Multi-Class Document Classification with both known and un-known classes - text-classification

Currently, I am building a multi-class document classifier which has to classify either 3 known classes, namely "Financial Report", "Insurance_Sheet", "Endorsement", and 1 unknown class which is "Random Doc".
The following methods have been trialed, but did not prove a good result as quite a number of random documents have been classified as the known classes: "Financial Report", "Insurance_Sheet", "Endorsement".
Method 1: TD-IDF + Linear SVC
Method 2: Word2Vec for word embedding, then average those word-embedding to get the embedding vector for each document then feed to a classification model.
Method 3: Doc2Vec to get the embedding vector for each document and then feed to a classification model.
Can you help suggest a good approach for this case ? Thanks a lot.


Doc2vec - About getting document vector

I'm a very new student of doc2vec and have some questions about document vector.
What I'm trying to get is a vector of phrase like 'cat-like mammal'.
So, what I've tried so far is by using doc2vec pre-trained model, I tried the code below
import gensim.models as g
model = "path/pre-trained doc2vec model.bin"
m = g. Doc2vec.load(model)
oneword = 'cat'
phrase = 'cat like mammal'
oneword_vec = m[oneword]
phrase_vec = m[phrase_vec]
When I tried this code, I could get a vector for one word 'cat', but not 'cat-like mammal'.
Because word2vec only provide the vector for one word like 'cat' right? (If I'm wrong, plz correct me)
So I've searched and found infer_vector() and tried the code below
phrase = phrase.lower().split(' ')
phrase_vec = m.infer_vector(phrase)
When I tried this code, I could get a vector, but every time I get different value when I tried
phrase_vec = m.infer_vector(phrase)
Because infer_vector has 'steps'.
When I set steps=0, I get always the same vector.
phrase_vec = m.infer_vector(phrase, steps=0)
However, I also found that document vector is obtained from averaging words in document.
like if the document is composed of three words, 'cat-like mammal', add three vectors of 'cat', 'like', 'mammal', and then average it, that would be the document vector. (If I'm wrong, plz correct me)
So here are some questions.
Is it the right way to use infer_vector() with 0 steps to getting a vector of phrase?
If it is the right averaging vector of words to get document vector, is there no need to use infer_vector()?
What is a model.docvecs for?
Using 0 steps means no inference at all happens: the vector stays at its randomly-initialized position. So you definitely don't want that. That the vectors for the same text vary a little each time you run infer_vector() is normal: the algorithm is using randomness. The important thing is that they're similar-to-each-other, within a small tolerance. You are more likely to make them more similar (but still not identical) with a larger steps value.
You can see also an entry about this non-determinism in Doc2Vec training or inference in the gensim FAQ.
Averaging word-vectors together to get a doc-vector is one useful technique, that might be good as a simple baseline for many purposes. But it's not the same as what Doc2Vec.infer_vector() does - which involves iteratively adjusting a candidate vector to be better and better at predicting the text's words, just like Doc2Vec training. For your doc-vector to be comparable to other doc-vectors created during model training, you should use infer_vector().
The model.docvecs object holds all the doc-vectors that were learned during model training, for lookup (by the tags given as their names during training) or other operations, like finding the most_similar() N doc-vectors to a target tag/vector amongst those learned during training.

Is there any way to get the vocabulary size from doc2vec model?

I am using gensim doc2vec. I want know if there is any efficient way to know the vocabulary size from doc2vec. One crude way is to count the total number of words, but if the data is huge(1GB or more) then this won't be an efficient way.
If model is your trained Doc2Vec model, then the number of unique word tokens in the surviving vocabulary after applying your min_count is available from:
The number of trained document tags is available from:
The return data type of vocab is a dictionary. Use keys() as follows:
This should return a list of words.
An update for gensim version 4. You can have the vocabulary size with:
vocab_len = len(model.wv) # 👍
See this Migrating to Gensim 4.0 page

In general, when does TF-IDF reduce accuracy?

