Convert FHIR model into FHIR JSON schema - hl7-fhir

Let's say below is the FHIR model I have in C# for Patient resource.
var pat = new Patient();
var name = new HumanName().WithGiven("Christopher").WithGiven("C.H.").AndFamily("Parks");
name.Prefix = new string[] { "Mr." };
name.Use = HumanName.NameUse.Official;
How do I convert this into FHIR JSON Schema? Basically I want to serialize it. I am expecting the output like below
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "xcda",
"text": {
"status": "generated",
"div": "<div xmlns=\"\"></div>"
"active": true,
"name": [
"family": "Levin",
"given": [
"gender": "male",
"birthDate": "1932-09-24",
"managingOrganization": {
"reference": "Organization/2.16.840.1.113883.19.5",
"display": "Good Health Clinic"
Also, I want to know is it possible to achieve this without using any FHIR external servers?


Delete existing Records if they are not in sent array Rails 5 API

I need help on how to delete records that exist in the DB but not in array sent in a request;
My Array:
{ "id": "509",
"name": "Motions move great",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Tywan",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportations Gracious",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportation part",
"url_path": ""
"name": "Motions kkk",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Transportations",
"url_path": ""
Below is my implementation: where am going wrong?
#topics ={|m|}
#delete= #topics
puts #delete
if Topic.where.not('id IN(?)', #topics).any?
#topics.each do |topic|
it's not clear to me where, in your code, you pick the ids sent in the array you showed before... so I'm assuming like this:
objects_sent = [
{ "id": "509",
"name": "Motions move great",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Tywan",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportations Gracious",
"url_path": ""
"title": "Transportation part",
"url_path": ""
"name": "Motions kkk",
"body": "",
"subtopics": [
"title": "Transportations",
"url_path": ""
since you have your array like this, the only information you need to query on database is the ids (also, assuming the id's in the array are the id's on database, otherwise it wouldn't make sense). You can get them like this:
sent_ids ={|o| o['id'].to_i}
Also, it seems to me that, for the code you showed, you want to destroy them based on a specific course. There would be 2 ways to do that. First, using the relationship (I prefer like this one):
#course.topics.where.not(id: sent_ids).destroy_all
Or you can do the query directly on the Topic model, but passing the course_id param:
Topic.where(course_id: sent_ids).destroy_all
ActiveRecord is smart enough to mount that query correctly in both ways. Give it a test and see which works better for you

Compare two JSON arrays using two or more columns values in Dataweave 2.0

I had a task where I needed to compare and filter two JSON arrays based on the same values using one column of each array. So I used this answer of this question.
However, now I need to compare two JSON arrays matching two, or even three columns values.
I already tried to use one map inside other, however, it isn't working.
The examples could be the ones in the answer I used. Compare db.code = file.code, = file.nm and = file.identity
var db = [
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
var file = [
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta",
"CODE": "D12"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie",
"CODE": "C11"
See if this works for you
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var file = [
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta",
"CODE": "D12"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie",
"CODE": "C11"
var db = [
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
file flatMap(v) -> (
db filter (v.IDENTITY == $.ID and v.NM == $.NAME and v.CODE == $.CODE)
Using flatMap instead of map to flatten otherwise will get array of arrays in the output which is cleaner unless you are expecting a possibility of multiple matches per file entry, in which case I'd stick with map.
You can compare objects in DW directly, so the solution you linked can be modified to the following:
%dw 2.0
import * from dw::core::Arrays
output application/json
var db = [
"CODE": "A11",
"NAME": "Alpha",
"ID": "C10000"
"CODE": "B12",
"NAME": "Bravo",
"ID": "B20000"
"CODE": "C11",
"NAME": "Charlie",
"ID": "C30000"
"CODE": "D12",
"NAME": "Delta",
"ID": "D40000"
"CODE": "E12",
"NAME": "Echo",
"ID": "E50000"
var file = [
"IDENTITY": "D40000",
"NM": "Delta",
"CODE": "D12"
"IDENTITY": "C30000",
"NM": "Charlie",
"CODE": "C11"
db partition (e) -> file contains {IDENTITY:e.ID,NM:e.NAME,CODE:e.CODE}
You can make use of filter directly and using contains
db filter(value) -> file contains {IDENTITY: value.ID, NM: value.NAME, CODE: value.CODE}
This tells you to filter the db array based on if the file contains the object {IDENTITY: value.ID, NM: value.NAME, CODE: value.CODE}. However, this will not work if objects in the file array has other fields that you will not use for comparison. Using above, you can update filter condition to check if an object in file array exist (using data selector) where the condition applies. You can use below to check that.
db filter(value) -> file[?($.IDENTITY==value.ID and $.NM == value.NAME and $.CODE == value.CODE)] != null

