Laravel cashier swapping taking immediate effect - laravel

As per the documentation swap() method swap the current subscription with the new one on the next billing date, means after end of current plan. And swapAndInvoice() will take immediate effect without waiting for the current plan to end.
But the swap() method is not working as described. It is taking immediate effect.
$subscription_result = $user->subscription('primary')->swap('new_price_id');
This is what I am using to swap subscription.
Plan A :- 3 days ($3)
Plan B :- 7 days ($7)
User subscribed to Plan A on 25th March, next billing cycle is on 28th March.
User changed subscription to Plan B on 25th March, it should take effect on 28th (using swap() method). But it is taking effect immediately and showing next billing cycle is on 1st April.
I have tried using swapAndInvoice() instead of swap(), but both the methods are giving same output, no difference.

The reason for this behavior is not related to the swap() method specifically, but instead to how Subscription upgrades and downgrades behave. When you update a subscription to a price with a different interval than the previous price (like with your example a 3 day interval vs. 7 day interval), then the billing_cycle_anchor will be reset immediately and a new invoice will be generated. The swapAndInvoice() method will cut a new invoice at the time of the Subscription update regardless of whether the intervals of the price update stay the same. Whereas just using swap() in the case where the interval of the two prices are the same would result in an invoice not being created until the next natural billing cycle.
The Stripe API way to accomplish your use-case here would be to utilize Subscription Schedules. However, Cashier may not support this feature directly.

I ran into this same issue, but might have found a workaround. I'm still testing it myself so bear that in mind.
In short, it's not Cashier that's the issue, Stripe's default behaviour when billing period changes in a subscription is to charge immediately. (If it was the same billing period however, it would charge in the future. Unfortunately not what we need here.)
However, Stripe is designed to handle multiple subscriptions per user! Cashier auth()->user()->subscription() will always pull their most recent subscription so it works nicely.
Cancel their existing subscription (stripe will attach a "grace period" until their scheduled expiry date).
Get default payment method
Create a new subscription (with a trial period of however long was left on the last subscription. You'll need this date saved somewhere).
I added 'proration_behavior' => 'none' as $subscriptionOptions (dug in the code to find create() accepts more than one parameter). Unsure if this is what made the difference, but haven't tested yet without it.
You will have to manage the actual "expiration date" yourself somewhere, which is fine because you will need this date somewhere for #3 anyways. Just ensure your date updating is accurate.
Code Ex.
$payment_method = auth()->user()->defaultPaymentMethod()->id;
auth()->user()->newSubscription('default', $plan->stripe_plan_id)
->create($payment_method, [], ['proration_behavior' => 'none']);
return redirect()->route('billing')->withMessage('Subscription successfully changed');
Note: Your "trial_ends_at" date under subscriptions table will be inaccurate. I'm recommend using "trial_ends_at" under users table which isn't tied to payments when a user registers.


