I currently have my export to pdf working perfectly in my local, but after I publish to Azure web app, it does not work. Any suggestions? Does this work in Azure? Is it the chromeless thing that will only work on Linux? Confused...
Using .NET6 MVC
public IActionResult Export(string Form, string sessionId, string fullname)
FontProvider provider = new DefaultFontProvider();
string saveDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHmmss");
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
ConverterProperties properties = new ConverterProperties();
properties.SetFontProvider(new DefaultFontProvider(true, true, true));
MediaDeviceDescription mediaDeviceDescription = new MediaDeviceDescription(iText.StyledXmlParser.Css.Media.MediaType.PRINT);
HtmlConverter.ConvertToPdf(Form, stream, properties);
return File(stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf", fullname + "_" + saveDate +".pdf");
I was using itext 7 everything works fine in Console application. When I use same code in Web/Function App project, I started getting below error.
Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.Tags.BrTagWorker..ctor(IElementNode element, ProcessorContext context)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultTagWorkerMapping.<>c.<.cctor>b__1_10(IElementNode lhs, ProcessorContext rhs)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.Visit(INode node)
at iText.Html2pdf.Attach.Impl.DefaultHtmlProcessor.ProcessDocument(INode root, PdfDocument pdfDocument)
at iText.Html2pdf.HtmlConverter.ConvertToPdf(String html, PdfDocument pdfDocument, ConverterProperties converterProperties)
at iTextSample.ConsoleApp.HtmlToPdfBuilder.RenderPdf() in C:\code\iTextSample.ConsoleApp\HtmlToPdfBuilder.cs:line 227
After some investigation found that the <br /> tag was a problem. I removed all <br /> tags and it is working fine.
I know how to launch a windows application using the filepath to launch it and that works (working example below). I am writing tests and they work too but my question is this: If the application is running already, how do I create my "session" (often called "driver") for the currently running application?
I have read this article that explains how you would connect a new session to Cortana which is already running. It's a great example but my app is an exe that has been launched and is not part of windows and I'm getting the error "Could not find any recognizable digits.".
What am I doing wrong?
private const string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = "";
protected static WindowsDriver<RemoteWebElement> session;
public static void Setup(TestContext context)
// Launch app and populate session
if (session == null)
// Create a new sessio
DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", filepath /*The exeecutable's filepath on c drive*/);
//LaunchWPF app and wpf session
session = new WindowsDriver<RemoteWebElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities);
session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
public void Common_CreateSession_ForAlreadyRunningmyApp()
string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = "";
IntPtr myAppTopLevelWindowHandle = new IntPtr();
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
if (clsProcess.ProcessName.Contains("MyApp.Client.Shell"))
myAppTopLevelWindowHandle = clsProcess.Handle;
DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
appCapabilities.SetCapability("appTopLevelWindow", myAppTopLevelWindowHandle);
//Create session for app that's already running (THIS LINE FAILS, ERROR: : 'Could not find any recognizable digits.')
session = new WindowsDriver<RemoteWebElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities);
session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
There's now an answer on github here. You can see on github I have made 3 tweaks to the answer given by moonkey124, 2 of them were obvious (my aplication name and a little sleep command), 1 of them was to adapt the answer to a WPF application under test...
I am developing a WP 8.1 app, which contains a ListView. In each ListView items there are some text and a picture. The pictures come from a Http GET request, which I have to bind to the xaml. I have got a solution for it earlier, but I have some performance problem with it. The ListView can contain same picture multiple times, so the GetImage task is called multiple times for the the same picture as well. On a WiFi connection it is not a big problem, but with poor connection it is.
The other thing what I would like to implement is the image caching. I don't know where is the best place to store pictures while the app is running. I should store approximately 10-40 pieces pictures, and the image sizes are between 3 and 20 KB. Due to these images are not necessary after closing the application, I think I can store them in the memory, not in the storage folder.
So, what I want: download every images at once and store them while the app is running.
Here is the code what I use to download images:
public class WebPathToImageConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
if (value == null) return null;
return new TaskCompletionNotifier<BitmapImage>(GetImage((string)value));
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private async Task<BitmapImage> GetImage(string emailaddress)
ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
Uri uri = new Uri((string)localSettings.Values["Server"] + "Image/Downloadavatar?EmailAddress=" + emailaddress + "&Size=NORMAL");
HttpClient webCLient = new HttpClient();
IInputStream responseStream = await webCLient.GetInputStreamAsync(uri);
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
Stream stream = responseStream.AsStreamForRead();
await stream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
memoryStream.Position = 0;
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(memoryStream.AsRandomAccessStream());
return bitmap;
Well I asked a similar question on regards of how to work with caching data downloading and performing them in parallel.
Take a look at the answer here: Task caching when performing Tasks in parallel with WhenAll
So in short your GetImage should go in a list that holds the tasks instead of the result.
I'm writing a simple Web API application using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Web API v2. The api should receive a binary file from a client that uses HttpClient in a Winforms application. The application and the web site should be running on a closed network with Active Directory.
The controller:
public HttpResponseMessage PostTest([FromBody]HttpPostedFileBase file)
// does nothing just retuns ok
The client:
public void SendFile(string fileName)
using(FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, fileMode.open, FilleAccess.read))
using(MultipartFormDataContent data = new MultipartFormDataContent ())
using(StreamContent streamcontent = new StreamContent(fileStream))
data.Add(streamcontent );
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
res = client .PostAsync("address", data).Result;
res.EnsureSucessStatusCode(); // exception unauthorized
Why is this not working?
