I recently deleted a lot of cards. Is there a way in Domo to identify recently deleted cards/reports? Thank you very much.
Unfortunately, there is no option to see the cards you deleted. One thing you may do is reach out to the Domo Support team if the card settings are available somewhere.
The Activity Log (https://instancename.domo.com/admin/logging) will show you any cards that have been deleted.
You can filter to 'Type' = 'Deleted card' to find them, then to get the card IDs you can download the filtered list as a csv file from the UI.
If by any chance the Activity Log is not enabled in your instance you can request this via Support / CSM.
I'm trying to get the distribution list of people/members inside the Outlook add-in.
That distribution/contact list is not the "group" as it was created inside the "Outlook People" section using the option to create "New contact list" as described on the image below:
I can see that list is created and listed at "Your contact lists" like on the following image:
And it can be added as the recipient in the mail as can be seen on the next image:
But I couldn't find a proper API for getting that data neither using the OfficeJS nor the Graph API. I saw some suggestions to fetch the "groups" using the Graph API endpoint: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups, but once again, this is only a (distribution) list of contacts, not a group.
I'd appreciate it if someone from the MSFT team has a suggestion on how to solve this by providing a solution for getting 3 things:
Get the list of distribution/contact lists
Get the members of a specific contact list
Check if the recipient has a mail or is just a contact list without a mail
Thanks 😊
I up your question as I'm also looking for the answer to your question, unfortunately I do not have enough reputation to increase the up value. Not sure if you have come to a solution?
I understand that you mentioned that the 'groups' here does not imply 'Memberships' in Outlook. Just wondering if you have tested the API and come to this conclusion? I tried this Graph Explorer, however I have permission issues so I could not verify.
Get the members of a specific contact list
Get the list of distribution/contact lists
If 'distribution list' is 'contacts' under contacts folder as suggested by MSFT, will the following API work? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-contacts?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
I am trying to track clicks on the phone number on the website. After I set up the trigger using following settings:
Trigger Type: all elements;
Page URL: contains "tel:" ;
Click Text: contains "13";
With these settings, the trigger is firing correctly on the desktop but isn't working on mobile.
I tried to use only "Page URL"/"Text Only"/"Form Text"/"Form contains" as conditions for the trigger to fire, but all attempts are unsuccessful. I also tried to use "Just Links" as a trigger type but it's not helping.
I also tested the URL in different mobile browsers (chrome/safari) and emulator. With an emulator, the tag is firing correctly but it's not working on the
Please have a look at the preview to see the page and tracking I am talking about:
I appreciate your advice on what is the problem and how it can be fixed.
Actually, better way of doing this to set generic trigger in GTM, then you will be able to track any phones on your website:
1) Enable built-in variable Click Element (if you already have it, you can skip this step)
2) Create trigger, which will fire for all links which have tel:***** (it can be any phone).
CSS selector on the screenshot is a[href*="tel:"]
3) Create a tag, which will send data to GA
4) Check your events in GA.
Keep in mind that it might take a couple of hours to appear in Behaviour-> Events tab. Or you can check it immediately in Real Time -> Events tab
I just found out that in order to identify an event it is safer to look at how the data layer is changing after the action rather than on the "Variable" tab.
By doing so, you can see what data is actually going to google analytics, and it is more stable to use it as an ID for a trigger to fire.
In my case, I've had only elementURL that was pushed back to the datalayer. I used the parameter elementID equals "tel:xxxxxx" to make the tracker work. Hope it will help (just put your number instead of x).
I made a PHP script last month to retrieve my application's statistiques. Everything works well but since the 1st December, the CSV output downloaded has changed. Indeed, before the 1st Dec I had the followings columns :
Date,Package Name,Current Device Installs,Daily Device Installs,Daily Device Uninstalls,Daily Device Upgrades,Current User Installs,Total User Installs,Daily User Installs,Daily User Uninstalls,Active Device Installs
Now I have :
Date,Package Name,Daily Device Installs,Daily Device Uninstalls,Daily Device Upgrades,Total User Installs,Daily User Installs,Daily User Uninstalls,Active Device Installs
I thinks Google changed theirs output datas, but if they change that every month, that will not good for my automatic script.
If someone has informations about this changes, that can help me.
Have a good day,
You can read in this documentation that Google periodically update the Google Analytics in order to deliver new features and to repair defects discovered in previous versions. In most cases, these changes will be transparent to API developers. Take note that, "However, occasionally we need to make changes that require developers to modify their existing applications."
If you think it is a bug, you create an issue in the issues tracker. The proper person from Google team will look into your issue there, and will check if it really is a bug or not.
Official response of Google -> https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/7003402#active_devices
I don't see any updates to the github for 8 months: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/uiautomator/
There are uiautomator defects filed in https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list?can=2&q=uiautomator
Is it safe to say that Google has dropped support for this tool?
PS: Is there an email address or contact # that I could get this information from a Google representative?
A quick check shows that the members are still assigning the bugs and enhancements. Check this one for example:
I don't think it is being dropped.
I am working on mailchimp integration.
I need to pull campaign stats (opens and clicks) and put it in my local database.
Using mailchimp api i am getting the list of all the users with their action taken.
But my issue is how to keep data sync at all time.
Is there any way to skip that data from mailchimp api that i had synced already.
The problem is the entire data set can change between calls and there is no 'since' parameter... The only way to get an updated picture is to query all records and update....
Keeping stat "data synced at all times" really would just depend on your solution (have it query for updates when you/your users access that section...)
You could expidite the update process by keeping track of previous calls/updates with the timestamp (keep track of the timestamp and only update/add records that are newer than the last sync... )
As I said, there is currently no "since" command for the campaignEmailStatsAIMAll method (and no direct equivelent in the export API...)
A 'since' parameter would actually be a good feature... So if coding your own solution to track updates via the timestamp is undesirable, you may want to ask the question in the google group or post a feature request in the google code project:
EDIT: I just opened the feature request as it may solve a similar issue for an upcomming project: