DynamoDb re-processing records - aws-lambda

I just inherited some one else's code that uses a server-less lambda function to process records from DynamoDb. The original developer is using DynamoDb much like how RabbitMQ works; as a temporary staging area with some level of fault tolerance and a lambda function that will process them at a later date.
We currently have a way to delay message publication in RabbitMQ at my company, but this feature is missing on the AWS side of the fence.
I wrote some code in my serverless lambda function so that it checks a special property called ProcessAfter (UTC DateTime) and effectively skips processing any given DynamoDb record if the current UTC date/time is less than that specified by the ProcessAfter. However DynamoDb never sends me that record ever again. It appears that DynamoDb only ever allows a single attempt at processing a record (excluding the exception re-tries built in), so I'm stuck with my attempted solution to implementing a delay capability.
Is there anyway to replicate the delay functionality in DynamoDb, or in my lambda function so that messages are skipped, and then re-processed as often as necessary until the delay is over and the record is successfully processed?

Looks like you are listening to dynamo_db streams. They work in a way if any event(insert, update etc which is being configured) happens for a record it will be sent to a listener for processing.
Now talking about your specific scenario, you need to have an SQS in place for processing a record later if you do not wish to process it after listening.
Better architecture I would advice is put an extra SQS and Lambda. The Lambda will listen the dynamo_db stream event, will compare processAfter with Date_Now to compute delay, add that delay as delay_seconds and send message to SQS.
Finally lambda listener will listen and process it after specified delay or 0 delay as required.


API waiting for a specific record on DynamoDb without pooling

I am inheriting a workflow that has a reasonable amount of data stored in DynamoDb. The data is periodically refreshed by Lambdas calling third parties when needed. The lambdas are triggered by both SQS and DynamoDB streams and go through four or five steps before the data is updated.
I'm given the task to write an API that can forcibly update N items and return their status. The obvious way to do this without reinventing the wheel and honoring DRY is to trigger an event that spawns off a refresh for each item so that the lambdas can do their thing.
The trouble is that I'm not sure the best pub/sub approach to handle being notified that end state of each workflow is met. Do I read from an update/insert stream of dynamodb to see if the records are updated? Do I create some sort of pub/sub model like Reddis or SNS to listen for the end state of each lambda being triggered?
Since I'm writing a REST API, timeouts, if there are failures along the line, arefine. But at the same time I want to make sure I can handle the following.
Be guaranteed that I can be notified that an update occurred for my targets after my call (in the case of multiple forced updates being called at once I only care about the first one to arrive).
Not be bogged down by listening for updates for record updates that are not contextually relevant to the API call in question.
Have an amortized time complexity of 1
In other words, in terms of cap theory i care about C & A but not P (because a 502 isn't that big a deal). But getting the timing wrong or missing a subscription is a problem.
I know I can just listen to a dynamodb event stream but I'm concerned that when things get noisy there will be more irrelevant stuff slowing me down. And I'm not sure if having every single record getting it's own topic is scalable (or how messy that would be).
You can use DynamoDB streams in combination with Lambda Event Filtering so the Lambda function only executes for the relevant change you are interested in. More information is available here:

Configure dynamodb stream event source triggers to have configurable delay for retries

