Picking random photo from an Instagram account - random

I would like to retrieve a photo from a random post on my Instagram account and display it on my website.
I don't need to show any data or comments from the post, just the photo.
What would be the best and the simplest solution to achieve this?
Would it be possible without the Gaph API?
I tried the Graph API, without really going any further because I felt like it is excessive for what seems to me to be a fairly simple task.
Any idea?


Parsing Youtube - Xpath to retrieve a Youtube Channel's Profile Picture and Description

I would like to import the profile picture of a number of Youtube Channels into a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
This is the information that I have been able to retrieve so far:
To retrieve the profile picture, I have used the following code using Social Blade's website:
However while it doesn't result in an erorr it doesn't retrieve the image from the src. Any idea how to make it work?
In regard to the description, I would like to use a code that can be consistently used using either the channel's id or Youtube's username. Other solutions that I have tried have allowed me to get a truncated description, not the full one.
Maybe there is a more cost-effective way of doing this task, but without much Javascript experience this is the easiest way I have found to retrieve the information. Ideally, I would like to find a solution that calls on the Youtube API and bypasses the 50-call limit.
Here's a sample Google Sheets template to work on a solution.
OK. I've edited your Google Sheet. You forgot the #src attribute for the image.
And I've added the XPath for the Youtube channel description (add "/about" at the end of the youtube channel links).
=IMPORTXML(C2,"//div[#class='about-description branded-page-box-padding']")
Note : You have to fix your "ChannelID" formula to extract the ID.

Pass an image get a list of URLs matching the image, HOW?

I'm essentially trying to do a reverse image search, i.e. I want to pass in an image and get back a results list of instances on the web where that image is found. I know Google's old API that did this is depreciated, I see some answers on SO (e.g. Google custom search for images only) that talk about doing an image search with Google's Custom Search API, but every time I dig into the code they are retrieving images from a string rather than what I'm trying to do. Is there currently any API that will help me with what I'm trying to do?
I'm sorry. I cannot write comments yet. How about this? https://github.com/tanaikech/goris
Recently, I found this. I don't know whether this is what you want.

Drupal: A way to vote for best image in a given gallery

We have a Drupal 7 site where we need users to choose the best image in an image gallery. I am going in circles trying to find the best way to accomplish this. I know there are "ratings" modules like 5 star etc, but we're not really wanting to rate each individual image on their own, but choose the BEST one and only one from the given gallery. This is more of a "poll" so I looked at Advanced Poll, but it no longer allows HTML as a poll choice so I can't attach an image as a poll choice. There is the Voting API also, but I'm not sure how to go about using it for what I need. Can anyone think of an easy way to create a gallery of images that when you go to the gallery, you can select which image is the best? I also need it to where only certain logged in users can vote.
Thanks in advance.
Probably, you can use vote up/down kind of module to achieve this.
List of images in each row with voting up/down button against each one.
User can vote up the images which he likes & you can sort desc order by votings & display the images.
Checkout these modules:

ASP.Net MVC. Making Dynamic Images SEO Friendly

I have a website made to provide free web-based tools for making indie games. Currently, it only supports artists contributing to games. The features for helping artists consist of a set of artist community tools that allow artists to upload images based on a description, then we post that image in a gallery page. Other artists can upload their images and each image can have several revisions.
The way I chose to implement the image upload and display feature is by serializing uploaded images to a byte array and storing it in the database. When I need to display the image in the UI I just call a controller action I named "GetScaledGalleryImage" and pass in the image ID. That controller action takes the binary from the database and converts it back into an image, returning the requested image back.
This works very well functionally, but the problem I realized later is that the google crawler thinks all of my images are named "GetScaledGalleryImage" so if someone searches for "sylph" on google images, nothing comes up from my site, but if someone searches for site:watermintstudios.com getscaledgalleryimage, all of my images come up.
Here is an example of the URL that is being output in my HTML http://watermintstudios.com/EarnAMint/GetScaledMedia/68?scale=128
In the past, pre-MVC I would handle 404 errors and return content based on what was requested even if the page didn't actually exist. This would of course allow me to have the images pulled back by the image name (or description).
Is that the best way to do this? Or is there a better option? Something simpler would be better like if I could just do http://watermintstudios.com/EarnAMint/GetScaledMedia/Iris%20Doll?id=68&scale=128, but based on how google indexes images, would that give me what I need? Or do I need to provide image file extensions for maximum indexability?
Thanks all
It is important when doing Search Engine Optimization to always use alt="this is a crazy robot" for your images. This will help the crawler identify them. Note: always use alt, don't always name your images this is a crazy robot.

Looking for an anti-spam solution easier to implement than Captcha

I'm looking for a simple anti spam form submission solution, other than Captcha. I've tried implementing Captcha into my website for anti-spam purposes, but it's been too difficult to integrate into the site. I don't get many spam attacks but I'd like to have something in place for the random spam that I get. Does anyone know of something they think would work?
you can add an additional textfield to your form and hide it with css. human users don't see the field, so it should always be empty. spambots usually fill out all form fields and don't know that this one is hidden. if you receive any content in this field, reject the form submission.
Put up something like "What is 3 plus 6?" and give the user a form to type the answer. Any human will get that, including blind ones who can't see a captcha, but no bot will. You don't even need to vary the numbers, really.
