Retreive specific values from file - bash

I have a file containing:
process {
withName : teq {
file = "/path/to/teq-0.20.9.txt"
process {
withName : cad {
file = "/path/to/cad-4.0.txt"
process {
withName : sik {
file = "/path/to/sik-20.0.txt"
I would like to retreive value associated at the end of the file for teq, cad and sik
I was first thinking about something like
grep -E 'teq'
and get only second raw and then remove part of recurrence in line
But it may be easier to do something like:
for a in
line=$(sed -n '{$a}p'
if line=teq
#next line using sed -n?
do print nextline &> teq.txt
else if line=cad
do print nextline &> cad.txt
else if line=sik
do print nextline &> sik.txt
(obviously it doesn't work)
output wanted:
teq.txt containing teq-0.20.9, cad.txt containing cad-4.0 and sik.txt containing sik-20.0
Is there a good way to do that? Thank you for your comments

Based on your given sample:
awk '/withName/{close(f); f=$3 ".txt"}
/file/{sub(/.*\//, ""); sub(/\.txt".*/, "");
print > f}' ip.txt
/withName/{close(f); f=$3 ".txt"} if line contains withName, save filename in f using the third field. close() will close any previous file handle
/file/{sub(/.*\//, ""); sub(/\.txt".*/, ""); if line contains file, remove everything except the value required
print > f print the modified line and redirect to filename in f
if you can have multiple entries, use >> instead of >

Here is a solution in awk:
awk '/withName/{name=$3} /file =/{print $3 > name ".txt"}'
/withName/{name=$3}: when I see the line containing "withName", I save that name
When I see the line with "file =", I print


AWK - Unable to update the files

I have 300 txt files in my directory in the following format
651328 651328
553949 553949
307287 307287
2558 2558
The following awk script was supposed to create a new file by performing calculation on fourth row of each existing files in my directory .
FNR == 1 {
newfilename = FILENAME ; sub(".txt", "_prop.txt", newfilename)
printf "" > newf
FNR == 4 {
print >> newfilename
'regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9].txt regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9][0-9].txt regional_vol_WM_atlas1[0-4][0-9].txt regional_vol_WM_atlas15[02].txt
Unfortunately i could not update any file in the directory ,when i run the file, i am incurring following error
dev#dev-OptiPlex-780:/media/dev/Daten/Task1/subject1/t1$ '/media/dev/Daten/Task1/subject1/t1/Method'
/media/dev/Daten/Task1/subject1/t1/Method: line 18: regional_vol_WM_atlas10.txt: command not found
Could you please correct me where i am wrong
Your script is not calling awk. It defines a variable named awk and then tries to execute the file regional_vol_WM_atlas10.txt with the variable awkcommand set in its environment. Alas, that file is not in your PATH, so bash cannot find it. You need to instead do:
awk "$awkcommand" file1 file2 ...
(where file1, file2, etc. are the input files you want to use as input.)
Also, note that your current script is appending the literal text regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9].txt to the end of the awk command (or if a file exists which matches that glob, the name of that file is being appended), which you do not want. Overall, what you were trying to do should have been written:
FNR == 1 {
newfilename = FILENAME ; sub(".txt", "_prop.txt", newfilename)
printf "" > newfilename
FNR == 4 {
print >> newfilename
awk "$awkcommand" regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9].txt \
regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9][0-9].txt \
regional_vol_WM_atlas1[0-4][0-9].txt \
The problem is that a variable can be assigned for a command, for example:
x='hello' some_command
Which in effect is what bash thinks you are trying to do. The culprit is the whitespace, which acts as a command separator, so just escape (prefix with a \) the whitespace in the list of filenames:
FNR == 1 {
newfilename = FILENAME ; sub(".txt", "_prop.txt", newfilename)
printf "" > newf
FNR == 4 {
print >> newfilename
'\ regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9].txt\ regional_vol_WM_atlas[0-9][0-9].txt\ regional_vol_WM_atlas1[0-4][0-9].txt\ regional_vol_WM_atlas15[02].txt
The only thing I have altered is the final line.

Find, Replace, Remove - with in file

I'm currently using this code:
awk 'BEGIN { s = \"{$CNEW}\" } /WORD_MATCH/ { $0 = s; n = 1 } 1; END { if(!n) print s }' filename > new_filename
To find a match on WORD_MATCH and then replace that line with $CNEW in a file called filename the results are written to new_filename
This all works well. But I have an issue where I may want to DELETE the line instead of replace it.
So I set $CNEW = '' which works in that I get a blank line in the file, but not actually removing the line.
Is there anyway to adapt the AWK command to allow the removal of the line ?
The total aim is :
If there isn't a line in the file containing WORD_MATCH add one, based on $CNEW
If there is a line in the file containing WORD_MATCH update that line with the new value from $CNEW
If $CNEW ='' then delete the line contain WORD_MATCH.
There will only be one line in he file containing WORD_MATCH
awk -v s="$CNEW" '/WORD_MATCH/ { n=1; if (s) $0=s; else next; } 1; END { if(s && !n) print s }' file
How it works
-v s="$CNEW"
This creates s as an awk variable with the value $CNEW. Note that the use of -v neatly eliminates the quoting problems that can occur by trying to define s in a BEGIN block.
/WORD_MATCH/ { n=1; if (s) $0=s; else next; }
If the current line matches WORD_MATCH, then set n to 1. If s is non-empty, then set the current line to s. If not, skip the rest of the commands and start over on the next line.
This is cryptic shorthand for print the line.
END { if(s && !n) print s }
At the end of the file, if n is still not 1 and s is non-empty, then print s.

How to add an input file name to multiple output files in awk?