We have basically
dynamodb streams =>
trigger lambda (batch size XX, concurrency 1, retries YY) =>
write to service
There are multiple shards, so we may have some number of concurrent writes to the service. Under some conditions too many streams have too much data, and too many lambda instances are writing to the service, which then responds with 429.
Right now the failure simply ends up being a failure, the lambda retries, but the service is still overwhelmed.
What we would like to do is just have the lambda triggers delay before triggering a lambda retry, essentially have an exponential backoff before triggering. We can easily implement that "inside" the lambda, we can retry and wait for up to the 15m lambda duration.
But then we are billed for whole lambda execution time, while it is sleeping for however many backoffs are required.
Is there a way to configure the lambda/dynamodb trigger to have a delay (that we can control up and down) before invoking the retry? For SQS triggers there is some talk of redrive policy that somehow can control the rate of retries - but not clear how or if that applies to dynamodb streams.
I understand that the streams will "backup" as we slow down the dispatch of lambdas, but this is assumed to be a transient situation, and the dynamodb stream will act as a queue. And we can also configure a dead letter queue, but that is sort of orthogonal to the basic question.
You can configure a wait. And yes, while you are billed by the time use, its pennies. Seriously, the free aws account covers a million lambda invocations a month. At the enterprise level its really nothing compared to what EC2 servers cost. But Im not your CFO so maybe it is a concern.
You can take your stream and process it into whatever service calls you would need and have their paylods all added to the same SQS. You can configure your SQS to throttle it self in effect, so it only sends so many over a given time. The messages in your queue wold go to another lambda that would do the service call for you, one at a time. It would be doled out by the SQS
set up a Dead Letter Queue instead (possibly in combination with either of the above) to catch the failed ones and try again when traffic is lower.
As an aside, you dont want to 'pause' your dynamo stream as it only has a 24 hour TTL on it. If your stream pauses for too long you will loose data. Better to take the stream in whole and put it into an SQS queue as individual writes because SQS has a TTL of up to 14 days.

Invoking 1 AWS Lambda with API Gateway sequentially

I know there's a question with the same title but my question is a little different: I got a Lambda API - saveInputAPI() to save the value into a specified field. Users can invoke this API with different parameter, for example:
saveInput({"adressType",1}); //adressType is a DB field.
saveInput({"name","test"}) //name is a DB field.
And of course, this hosts on AWS so I'm also using API Gateway as well. But the problem is sometimes, an error like this happened:
As you can see. API No. 19 was invoked first but ended up finishing later
(10:10:16:828) -> (10:10:18:060)
While API No.18 was invoked later but finished sooner...
(10:10:17:611) -> (10:10:17:861)
This leads to a lot of problems in my project. And sometimes, the delay between 2 API was up to 10 seconds. The front project acts independently so users don't know what happens behind. They think they have set addressType to 1 but in reality, the addressType is still 2. Since this project is large and I cannot change this kind of [using only 1 API to update DB value] design. Is there any way for me to fix this problem ?? Really appreciate any idea. Thanks
If updates to Database can't be skipped if last updated timestamp is more recent than the source event timestamp, we need to decouple Api Gateway and Lambda.
Api Gateway writes to SQS FIFO Queue.
Lambda to consume SQS and process the request.
This will ensure older event is processed first.
Amazon Lambda is asynchronous by design. That means that trying to make it synchronous and predictable is kind of waste.
If your concern is avoiding "old" data (in a sense of scheduling) overwrite "fresh" data, then you might consider timestamping each data and then applying constraints like "if you want to overwrite target data, then your source timestamp have to be in the future compared to timestamp of the targeted data"

How to apply back pressure with AWS Lambda and MSK (Kafka) event stream

Is it possible to do this?
When dealing with SQS event streams, if the Lambda function does not have adequate reserved concurrency, the function will be throttled, and the unprocessed events / messages can be retried via the SQS redrive policy. I've never liked this limitation as unprocessed messages will eventually end up on the DLQ after some arbitrary number of retries / message visibility timeout.
From my naive perspective, it would appear that the above solution would not be possible with MSK, as placing a message back on an MSK topic for some visibility timeout would effectively lose topic delivery order.
I've searched around but can't find any detail as to how back pressure can be implemented with MSK to Lambda. Does anybody have any insight into how the MSK topic consumer handles Lambda throttling?
Many thanks!
Actually apart from support DLQ's this scenario is supported. But the understanding of how MSK works is a bit different from SQS. In MSK (Which is Apache Kafka) records are persistent and durable; and what indicates for the processors that a given record should be retried is a flag called committed-offset that consumers create. If the lambda function reads the record but doesn't finish its processing then it is just a matter of not committing its respective offset that in the next poll cycle the record will be picked up again.
Also, Kafka has a polling model instead of push. In this case, your lambda function performs a poll indicating how many records must be read on each poll. So you see; there is lots of controls in Kafka to implement backpressure -- just not exactly how it works in SQS.
The example below may give you an idea of how it works:

How can I trigger one AWS Lambda function from another, guaranteeing the second only runs once?

