Simplifying a square root expression in Mathimatica - wolfram-mathematica

I'm trying to calculate the eigenvalues/vectors of a system with Mathematica. The 1D system is given:
In[1]:= t1 = {{0, -(lm + 2 mu)}, {-1/roh, 0}}
using the built-in function to calculate the eigenvalues we get :
In[2]:= t11 = Eigenvalues[t1]
Out[1]= {-(Sqrt[lm + 2 mu]/Sqrt[roh]), Sqrt[lm + 2 mu]/Sqrt[roh]}
I'm trying to simplify the eigenvalues expressions by assuming :
UP = Sqrt[(lm + 2 mu)/roh]
What I have tried is :
In[3]:= Simplify[t11, Assumptions -> {UP == Sqrt[(lm + 2 mu)/roh]}]
I'm expecting to get the following :
Out[2]= {-U, U}
But it's not working . Any Idea?


How to fix 'Equations may not give solutions for all "solve" variables' error

I am attempting a problem that can be solved with MUC (method of undetermined coefficients).
However, when I use the Solve function, it gives an error.
y[x_] := a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d
Solve[{y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + y[x] == x^3}, {a, b, c, d}]
Solve::svars: Equations may not give solutions for all "solve" variables.
Shouldn't this solve for all variables in the set?
Thank You for your help :)
Looks like some extra methodology is needed for this.
As you stated, a function with the finite family of derivatives for x^3 is
y[x_] := a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d
Equating coefficients
sol = Solve[Thread[CoefficientList[
y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + y[x], x] == CoefficientList[x^3, x]]]
{{a -> 1, b -> -6, c -> 18, d -> -24}}
Checking the results
FullSimplify[y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + y[x] == x^3 /. sol]

integrating over the solutions of an implicit equation

I have an implicit equation in Mathematica, which I solve by using NSolve. Now, I need to weigh the various solutions according to a Gaussian, but I can't quite make it work. Here is my suggestion so far:
a = (4.2*10^(-5));
b = 4067;
c = 112;
sol[d_] := Select[NSolve[s == (1 + a^2*(2*Pi*1000*d)^2)/((1 + c/(1 + (s*b)/(1 + a^2*(2*Pi*1000*d)^2)))^2 + a^2*(2*Pi*1000*d)^2), {s}], Chop[(Im[s] /. #)] == 0 &][[1]][[1]][[2]];
NIntegrate[Exp[-v^2]*sol[v], {v, -2, 2}]
However, this does not work. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? What I want is pretty straightforward, but I've had some problems implementing it.
Try this; the main points are to use the third argument to NSolve to specify the domain and to make sure the function sol2 is called only on a numerical argument.
sol2[d_?NumericQ] := NSolve[s == (1 +
a^2*(2*Pi*1000*d)^2)/((1 +
c/(1 + (s*b)/(1 + a^2*(2*Pi*1000*d)^2)))^2 +
a^2*(2*Pi*1000*d)^2), {s}, Reals][[1]][[1]][[2]]
NIntegrate[Exp[-v^2]*sol2[v], {v, -2, 2}]
(* 1.66556 *)
Plot[Exp[-v^2]*sol2[v], {v, -2, 2}]

