calling recv(), otherwise, the receiver will hang if there's no messages.