NEAR Marketplace - Timed Auction Functionality

We're building a marketplace in NEAR. We have two smart contracts for token and marketplace. Same as NEAR example.
In our platform, we have successfully implemented below features:
Token mint (used contract method: nft_mint)
Token listing for sale at Fixed Price in marketplace (used contract methods: storage_deposit nft_approve)
Token purchase (used contract method: offer)
Apply creator royalty at mint time.
Apply service fee (Transaction fee of Marketplace) on each sale.
Everything is working fine.
Now, we would like to implement the Timed Auction Functionality
Creator can create NFT’s to be sold as an auction so that buyers can bid on them to get a higher price.
Method:- Sell to the highest bidder: where the highest bid wins at the end.
Making a bid on this kind of auction is like making an offer on a fixed-price listing. The seller can choose to accept it at any time, but the buyer will near of the amount of bid to create a bid.
How we can implement the Timed Auction Functionality with Marketplace
Do we have any documentation or example for the
Timed Auction Functionality?
Example of OpenSea's Timed Auction Functionality:
You can't do that directly from within a contract since the contract does not run all the time you will have to call function trough something like or your own.
Contracts perceive time trough current execution so when a function is called env::block_timestamp_ms() within said fn would give us the current time of execution, you can subtract time from it to get some time in the past. We can do manual checks like is the time stamp past this than do that or the less accurate is the blockheight above certain threshold but all this will have to be executed within a function that needs to be called.
I will preface this post by saying that this is how I would go about solving this in a simple way. There are more complex solutions out there but I'll try and keep it relatively simple. (scroll to the bottom for a TLDR).
Here's a solution to the timed auction functionality. In the marketplace example that you posted, what you'll want to do is store two extra fields in the sale object indicating the desired length of the auction as well as the time when the sale was listed.
Whenever NFTs are put for sale (in the nft_on_approve function), you'll need to add the current block_timestamp (which will give you the number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch). You'll also need to store the desired length of the auction which is up to you as to how you would like to implement that. It can be time in nanoseconds, milliseconds, seconds, days, either since the Unix epoch or the actual desired duration of the auction.
Once your sale object contains both these new fields, all you would need to do is whenever an offer is made, check if the current block timestamp is within the desired auction length. If it is, proceed, if it's not panic. Since the marketplace can't constantly be polling to see if the auction is finished, a common approach is to use the functionality I described above:
You either bid on the NFT before the timestamp or you didn't. If you did, your bid is accepted, if you don't, it panics.
At this point, there is no way for the marketplace to automatically transfer the NFT to the highest bidder the second the auction closes (due to the marketplace's inability to poll). My suggestion here would be to have a claim function that the highest bidder must call if they want the NFT transferred to them. You can get spicy with this and have timeouts whereby if it isn't claimed within 5 days, the original owner can claim it back but for the sake of simplicity, let's not get into that.
As for the bidding mechanic, there's many different ways you can do this. I'll go over one of the more simple approaches. Currently, when a sale is listed with sale conditions, the NFT can only be purchased for more than or equal to the price as shown here. What you'll want to do is store active bids in the sale object.
You'll need to store both the current highest bidder as well as their bid amount. This will be initialized to empty when the NFT is listed and then once an offer is made for less than the desired list price, it's considered a bid. Bids will only be added if they are less than the desired price and greater than the highest current bid. If the offer is more than the list price, the NFT is automatically sold and the purchase is processed.
Combining everything I've outlined so far in a TLDR:
What you would need to add as a minimum PoC to the sales object:
Store desired length of auction (in whatever format you want)
Store date of listing
Store current highest bidder
Store current highest bid
Listing mechanics:
When a sale is listed, set the date of listing and the desired length of the auction.
Offer mechanics:
make sure the attached deposit is greater than the current highest bid (if none, make sure it's >= 0).
If the attached deposit is greater than the list price, process the purchase. If it's not, add it as the current highest bid.
Make sure that the any offers are made within the desired length of the auction. If they aren't panic, if they are, you're good to go.
If somebody is outbid, make sure you refund them for their deposit!
Claim mechanics:
Claims can only be made if the auction time has passed. Only the highest bidder can claim the NFT. Once claimed, the purchase is processed.

Laravel Cashier incrementQuantity() tidy invoicing

Has anybody here dealt with incrementing subscriptions for "admin" users? Also, how do you handle invoicing and first/second-month charges in a neat manner?
I have a use case where users can sign up other subscribers and pay for these subscriptions from their card on file. The "admin" user signs up for the first subscription, and I keep incrementing the original sub every time a new sub is added.
When I send these through Cashier, the user only seems to get charged once, and then the second, third, etc., the first-month cost gets added onto the next month's invoice, and a new line item of unused time every time the admin user adds a new sub. So I first do:
Then I do:
The user only gets charged one monthly charge at newSubscription()->create(), And the next month's invoice has the following math.
(# of Subscriptions x Monthly Charge) - (Monthly Charge)
And the invoice has a ton of line items saying "Unused Time ..." which looks OK if that admin user only has one or two additions to their subscription but gets messy real quick beyond that. This seems super unprofessional and annoying to explain to the admin users. How do you/would you guys go about making this smoother? I understand that the invoicing for the incrementQuantity() method is enforced by the Stripe API, but it doesn't make sense to have so many prorating adjustments in a first invoice.
What is your goal/desired behavior here? Laravel cashier does allow you to change how you want the prorations to behave. By default prorations will be created and pulled into the next invoice, but you can also choose to disable prorations entirely or create prorations and have them immediately invoiced so that the difference is price is paid for immediately.
If you don't want any prorations generated at all when you update the quantity of a Subscription you can use noProrate() (see laravel's docs). Disabling prorations entirely may not be what you want though, since it won't allow you to charge a customer for the difference in price when they update mid-cycle. As an example, if you start off with a quantity: 1 Subscription they'll be charge for just 1 unit at the start of the month. If prorations are turned off and you update to quantity: 5, the customer won't have to pay for the new price until the subscription is renewed. If this is still what you want to do, you'd use it like this: $request->user()->subscription()->noProrate()-> incrementQuantity().
Another option would be to keep generating prorations, but have them immediately invoiced so that they aren't reflected in the renewal invoice at the end of the month. This will result in the customer being invoiced more often, but would solve your issue where the renewal invoice looks cluttered because of all the prorations. You would get this behavior by using alwaysInvoice() like this: $request->user()->subscription()->alwaysInvoice()-> incrementQuantity().

