What is the modern approach to configure multiple cache managers? - spring

Situation: my spring-boot project has two objects in which I need to cache data. The problem is that the settings for expire time must be different for the two objects.
I found a lot of information on the web about how i can set up a cache manager, but I did not understand which of these methods can be used in modern industrial code.
Please tell me how to configure settings for 2 different cache managers and if you need cache managers at all? My head is in a mess.
p.s. I don't want to use third-party dependencies like ehcache.
public class Repository1(){
public Map<Long, String> findAllImportantThings() {...}
public class Repository2(){
public Map<Long, String> findOnlyOne(String id) {...}
There can be more methods in a class. But the point is that I need to set different TTLs for these two classes

When you want to have different cache TTL then you need cacheManager, if in case all the caches have same TTL then it is not required.
You can do it this way :
fun cacheManager(connectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory): RedisCacheManager {
val oneHourTTLCacheConfig = cacheConfigWithTTL(60) //TTL for cacheKey-1
val fourHoursTTLCacheConfig = cacheConfigWithTTL(240) //TTL for cacheKey-2
val cacheConfigurations = mapOf(
to oneHourTTLCacheConfig,
to fourHoursTTLCacheConfig
return RedisCacheManager.builder(connectionFactory)
} // Sets default TTL to 30 minutes if the other cacheKeys don't require any different configuration
private fun cacheConfigWithTTL(ttlInMinutes: Long): RedisCacheConfiguration =
private fun redisCacheConfiguration(duration: Duration): RedisCacheConfiguration =
You can add this to your cache configuration class. Let me know if you have any further question.


How can I easily cache Kotlin Objects in Redis using json via Jackson?

I have a Spring boot app written in Kotlin where I would like to enable caching in Redis. I'd like to have the objects stored as serialized JSON and ideally don't want to have to register each type that could be potentially cached. I have some configuration that mostly works, with a big caveat.
fun redisCacheConfiguration(): RedisCacheConfiguration {
val objectMapper =
.enableDefaultTyping(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY)
val serializer = GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper)
return RedisCacheConfiguration
I'm having a little trouble understanding the different values for DefaultTyping but NON_FINAL seems to be the most expansive. However, since objects in Kotlin are final by default, this only works for objects flagged as "open". Ideally I'd like to avoid having to "open" objects just so they can be cached.
Is there some other way I can make this work?
I had the same problem. You should use "open" classes. But this will not help you with data classes, because you cannot make them "open".
There is a plugin called "all-open" where you can define annotations. If you use these annotations classes become "open", even data classes.
spring-kotlin plugin uses "all-open" plugin under the hood, so spring annotations like #Service, #Component etc. make classes open for AOP, because proxying requires you to inherit from classes.
If you use spring-kotlin plugin, there is nice annotation that makes sense for you problem, it is used in Spring Cache, its name is #Cacheable.
If you use #Cacheable on your classes, they will become open and save their type-info to json (ex: {#class: "com.example.MyClass", ...}) when you include this code:
val objectMapper =
.enableDefaultTyping(ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL, JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY)
val serializer = GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper)
More details: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/compiler-plugins.html
Shortly: You don't have to do anything except adding #Cacheable annotation to the classes you want, and it fits by sense also IMO.
The issues have been solved. Therefore we can remove #Cacheble hack from the code. You have to modify your ObjectMapper with the next implementation
val om = ObjectMapper()
.build(), ObjectMapper.DefaultTyping.EVERYTHING)
val serializer = GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(om)
Fixed Maven Jackon dependency
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind -->
You can look this:
Its support both jackson and kryo
I had a problem since my data classes were extending some interfaces, so generic would not do the trick, I end up with this solution, its a custom serialiser and deserialiser, the generic would just save time compiled getter as a variable and break the deserialise
class CachingConfiguration() : CachingConfigurerSupport() {
fun configureRedisAction(): ConfigureRedisAction? {
return ConfigureRedisAction.NO_OP
private lateinit var redisConnectionFactory: RedisConnectionFactory
companion object {
const val CACHE_KEY = "cache-key"
override fun cacheManager(): CacheManager? {
return RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder
.withCacheConfiguration(CACHE_KEY, cacheConfig<User>(ofMinutes(5)))
private inline fun <reified T> cacheConfig(ttl: Duration): RedisCacheConfiguration {
return RedisCacheConfiguration
.serializeValuesWith(fromSerializer(object : RedisSerializer<Any> {
val mapper = ObjectMapper().registerModule(ParameterNamesModule())
override fun serialize(t: Any?): ByteArray? {
return mapper.writeValueAsBytes(t)
override fun deserialize(bytes: ByteArray?): Any? {
return try {
mapper.readValue(bytes!!, T::class.java) as Any
} catch (e: Exception) {