I'm training a corpus consisting of 200000 reviews into positive and negative reviews using a Naive Bayes model, and I noticed that performing TF-IDF actually reduced the accuracy (while testing on test set of 50000 reviews) by about 2%. So I was wondering if TF-IDF has any underlying assumptions on the data or model that it works with, i.e. any cases where accuracy is reduced by the use of it?
The IDF component of TF*IDF can harm your classification accuracy in some cases.
Let suppose the following artificial, easy classification task, made for the sake of illustration:
Class A: texts containing the word 'corn'
Class B: texts not containing the word 'corn'
Suppose now that in Class A, you have 100 000 examples and in class B, 1000 examples.
What will happen to TFIDF? The inverse document frequency of corn will be very low (because it is found in almost all documents), and the feature 'corn' will get a very small TFIDF, which is the weight of the feature used by the classifier. Obviously, 'corn' was THE best feature for this classification task. This is an example where TFIDF may reduce your classification accuracy. In more general terms:
when there is class imbalance. If you have more instances in one class, the good word features of the frequent class risk having lower IDF, thus their best features will have a lower weight
when you have words with high frequency that are very predictive of one of the classes (words found in most documents of that class)
You can heuristically determine whether the usage of IDF on your training data decreases your predictive accuracy by performing grid search as appropriate.
For example, if you are working in sklearn, and you want to determine whether IDF decreases the predictive accuracy of your model, you can perform a grid search on the use_idf parameter of the TfidfVectorizer.
As an example, this code would implement the gridsearch algorithm on the selection of IDF for classification with SGDClassifier (you must import all the objects being instantiated first):
# import all objects first
X = # your training data
y = # your labels
pipeline = Pipeline([('tfidf',TfidfVectorizer()),
params = {'tfidf__use_idf':(False,True)}
gridsearch = GridSearch(pipeline,params),y)
The output would be either:
Parameters selected as the best fit:
{'tfidf__use_idf': False}
{'tfidf__use_idf': True}
TF-IDF as far as I understand is a feature. TF is term frequency i.e. frequency of occurence in a document. IDF is inverse document frequncy i.e frequency of documents in which the term occurs.
Here, the model is using the TF-IDF info in the training corpus to estimate the new documents. For a very simple example, Say a document with word bad has pretty high term frequency of word bad in training set will sentiment label as negative. So, any new document containing bad will be more likely to be negative.
For the accuracy you can manaually select training corpus which contains mostly used negative or positive words. This will boost the accuracy.

How to get word vectors from a gensim Doc2Vec?

I trained a gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec model
d2v_model = Doc2Vec(sentences, size=100, window=8, min_count=5, workers=4)
and I can get document vectors by
docvec = d2v_model.docvecs[0]
How can I get word vectors from trained model ?
Doc2Vec inherits from Word2Vec, and thus you can access word vectors the same as in Word2Vec, directly by indexing the model:
wv = d2v_model['apple']
Note, however, that a Doc2Vec training mode like pure DBOW (dm=0) doesn't need or create word vectors. (Pure DBOW still works pretty well and fast for many purposes!) If you do access word vectors from such a model, they'll just be the automatic randomly-initialized vectors, with no meaning.
Only when the Doc2Vec mode itself co-trains word-vectors, as in the DM mode (default dm=1) or when adding optional word-training to DBOW (dm=0, dbow_words=1), are word-vectors and doc-vectors both learned simultaneously.
If you want to get all the trained doc vectors, you can easily use
model.docvecs.doctag_syn0. If you want to get the indexed doc, you can use model.docvecs[i].
If you are training a Word2Vec model, you can get model.wv.syn0.
If you want to get more, check this github issue link: (

Confusion Matrix of Bayesian Network

I'm trying to understand bayesian network. I have a data file which has 10 attributes, I want to acquire the confusion table of this data table ,I thought I need to calculate tp,fp, fn, tn of all fields. Is it true ? if it's then what i need to do for bayesian network.
Really need some guidance, I'm lost.
The process usually goes like this:
You have some labeled data instances
which you want to use to train a
classifier, so that it can predict
the class of new unlabeled instances.
Using your classifier
of choice (neural networks, bayes
net, SVM, etc...) we build a
model with your training data
as input.
At this point, you usually would like
to evaluate the performance of the
model before deploying it. So using a
previously unused subset of the data
(test set), we compare the model
classification for these instances
against that of the actual class. A
good way to summarize these results
is by a confusion matrix which shows
how each class of instances is
For binary classification tasks, the convention is to assign one class as positive, and the other as negative. Thus from the confusion matrix, the percentage of positive instances that are correctly classified as positive is know as the True Positive (TP) rate. The other definitions follows the same convention...
Confusion matrix is used to evaluate the performance of a classifier, any classifier.
What you are asking is a confusion matrix with more than two classes.
Here is the steps how you do:
Build a classifier for each class, where the training set consists of
the set of documents in the class (positive labels) and its
complement (negative labels).
Given the test document, apply each classifier separately.
Assign the document to the class with the maximum score, the
maximum confidence value, or the maximum probability
Here is the reference for the paper you can have more information:
Picca, Davide, Benoît Curdy, and François Bavaud.2006.Non-linear correspondence analysis in text retrieval: A kernel view. In Proc. JADT.