Data from geoJSON API call in Larvel 5.8

I am trying to retrieve data from the API - it returns the format in geoJSON and I am not sure how to actually get the data I want from it.
If I am using the API, I have no issues as it returns JSON format in which I can pull from rather easily.
I am using GuzzleHTTP to make the API call.
I am playing around with learning APIs and I have an interest in weather so I figured I would work on an application in which I could pull information from the local weather station and output it in to readable format for users in a table.
The code I am currently using is:
$api_call =,LON;
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$request = $client->get($api_call);
if ($request->getStatusCode() == 200) {
$weatherRequest = $request->getBody();
$requestedWeather = json_decode($weatherRequest);
$currentweather = $requestedWeather; ** THIS IS WHERE I NEED HELP ***
return $currentweather;
return view('currentweather', ["currentweather" => $currentweather]);
When I am returning $currentweather and var_dump it to the view, it gives me all the geoJSON data but I don't know how to correctly iterate through the data to pull the information I need.
When I pull from another API it gives a different JSON format which I can just pull like so:
$api_call = https://api.weatherbit.xx/v2.0/current?
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$request = $client->get($api_call);
if ($request->getStatusCode() == 200) {
$weatherRequest = $request->getBody();
$requestedWeather = json_decode($weatherRequest);
$currentweather = $requestedWeather->data;
return $currentweather;
return view('currentweather', ["currentweather" => $currentweather]);
And when I use $currentweather in my view I can pull any data I need with the object string name. I am not sure how to pull the data when it's leading off with the #Context tag.
The data I want lies in the "properties" part of the geoJSON array and I just can't seem to figure out how to get that in the way I am currently using.
This is my geoJSON array return:
{ "#context": [ "", { "wx": "", "s": "", "geo": "", "unit": "", "#vocab": "", "geometry":
{ "#id": "s:GeoCoordinates", "#type": "geo:wktLiteral" }, "city": "s:addressLocality", "state": "s:addressRegion", "distance": { "#id": "s:Distance", "#type": "s:QuantitativeValue" }, "bearing": { "#type": "s:QuantitativeValue" }, "value": { "#id": "s:value" }, "unitCode":
{ "#id": "s:unitCode", "#type": "#id" }, "forecastOffice": { "#type": "#id" }, "forecastGridData": { "#type": "#id" }, "publicZone": { "#type": "#id" }, "county": { "#type": "#id" } } ], "id": ",xxx", "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ xxx, xxx ] }, "properties":
{ "#id": ",xxx", "#type": "wx:Point", "cwa": "xxx", "forecastOffice": "", "gridX": 86, "gridY": 77, "forecast": ",xx/forecast", "forecastHourly": ",xx/forecast/hourly", "forecastGridData": ",xx", "observationStations": ",xx/stations", "relativeLocation":
{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ xxx, xxx ] }, "properties": { "city": "xxx", "state": "xx", "distance": { "value": xxxx.xxxxxxxxx, "unitCode": "unit:m" }, "bearing": { "value": 150, "unitCode": "unit:degrees_true" } } }, "forecastZone": "", "county": "", "fireWeatherZone": "", "timeZone": "America/New_York", "radarStation": "xxxx" } }
Thanks for your help!
Any member of the JSON object can be accessed via the same name on the object returned by json_decode. Your weatherbit example $requestedWeather->data works because everything is in a member called data. So... $requestedWeather->properties will get you what you want from the API.
You can also pass true as a second argument to json_decode to get back a plain PHP array instead.
$requestedWeather = json_decode($weatherRequest, true);
This is often recommended because JSON allows member names that are not valid PHP object property names (e.g., names containing hyphens).