I've built a bit of a pipeline of AWS Lambda functions using the Serverless framework. There are currently five steps/functions, and I need them to run in order and each run exactly once. Roughly, the functions are:
Trigger function by an HTTP request, respond with an ID.
Access and API to get the URL of a resource to download.
Download that resource and upload a copy to S3.
Alter that resource and upload the altered copy to S3.
Submit the altered resource to a different API.
The specifics aren't important, but the question is: What's the best event/trigger to use to move along down this line of functions? The first one is triggered by an HTTP call, but the first one needs to trigger the second somehow, then the second triggers the third, and so on.
I wrote all the code using AWS SNS, but now that I've deployed it to staging I see that SNS often triggers more than once. I could add a bunch of code to detect this, but I'd rather not. And the problem is also compounding -- if the second function gets triggered twice, it sends two SNS notifications to trigger step three. If either of those notifications gets doubled... it's not unreasonable that the last function could be called ten times instead of once.
So what's my best option here? Trigger the chain through HTTP? Kinesis maybe? I have never worked with a trigger other than HTTP or SNS, so I'm not really sure what my options are, and which options are guaranteed to only trigger the function once.
AWS Step Functions seems pretty well targeted at this use-case of tying together separate AWS operations into a coherent workflow with well-defined error handling.
Not sure if the pricing will work for you (can be pricey for millions+ operations) but it may be worth looking at.
Also not sure about performance overhead or other limitations, so YMMV.
You can simply trigger the next lambda asynchronously in your lambda function after you complete the required processing in that step.
So, the first lambda is triggered by an HTTP call and in that lambda execution, after you finish processing this step, just launch the next lambda function asynchronously instead of sending the trigger through SNS or Kinesis. Repeat this process in each of your steps. This would guarantee single time execution of all the steps by lambda.
Eventful Lambda triggers (SNS, S3, CloudWatch, ...) generally guarantee at-least-once invocation, not exactly-once. As you noted you'd have to handle deduplication manually by, for example, keeping track of event IDs in DynamoDB (using strongly consistent reads!), or by implementing idempotent Lambdas, meaning functions that have no additional effects even when invoked several times with the same input. In your example step 4 is essentially idempotent providing that the function doesn't have any side effects apart from storing the altered copy, and that the new copy overwrites any previously stored copies with the same event ID.
One service that does guarantee exactly-once delivery out of the box is SQS FIFO. This service unfortunately cannot be used to trigger Lambdas directly so you'd have to set up a scheduled Lambda to poll the FIFO queue periodically (as per this answer). In your case you could handle step 5 with this arrangement, since I'm assuming you don't want to submit the same resource to the target API several times.
So in summary here's how I'd go about it:
Lambda A, invoked via HTTP, responds with ID and proceeds to asynchronously fetch resource from the API and store it to S3
Lambda B, invoked by S3 upload event, downloads the uploaded resource, alters it, stores the altered copy to S3 and finally pushes a message into the FIFO SQS queue using the altered resource's filename as the distinct deduplication ID
Lambda C, invoked by CloudWatch scheduler, polls the FIFO SQS queue and upon a new message fetches the specified altered resource from S3 and submits it to the other API
With this arrangement even if Lambda B is occasionally executed twice or more by the same S3 upload event there's no harm done since the FIFO SQS queue handles deduplication for you before the flow reaches Lambda C.
AWS Step function is meant for you: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/welcome.html
You will execute the steps you want based on previous executions outputs.
Each task/step just need to output a json correctly in the wanted "state".
Based on the state, your workflow will move on. You can create your workflow easily and trigger lambdas, or ECS tasks.
ECS tasks are your own "lambda" environment, running without the constraints of the AWS Lambda environment.
With ECS tasks you can run on Bare metal, on your own EC2 machine, or in ECS Docker containers on ECS and thus have unlimited resources extensible limits.
As compared to Lambda where the limits are pretty strict: 500Mb of disk, execution limited in time, etc.