Configuration for specific Caffeine Caches in Spring

We need to implement several methods that have different caching times. Each method is annotated with #Cacheable and our current solution includes multiple CacheManager that are set in a CachingConfigurerSupport.
public class CachingConfiguration extends CachingConfigurerSupport {
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
CaffeineCacheManager cacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager();
cacheManager.setCaffeine(Caffeine.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.DAYS));
return cacheManager;
public CacheManager anotherCache() {
CaffeineCacheManager cacheManager = new CaffeineCacheManager();
cacheManager.setCaffeine(Caffeine.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
return cacheManager;
The #Cacheable annotation then included the cacheManager:
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "someCache", cacheManager = "anotherCache")
Basically that's fine but is also errorprune if you forget the cacheManager parameter etc.
So I currently try to find a better solution but as far as I can see, there is currently no general accepted way to go.
Imho the main advantage of the CaffeineCacheManager compared to e.g. SimpleCacheManager is the possibility to define a base configuration and then initialize additional caches lazily. But wouldn't it be great if you are able to set additional caches which are never reinitialized?
Those caches must be used preferentially and created in the CachingConfigurerSupport.
Maybe I'm missing something, but shouldn't this solve the problem that has already been discussed in several threads in different forms?
Recently I decided to turn my initial PR into a separate tiny project.
To start using it just add the latest dependency from Maven Central:
Format of properties is the following:
If no specific configuration is defined, CacheManager defaults to Spring's behavior.
Simple way without any thrid-party lib:
# default spec (optional)
# specific specs (also optional)
Register custom caches:
applicationContext.registerBean { context ->
CacheManagerCustomizer<CaffeineCacheManager> { cacheManager ->
for (spec in Binder.get(context.environment).bindOrCreate("caffeine.specs", HashMap::class.java)) {
cacheManager.registerCustomCache(spec.key.toString(), Caffeine.from(spec.value.toString()).build())

OData (Olingo) "inhibit" endpoint

My question is about what is best way to inhibit an endpoint that is automatically provided by Olingo?
I am playing with a simple app based on Spring boot and using Apache Olingo.On short, this is my servlet registration:
public class CxfServletUtil{
public ServletRegistrationBean getODataServletRegistrationBean() {
ServletRegistrationBean odataServletRegistrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(new CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet(), "/user.svc/*");
Map<String, String> initParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
initParameters.put("javax.ws.rs.Application", "org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.rest.app.ODataApplication");
initParameters.put("org.apache.olingo.odata2.service.factory", "com.olingotest.core.CustomODataJPAServiceFactory");
return odataServletRegistrationBean;
} ...
where my ODataJPAServiceFactory is
public class CustomODataJPAServiceFactory extends ODataJPAServiceFactory implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
private static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "myPersistenceUnit";
private static final String ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_ID = "entityManagerFactory";
public ODataJPAContext initializeODataJPAContext()
throws ODataJPARuntimeException {
ODataJPAContext oDataJPAContext = this.getODataJPAContext();
try {
EntityManagerFactory emf = (EntityManagerFactory) context.getBean(ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_ID);
return oDataJPAContext;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
My entity is quite simple ...
public class User {
private String id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
Olingo is doing its job perfectly and it helps me with the generation of all the endpoints around CRUD operations for my entity.
My question is : how can I "inhibit" some of them? Let's say for example that I don't want to enable the delete my entity.
I could try to use a Filter - but this seems a bit harsh. Are there any other, better ways to solve my problem?
Thanks for the help.
As you have said, you could use a filter, but then you are really coupled with the URI schema used by Olingo. Also, things will become complicated when you have multiple, related entity sets (because you could navigate from one to the other, making the URIs more complex).
There are two things that you can do, depending on what you want to achieve:
If you want to have a fined grained control on what operations are allowed or not, you can create a wrapper for the ODataSingleProcesor and throw ODataExceptions where you want to disallow an operation. You can either always throw exceptions (i.e. completely disabling an operation type) or you can use the URI info parameters to obtain the target entity set and decide if you should throw an exception or call the standard single processor. I have used this approach to create a read-only OData service here (basically, I just created a ODAtaSingleProcessor which delegates some calls to the standard one + overridden a method in the service factory to wrap the standard single processor in my wrapper).
If you want to completely un-expose / ignore a given entity or some properties, then you can use a JPA-EDM mapping model end exclude the desired components. You can find an example of such a mapping here: github. The mapping model is just an XML file which maps the JPA entities / properties to EDM entity type / properties. In order for olingo to pick it up, you can pass the name of the file to the setJPAEdmMappingModel method of the ODataJPAContext in your initialize method.

Spring Constraint Validation Context - Database Request Caching

I've written a custom Validation Annotation and a ConstraintValidator implementation, which uses a Spring Service (and executes a Database Query):
public class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidator<MyValidationAnnotation, String> {
private final MyService service;
public MyValidator(MyService service) {
this.service = service;
public void initialize(MyValidationAnnotation constraintAnnotation) {}
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return service.exists(value);
It's used like this:
public class MyEntity {
List<Foo> list;
public class Foo {
String id;
This works quite nice, but service.exists(value) is getting called for every item within the list, which is correct, but could/should be optimized.
When validating an instance of MyEntity, I'd like to cache the results of the service.exists(value) calls.
I don't want to use a static HashMap<String, Boolean>, because this would cache the results for the entire application lifetime.
Is it possible to access some kind of Constraint Validation Context, which only exists while this particular validation is running, so I can put there the cached results?
Or do you have some other solution?
Thanks in advance!
You can use Spring's cache support. There might be other parts in the application which needs caching and this can be reused. And the setup is very simple too. And it will keep your code neat and readable.
You can cache your service calls. You need to put annotation on your service methods and a little bit of configuration.
And for cache provider you can use Ehcache. You have many options like setting ttl and max number of elements that can be cached and eviction policy etc etc if needed.
Or you can implement your own cache provider if your needs are simple. And if it is web request, In this cache you may find ThreadLocal to be useful. you can do all caching for this running thread using threadlocal. When the request is processed you can clear the threadlocal cache.