How do I add Immunization to an FHIR Transaction Bundle?

I have downloaded some DSTU2 patient bundles from I am trying to upload the data to an FHIR test server. My code (using fhir-net-api) loops through several files and compils them into a single transaction bundle. I've included the segment of code below that builds the transaction bundle below.
The problem is that the immunization entries do not have fullUrl element. I thought I was missing a step in in my loop, but according to, the immunization entry doesn't even support a fullUrl element.
If I build a custom patient with just a few demographic details the process works, so I am guessing that I need to make some alteration to the Immunization entries but I cannot find an example transaction bundle that includes immunization data.
public Bundle ParseTestData(List<string> list) //File data as string in list
var parser = new FhirJsonParser();
var parsedBundles = new List<Bundle>();
var transactionBundle = new Bundle()
Id = "test-data-bundle",
Type = Bundle.BundleType.Transaction
foreach (var str in list)
Bundle bundle = parser.Parse<Bundle>(str);
catch (Exception e){/*cut for brevity*/}
foreach (var bundle in parsedBundles)
foreach (var entry in bundle.Entry)
entry.Request = new Bundle.RequestComponent
Method = Bundle.HTTPVerb.POST,
Url = "urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
return transactionBundle;
My struggle here isn't the c# code. I simply don't know how to structure this data in the bundle properly.
Here is a bit of JSON from the source file.
"fullUrl": "urn:uuid:05374078-2d51-4c7e-a562-273b030ba019",
"resource": {
"id": "05374078-2d51-4c7e-a562-273b030ba019",
"status": "finished",
"class": "outpatient",
"type": [
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "170258001"
"text": "Outpatient Encounter"
"patient": {
"reference": "urn:uuid:0d88250d-63c6-4ce5-aedb-91d64fa09838"
"period": {
"start": "2011-09-25T02:18:02-04:00",
"end": "2011-09-25T03:18:02-04:00"
"serviceProvider": {
"reference": "urn:uuid:a602f5c0-26a5-4288-b83d-39abc341757d"
"resourceType": "Encounter"
"resource": {
"status": "completed",
"date": "2011-09-25T02:18:02-04:00",
"vaccineCode": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "08",
"display": "Hep B, adolescent or pediatric"
"text": "Hep B, adolescent or pediatric"
"patient": {
"reference": "urn:uuid:0d88250d-63c6-4ce5-aedb-91d64fa09838"
"wasNotGiven": false,
"reported": false,
"encounter": {
"reference": "urn:uuid:05374078-2d51-4c7e-a562-273b030ba019"
"resourceType": "Immunization"
fullUrl lives in the Bundle resource, not in Immunization. Bundles have an array of "entry" elements. Each "entry" (for a transaction request) then contains a "fullUrl", a "resource" and a "request" element. The content for the Immunization goes inside the "resource" element. You can see an example here: (Just stick your immunization content where the Patient content is.)

How to group by Graphql query result

I have a following GraphQL query
query {
Result: querydata {
that returns me the following data
"data": {
"Result": [
"name": "Class1",
"code": "ST1",
"description": "Value"
"name": "Class1",
"code": "ST2",
"description": "Value"
"name": "Class2",
"code": "FS1",
"description": "Value"
"name": "Class2",
"code": "FS2",
"description": "Value"
In this data, I have a name field that either be "Class1" or "Class2". I wan't to group this data in a way that I can have Class1 and Class2 data separated. Is there any way of doing this. I could have achieved this by running 2 separate queries by providing a name filter but lets say I don't have that option.
I want to transform the result as follow
"data": {
"Result": [
"Class1": [
"code": "ST1",
"description": "Value"
"code": "ST2",
"description": "Value"
"Class2": [
"code": "FS1",
"description": "Value"
"code": "FS2",
"description": "Value"
What you are describing is something that should either happen on the client side or allow your query type to receive a name option that you use to return the propper class, then the query below would work for what you are needing assuming it was able to lookup the name of the querydata
query {
Class1: querydata(name: "Class1") {
Class2: querydata(name: "Class2") {