The question might be trivial. I'm trying to figure out a way to add a part of my input file name to multiple outputs generated by the following awk script.
zcat $1 | BEGIN {
# the number of sequences per file
if (!N) N=10000;
# file prefix
if (!prefix) prefix = "seq";
# file suffix
if (!suffix) suffix = "fa";
# this keeps track of the sequences
count = 0
# skip empty lines at the beginning
/^$/ { next; }
# act on fasta header
/^>/ {
if (count % N == 0) {
if (output) close(output)
output = sprintf("%s%07d.%s", prefix, count, suffix)
print > output
count ++
# write the fasta body into the file
print >> output
The input in $1 variable is 30_C_283_1_5.9.fa.gz
The output files generated by the script are
myseq0000000.fa, myseq1000000.fa and so on....
I would like the output to be
30_C_283_1_5.9_myseq000000.fa, 30_C_283_1_5.9_myseq100000.fa....
Looking forward for some inputs in this regard.
There's a way to direct the output from inside the Awk script:

Adding file information to an AWK comparison

I'm using awk to perform a file comparison against a file listing in found.txt
while read line; do
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]++;next}$1 in a' $line compare.txt >> $CHECKFILE
done < found.txt
found.txt contains full path information to a number of files that may contain the data. While I am able to determine that data exists in both files and output that data to $CHECKFILE, I wanted to be able to put the line from found.txt (the filename) where the line was found.
In other words I end up with something like:
File " /xxxx/yyy/zzz/data.txt "contains the following lines in found.txt $line
just not sure how to get the /xxxx/yyy/zzz/data.txt information into the stream.
Appended for clarification:
The file found.txt contains the full path information to several files on the system
each of the files has a list of parameters that need to be checked for existence before appending additional information to them later in the script.
so for example, file.txt contains the following fields
parameter1 = true
parameter2 = false
parameter35 = true
the compare.txt file contains a number of parameters as well.
So if parameter35 (or any other parameter) shows up in one of the three files I get it's output dropped to the Checkfile.
Both of the scripts (yours and the one I posted) will give me that output but I would also like to echo in the line that is being read at that point in the loop. Sounds like I would just be able to somehow pipe it in, but my awk expertise is limited.
It's not really clear what you want but try this (no shell loop required):
awk '
ARGIND==1 { ARGV[ARGC] = $0; ARGC++; next }
ARGIND==2 { keys[$1]; next }
$1 in keys { print FILENAME, $1 }
' found.txt compare.txt > "$CHECKFILE"
ARGIND is gawk-specific, if you don't have it add FNR==1{ARGIND++}.
Pass the name into awk inside a variable like this:
awk -v file="$line" '{... print "File: " file }'

AWK split for multiple delimiters lines

I'm trying to split a file using AWK one-line but the code below that I came with is not working properly.
awk '
BEGIN { idx=0; file="original_file.split." }
/^REC_DELIMITER.(HIGH|TOP)$/ { idx++ }
/^REC_DELIMITER.TOP$/,/^REC_DELIMITER.(HIGH|TOP)$/ { print > file sprintf("%03d", idx) }
' original_file
Test file is "original_file":
AWK code above is for REC_DELIMITER.TOP and it is giving me these files:
however, I'm trying to get this:
There will be other record delimiters, and when needed, we can run for them like REC_DELIMITER.HIGH, this way getting files like below:
Any help guys is very appreciate, I have been trying to get this working past few days and AWK code above is the best I was able to get. I need now help from AWK masters. :)
Thank you!
You can try something like this:
awk '
file = sprintf (FILENAME".split.%03d",++n)
file = sprintf (FILENAME".split.%03d",++n)
a {
print $0 > file
b {
print $0 > file
}' file
You need something like this (untested):
awk -v dtype="TOP" '
BEGIN { dbase = "^REC_DELIMITER\\."; delim = dbase dtype "$" }
$0 ~ dbase { inBlock=0 }
$0 ~ delim { inBlock=1; idx++ }
inBlock { print > sprintf("original_file.split.%03d", idx) }
' original_file
awk -vRS=REC_DELIMITER '/^.TOP\n/{print RS $0 > sprintf("original_file.split.%03d",n)};!++n' original_file
(Give or take an extra newline at the end.)
Generally, when input is supposed to be treated as a series of multi-line records with a special line as delimiter, the most direct approach is to set RS (and often ORS) to that delimiter.
Normally you'd want to add newlines to its beginning and/or end, but this case is a little special so it's easier without them.
Edited to add: You need GNU Awk for this. Standard Awk considers only the first character of RS.
I made some changes so the different delimiters go to the their own file, even when they occur later in the file. make a file like splitter.awk with the contents below, the chmod +x it and run it with ./splitter.awk original_file
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
if (!cnt[$0]) {
cnt[$0] = ++idx;
print > file sprintf("%03d", out)
I'm not very used to AWK, however, plasticide's answer put me towards right direction and I finally got AWK script working as requirements.
In below code, first IF turn echo to 0 if a demilier is found. Second IF turn echo to 1 if the wanted delimiter is found, then the want ones are are split from file.
I know regex could be something like /^(REC_(DELIMITER\.(TOP|HIGH|LOW)|NO_CATEGORY)$/ but since regex is created dynamically via shellscript that reads from an specific file a list of delimiters, it will look more like in AWK below.
awk 'BEGIN {
idx=0; echo=1; file="original_file.split."
#All the delimiters to consider in given file
#Delimiters that should actually be pulled
idx++; echo=1
#Print to a file is match wanted delimmiter
if(echo) {
print > file idx
}' original_file
Thank you all. I really appreciate it very much.