Spring Boot equivalent to XML multi-database configuration

I would like to port two projects to Spring Boot 1.1.6. The are each part of a larger project. They both need to make SQL connections to 1 of 7 production databases per web request based region. One of them persists configuration setting to a Mongo database. They are both functional at the moment but the SQL configuration is XML based and the Mongo is application.properties based. I'd like to move to either xml or annotation before release to simplify maintenance.
This is my first try at this forum, I may need some guidance in that arena as well. I put the multi-database tag on there. Most of those deal with two connections open at a time. Only one here and only the URL changes. Schema and the rest are the same.
In XML Fashion ...
public class CommonController {
private CommonService CommonService_i;
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/Practice/{enterprise_id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<Map<String, Object>> getPracticeList(#PathVariable("enterprise_id") String enterprise_id){
CommonService_i = new CommonService(enterprise_id);
return CommonService_i.getPracticeList();
public class CommonService {
private ApplicationContext ctx = null;
private JdbcTemplate template = null;
private DataSource datasource = null;
private SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall = null;
public CommonService(String enterprise_id) {
ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("database-beans.xml");
datasource = ctx.getBean(enterprise_id, DataSource.class);
template = new JdbcTemplate(datasource);
Each time a request is made, a new instance of the required service is created with the appropriate database connection.
In the spring boot world, I've come across one article that extended TomcatDataSourceConfiguration.
http://xantorohara.blogspot.com/2013/11/spring-boot-jdbc-with-multiple.html That at least allowed me to create a java configuration class however, I cannot come up with a way to change the prefix for the ConfigurationProperties per request like I am doing with the XML above. I can set up multiple configuration classes but the #Qualifier("00002") in the DAO has to be a static value. //The value for annotation attribute Qualifier.value must be a constant expression
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "Region1")
public class DbConfigR1 extends TomcatDataSourceConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "dsRegion1")
public DataSource dataSource() {
return super.dataSource();
#Bean(name = "00001")
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dsRegion1) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dsRegion1);
On the Mongo side, I am able to define variables in the configurationProperties class and, if there is a matching entry in the appropriate application.properties file, it overwrites it with the value in the file. If not, it uses the value in the code. That does not work for the JDBC side. If you define a variable in your config classes, that value is what is used. (yeah.. I know it says mondoUrl)
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.mongo")
public class MongoConnectionProperties {
private String mondoURL = "localhost";
public String getMondoURL() {
return mondoURL;
public void setMondoURL(String mondoURL) {
this.mondoURL = mondoURL;
There was a question anwsered today that got me a little closer. Spring Boot application.properties value not populating The answer showed me how to at least get #Value to function. With that, I can set up a dbConfigProperties class that grabs the #Value. The only issue is that the value grabbed by #Value is only available in when the program first starts. I'm not certain how to use that other than seeing it in the console log when the program starts. What I do know now is that, at some point, in the #Autowired of the dbConfigProperties class, it does return the appropriate value. By the time I want to use it though, it is returning ${spring.datasource.url} instead of the value.
Ok... someone please tell me that #Value is not my only choice. I put the following code in my controller. I'm able to reliably retrieve one value, Yay. I suppose I could hard code each possible property name from my properties file in an argument for this function and populate a class. I'm clearly doing something wrong.
private String url;
//private String propname = "${spring.datasource.url}"; //can't use this
public void setUrl( String val) {
this.url = val;
System.out.println("==== value ==== " + url);
This was awesome... finally some progress. I believe I am giving up on changing ConfigurationProperties and using #Value for that matter. With this guy's answer, I can access the beans created at startup. Y'all were probably wondering why I didn't in the first place... still learning. I'm bumping him up. That saved my bacon. https://stackoverflow.com/a/24595685/4028704
The plan now is to create a JdbcTemplate producing bean for each of the regions like this:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "Region1")
public class DbConfigR1 extends TomcatDataSourceConfiguration {
#Bean(name = "dsRegion1")
public DataSource dataSource() {
return super.dataSource();
#Bean(name = "00001")
public JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate(DataSource dsRegion1) {
return new JdbcTemplate(dsRegion1);
When I call my service, I'll use something like this:
public AccessBeans(ServletRequest request, String enterprise_id) {
ctx = RequestContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(request);
template = ctx.getBean(enterprise_id, JdbcTemplate.class);
Still open to better ways or insight into foreseeable issues, etc but this way seems to be about equivalent to my current XML based ways. Thoughts?
