Keep asking for the keychain login password - macos

In this Mac is keep asking for the login keychain password, and this happens after I've set the proxies for the wifi.

For this,
Open Keychain application in mac
Then Goto login
Then Delete (option is available after right-click) that IP address or function that is in double-quotes of the prompt.


Continuous Delivery server always asks for a password to the keychain

What can I do to prevent it from asking about password for the keychain when app is build with CI.
If I don't do this, then pipeline will finish with errors.
Should I add ssh private key and then dialog will never appear?
Find apropriate item in keychain items and uncheck Ask for Keychain password.
Remember to Save Changes
And voilla!😀
You can unlock the keychain from command line in your build scripts using:
security unlock-keychain -p password ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db

Xcode wants to access "Xcode-AlternateDSID" in keychain

When I start Xcode, I now get the message 'Xcode wants to access "Xcode-AlternateDSID" in keychain'.
What does that mean? Should I accept?
So it's asking for your keychain login password — which may be the same as your computer login, or not. I ended up changing my keychain login password, but it accepted my computer login as valid. Here's some info on keychain login password, here's some info on how to reset that.

Blanked a Win10 password but cannot login

Okay, I think I did something stupid here. I had forgotten my Win10 user account (steph) Password. This is an admin account.
1) Using a Linux-type usb-boot utility, I've been able to blank the password. Upon reboot, I entered a blank password but I still cannot login, it seems that my account physically on the computer now doesn't match my Hotmail credentials -or something- and I'm still locked out.
2) Using the same Linux usb boot utility, I've unlocked the 'Administrator' account. Now I can login using the 'Administrator' account but from the Control Panel, I cannot change my own user account (steph) password, the option for it is just not there (perhaps it's because the password is believed to be blank?)
3) Later I've been able to find the piece of paper on which I wrote my original password for my own account.
Q: Is there's a way to set my original password back to what it was in order to unlock my account?
Many Linux usb boot utilities can work with local account only. I suggest you set up a new Microsoft account on your PC, and point it to your old profile directory. Then remove your original Microsoft account from Control Panel.

Unable to change private key access: Please attempt to unlock ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain from Keychain Access

I have a private key in the login Keychain that I need to update the access control on. When attempting to save, I am asked for a password that has never been set; from reading, this is a common issue with the upgrade to El Capitan. I have ensured that the correct boxes are checked to synch the login Keychain password to the account password; I have tried changing the password (which does update the Keychain password as I am asked for it when next going into Keychain and it is accepted); I have tried running the First Aid and I get the following error:
Checked settings for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Keychain can't be unlocked automatically. Please attempt to unlock ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain from Keychain Access.
Unable to change password for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain. Please change password using Edit > Change Password for Keychain.
I need to be able to change the access to the private key to allow the CI to build an app from the command line.
I have been reading support forums for several hours and have been unable to find any form of solution; even deleting the keychain and rebuilding it is not guaranteed to work.
Has anyone found a solution to this issue? Is there a way to unlock ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain from Keychain Access?
I ended up wiping the server clean and re-installing from scratch. Not a great solution (i.e. a terrible resort, not a solution at all) but could not find any alternatives.

How Skype "protects" its password in keychain on Mac OS?

When I open skype entry on keychain, and try to set Show Password checkbox, password is not shown, checkbox becomes unchecked.
This behavior described here and here.
If I run
security find-generic-password -ga .token.0
from Terminal App , in line password I see
long 48-digit hexadecimal number and string, like this:
If I run this terminal command for any other keychain entry, where I can see password through checking checkbox in Keychain App, it prints readable passowrd on this line.
I tried to get password programmatically using SSKeychain class, and I get nil.
What API/technology Skype uses for such protection of its password?
I want to use this technique in my app to protect my passwords.