Stripe: Expire/Cancel subscription after n payments

In our app, we create subscriptions for users which is working good, subscription can vary on type of plan. But I am not able to figure out how to cancel subscription after user has fully paid.
Is there any parameter we can tell stripe at the time of creation of subscription that tells it when subscription should cancel OR tell it to cancel it after n number of payments?
So essentially if customer bought a product which costs 1000, we would charge him 100 a month but then automatically cancel subscription once he has fully paid.
Thanks for the help
I answered this here: Stripe cancel subscription at specific date
Stripe just added this to their API and I happened to stumble upon it. They have a field called "cancel_at" that can be set to a date in the future. They don't have this attribute listed in their documentation since it is so new. You can see the value in the response object here:
I've tested this using .NET and can confirm it sets the subscription to expire at value you provide.
When you create a subscription in Stripe, there is no way to tell Stripe to stop the subscription after N months or when a given amount in reached.
From the documentation:
By default, a subscription continues, and the customer continues to be
billed, until it’s canceled
So what you could do is to cancel the subscription once a given condition is met.
You could use webhooks to get notified every time the customer is billed, at the end of every billing cycle, using the invoice.payment_succeeded event (documentation here).
Somehow you could keep track of the total amount paid by the customer in your database and the amount that is left before the item you sell is "fully paid".
Everytime you get the webhook, you increment the total and, if the required amount in reached, you cancel the subscription so that the customer will not be billed the next month.

Billing with ARB Billing on specific dates instead of an interval

I have a subscription which happens on four specific dates on during the year according to a custom cycle . I want to get people to subscribe but get billed together on the same day every 2 months. If I set it to 2 month interval everyone gets charged separately according to the day they subscribe . Can a fixed payment date be set with ARB Recurring billing ?
What you need to do is charge the user using the AIM API and pro rate their first payment up to the first scheduled payment date. Then the ARB subscription will take over. That's all there is to it.

Event Before the Record is changed in MS Access

I have an MS Access Form where I have two subforms. I need to be able to run a code/query before the record is discarded.
This DB is for tracking a hotel's sales and payments. The bounded form has the following layout:
First we have the main form with global fields like, ClientID, client name, address, bill date, restaurant bill, spa charges, etc.
Then I have the rooms subform (Datasheet view). This form has all rooms allotted to the guest. It also has the number of days charged and Rate fields.
Lastly I have a payments sub form (DataSheet View). It has all payments received from the guest. Last Tab index is for the payments Subform. I need to find the total amount the customer was billed. (sum of all room rate X number of days + Money Spent in Spa + Restaurant Bill). I also need to find the sum of all payments. If the total payment is different from total bill then I need to prompt the Operator to confirm the addition.
I know the VBA codes and queries to process the above. But what I do not know is how to trigger this event. I tried AfterUpdate, but it is fired the moment I move to any Sub Form. I need the code to run after the Operator has made all changes and is ready to move to the next record. I am at a loss on how to accomplish this.
You could just place the function in the after update of the last field in the operator's workflow on the last subform?
Alternatively, place a check to run the code on your move next/prev buttons to ensure the operator has completed the entirety of the workflow?
Could you post a ss of the form(s) so I can get a visual picture :)?
