Modify url in Firefox - firefox

I want to intercept and modify a url in firefox so that part of it turns into a "better" version of the website.
More specificity I want to turn this:
into this:
I want a general solution so I can do this to more sites than just youtube.

I found my answer, not completely what I wanted but good enough:
also as:
It is so simple I can do a new addon for every site if need be.
The only problem I have is that it does not work if I follow a link/left klick on a YouTube short within YouTube, apparently Firefox does not report that the URL has changed to the plugin. A simple page refresh (F5 in my case) fixes that.


How is this interactive website made?

I am trying to make a website similar to this and I'd like to know how this website was made. The website is also run on desktop and has a mobile app too so there's no HTML or anything in the back end.
Any ideas?
You can use Wappalyzer to identify the technologies used for this Website.
Result for
as mentioned you can use or to know the technologies used, further more you can view the webpage source or use the inspect element tool to have a better idea of what is going on. and ofcourse there is HTML used in that page whether it was automatically generated or manually

Woocommerce AJAX navigation

My client would like to include an audio player playing background music which doesn't stop during the navigation.
Developpement of the theme is over (based on an existing Woocomerce theme).
I am looking for a great (& if possible quick) way to make the pages loading via AJAX requests in order to keep audio playing in the background.
I do not want to download another "AJAX Woocomerce theme" and restart development since the beginning so what are the other options ? I made a few search for an extension that would fit my needs but can't seem to find one at all.
Before you look into this, try and take a look at this Ajax with wordpress turtorial to understand how this works. [woocommerce] [ajax] Its not a quik fix, BUt you also have plugiins liek that might work.

Wrong URL used when accessing article through a module

I have an annoying problem and am hoping someone will be able to help.
We use quite a few extensions on our Joomla site (Roksprocket mainly but also Global News Filter for instance).
The modules themselves are working fine however when I click on an article in one of these modules the article opens but it doesn't use the nice URL that should be displayed (we have Search Engine Friendly URLs set to Yes and Use URL rewriting set to Yes). This happens for all modules that draw off a category (so I don't think its linked to a specific extension).
For instance on our Case Studies page if you click on Read More on the RSA Case Study you get this URL
but what you should get is the menu item URL associated with this article which is this
I don't think there is anything wrong with our .htaccess as I reverted back to the default Joomla one and it still occured.
Also this used to work perfectly. I first noticed it around October or November last year.
If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it, I've googled the problem many times and not found any help.
Due to a Joomla bug. Fixed by overwriting the route.php file as described in this post:

Start with Firefox addons and iframes

I would like to create my firefox addon. I want to call a javascript that changes the src of the iframes.
I dont know how to build an addon that calls my function on BEFORE PAGE LOAD. Only I got is the main.js. I tried to insert alert('hello'); into it, but nothing happens. Is there any useful tutorial for this?
The best place to start is the Addon SDK documentation:
In particular there is a getting started tutorial:
While it may not solve your particular problem with controlling iframe urls, it will give you a better idea how the SDK works.
Indeed one the most desirable things is get the DOM loaded. So generally we must wait until page is loaded (DOM).
That's why listener as the following are used so much:
window.addEventListener("load", function(){}, false);
appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function docLoader(e){}, true);
So just call any function that you build. It will run before any page load.
To work in FF addon development helps a lot always make searches prefixing MDN (Mozilla Developer Network). Besides I recommend you read all this MDN: XUL School Tutorial. It start like this:
XUL School is a comprehensive add-on development tutorial, focusing on
Firefox extension development. It is recommended that you read through
all of it at least once. While Firefox changes rapidly, the content in
this tutorial should be up to date and valid.

How to quickly write a firefox extension?

I'm to make a firefox extension which will inject some js code as well as whole jQuery lib.
I want it to happen (the injection) when user pushes the button placed somewhere in the browser. I have read docs form MDC and other tutorials about making the extensions and they seem complicated to me. Technologies such as XPCOM or XUL are completely useles form me (I have no time to learn them in fact). My question is, is it another way of solving my problem then following MDC? I need to find quicker way of doing my task.
I've already written the extension for Google Chrome, and it was a way simplier than doing it for Firefox.
I would take a look at Greasemonkey. It shares some similarity with Chrome plugins in function (Script gets injected on the page, local storage, etc). As for using JQuery with Greasemonkey, look at this question: How can I use jQuery in Greasemonkey?
You can use a bookmarklet to add jQuery to a page and/or inject any other code.