HttpPostedFileBase is a MVC class, it is not a Web API class, so it is unlikely they will work together.
Instead of trying to pass the file as a parameter, just read the request content as a stream.
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostTest(HttpRequestMessage request)
var stream = await request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
// ...
I will searching since 10 days but i have not succeed in soap parsing in wp7.
My code is below. I get the The remote server returned an error: NotFound. and System.Net.WebException.
code is below :
private const string AuthServiceUri = "http://manarws.org/WS/manarService.asmx";
private const string AuthEnvelope =
#"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"" xmlns:soap=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"">
<fnGetNewsResponse xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/"">
public void Authenticate()
HttpWebRequest spAuthReq = HttpWebRequest.Create(AuthServiceUri) as HttpWebRequest;
spAuthReq.Headers["SOAPAction"] = "http://tempuri.org/fnGetNews";
spAuthReq.ContentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";
spAuthReq.Method = "POST";
spAuthReq.BeginGetRequestStream(new AsyncCallback(spAuthReqCallBack), spAuthReq);
private void spAuthReqCallBack(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asyncResult.AsyncState;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("REquest is :" + request.Headers);
Stream _body = request.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult);
string envelope = string.Format(AuthEnvelope,"","");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Envelope is :" + envelope);
byte[] formBytes = encoding.GetBytes(envelope);
_body.Write(formBytes, 0, formBytes.Length);
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(ResponseCallback), request);
private void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Async Result is :" + asyncResult);
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)asyncResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(asyncResult);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Response is :::::::::::::::::::----" + request.EndGetResponse(asyncResult));
if (request != null && response != null)
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();
I get the error in HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(asyncResult); line...
So, Please help me.
Maybe I am missing something but why not just adding a service reference ?
The service located at 'http://manarws.org/WS/manarService.asmx' is a classic web service and you can browse wsdl. You can add a reference in Visual Studio. It will generate a proxy class to call this webservice. Manual soap parsing is quite painful.
1) Right clic on service reference in your project.
2) Enter your service url. Then click Go.
3) You will have new classes in your project.
Just use them as you want. Exemple :
public void GetBranches()
ManarServiceReference.manarServiceSoapClient client = new ManarServiceReference.manarServiceSoapClient();
client.fnGetBranchesCompleted += new EventHandler<ManarServiceReference.fnGetBranchesCompletedEventArgs>(client_fnGetBranchesCompleted);
void client_fnGetBranchesCompleted(object sender, ManarServiceReference.fnGetBranchesCompletedEventArgs e)
Follow these steps to know how to use a SOAP service
-- Create a new project.
-- Right-click on the Project name and click on "Add Service Reference"...
Then provide address as "http://manarws.org/WS/manarService.asmx?wsdl" and click Go.
-- Once service information is downloaded, provide Namespace something like
"MyMemberService" at the bottom and click Ok.
Now that your proxy classes should be ready.
Go to your Mainpage.xaml.cs and type 'client' there..you should probably get a class with the name "ManarServiceClient".
If you get that, then try to call the suitable methods of that class.
For an example,
ManarServiceClient client = new ManarServiceClient();
client.fnGetNewsResponseCompleted += new EventHandler<fnGetNewsResponseCompletedEventArgs>(client_fnGetNewsResponseCompleted);
Note: I am not with my working system, so cannot give you exact code. All the above is a guessed code and shall point you in the right direction. Will test my code and update soon.
If you create of an asmx web service. The first call is incredibly slow.
I'm trying to make an App for windows phone 7. This app will basiclly retrive information from a website that we use at work as our working schedule then rearrange the retrived info into a metro style UI. To be honest i don't know where to start ie. how to retrive the info. Should i use webclient class? httpwebrequest class? or something else?
All idea are appriciated
Here is a:-
Okay either im totally stupid or there is something wrong with the code i'm writing, that i can't figure it out. I was using the same code that you wrote BUT i still get an error that a definition for Proxy is not in the System.Net.WebRequest :( This is my code (the working version):-
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!App.ViewModel.IsDataLoaded)
string url = "https://medinet.se/*****/schema/ibsef";
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(ReadWebRequestCallBack), request);
private void ReadWebRequestCallBack(IAsyncResult callbackResult)
WebRequest myRequest = (WebRequest)callbackResult.AsyncState;
WebResponse myResponse = (WebResponse)myRequest.EndGetResponse(callbackResult);
using (StreamReader httpwebStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream()))
string results = httpwebStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => parsertextBlock.Text = results);
catch (Exception ex)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => parsertextBlock.Text = ex.ToString());
But if i add request.Proxy=null!! i get an error, that there is no definition for Proxy in (System.Net.WebRequest). And to be honest i start getting mad of this.
The process is called ScreenScrape and i recommend you to use Html Agility Pack http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/ . Make a web service that retrieves the information from your website and rearranges to appropriate format. Use your web service by a phone and display your data.
Use WebRequest ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.httpwebrequest.aspx) and WebResponse ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.webresponse(v=vs.100).aspx) .
TIP: Set the WebRequest.Proxy property ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.webrequest.proxy.aspx) to null, as i find it will be much faster.
UPDATE: More info on WebRequest Proxy property
Set Proxy = null on the WebRequest object to avoid an initial delay (that way the request won't start auto detecting proxies, which i find it's faster).
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create("yourURL");
req.Proxy = null;
It's in the System.Net namespace so put an using statement using System.Net; or
System.Net.WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create("yourURL");
req.Proxy = null;