Mathematica Help: FullSimplify does not use conjugate identities

FullSimplify fails to recognize that:
a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] = 2 Re[a*b]
I have some very complex equations that could be simplified greatly if Mathematica could recognize this simple identity
(and that a*Conjugate[b] - b*Conjugate[a] = 2 Im[a*b]).
See, Mathematica will not finish solving my equations when written in
a*Conjugate[b] +b*Conjugate[a] form,
but I could at the very least write my final equations in an extremely descriptive and compact form if Mathematica recognized this. The actual expressions look like:
-((I q1 + q2)/(I q0 + Sqrt[-q0^2 + q1^2 + q2^2 + q3^2])) -
(Conjugate[q1] + I Conjugate[q2])/
(Conjugate[q0] + I Conjugate[Sqrt[-q0^2 + q1^2 + q2^2 + q3^2]])
I would do this myself, but there are 16 of such expressions and they form 4 sets of coupled systems. Since one sign error would render my work useless, I would strongly prefer an automated process.
The identity you gave, b Conjugate[a] + a Conjugate[b] == 2 Re[a b], is only true if at least one of a and b is real:
In[7]:= Simplify[
Reduce[a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] == 2 Re[a*b], {a, b}]]
Out[7]= Im[a] == 0 || Im[b] == 0
If this additional condition is in fact true in your application then you could give it to Simplify or FullSimplify as an assumption, as their second argument. For example:
In[14]:= FullSimplify[Im[a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a]],
Im[a] == 0 || Im[b] == 0]
Out[14]= 0
By the way, here is one example when the identity is not true:
In[1]:= FindInstance[
a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] != 2 Re[a*b], {a, b}]
Out[1]= {{a -> -I, b -> -I}}
First pass: Use ComplexExpand[].
In := Simplify[ ComplexExpand[ a Conjugate[b] + b Conjugate[a], {a, b} ] ]
Out = 2 (Im[a] Im[b] + Re[a] Re[b])
For more fun, look at ComplexityFunction, although I find that a lot of trial and error is involved in tuning FullSimplify.
I think the correct identity should be:
a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] == 2 Re[Conjugate[a]*b]
It's always true:
In[1]:= FullSimplify[a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a] == 2 Re[Conjugate[a]*b]]
Out[1]= True
Is your identity correct? I'm getting different numbers for two sides
{a*Conjugate[b] + b*Conjugate[a], 2 Re[a*b]} /. {a -> RandomComplex[],b -> RandomComplex[]}

Mathematica: using simplify to do common sub-expression elimination and reduction in strength

So lately I have been toying around with how Mathematica's pattern matching and term rewriting might be put to good use in compiler optimizations...trying to highly optimize short blocks of code that are the inner parts of loops. Two common ways to reduce the amount of work it takes to evaluate an expression is to identify sub-expressions that occur more than once and store the result and then use the stored result at subsequent points to save work. Another approach is to use cheaper operations where possible. For instance, my understanding is that taking square roots take more clock cycles than additions and multiplications. To be clear, I am interested in the cost in terms of floating point operations that evaluating the expression would take, not how long it takes Mathematica to evaluate it.
My first thought was that I would tackle the problem developing using Mathematica's simplify function. It is possible to specify a complexity function that compares the relative simplicity of two expressions. I was going to create one using weights for the relevant arithmetic operations and add to this the LeafCount for the expression to account for the assignment operations that are required. That addresses the reduction in strength side, but it is the elimination of common subexpressions that has me tripped up.
I was thinking of adding common subexpression elimination to the possible transformation functions that simplify uses. But for a large expression there could be many possible subexpressions that could be replaced and it won't be possible to know what they are till you see the expression. I have written a function that gives the possible substitutions, but it seems like the transformation function you specify needs to just return a single possible transformation, at least from the examples in the documentation. Any thoughts on how one might get around this limitation? Does anyone have a better idea of how simplify uses transformation functions that might hint at a direction forward?
I imagine that behind the scenes that Simplify is doing some dynamic programming trying different simplifications on different parts of the expressions and returning the one with the lowest complexity score. Would I be better off trying to do this dynamic programming on my own using common algebraic simplifications such as factor and collect?
EDIT: I added the code that generates possible sub-expressions to remove
(*traverses entire expression tree storing each node*)
AllSubExpressions[x_, accum_] := Module[{result, i, len},
len = Length[x];
result = Append[accum, x];
If[LeafCount[x] > 1,
For[i = 1, i <= len, i++,
result = ToSubExpressions2[x[[i]], result];
Return[Sort[result, LeafCount[#1] > LeafCount[#2] &]]
CommonSubExpressions[statements_] := Module[{common, subexpressions},
subexpressions = AllSubExpressions[statements, {}];
(*get the unique set of sub expressions*)
common = DeleteDuplicates[subexpressions];
(*remove constants from the list*)
common = Select[common, LeafCount[#] > 1 &];
(*only keep subexpressions that occur more than once*)
common = Select[common, Count[subexpressions, #] > 1 &];
(*output the list of possible subexpressions to replace with the \
number of occurrences*)
Once a common sub-expression is chosen from the list returned by CommonSubExpressions the function that does the replacement is below.
eliminateCSE[statements_, expr_] := Module[{temp},
temp = Unique["r"];
Prepend[ReplaceAll[statements, expr -> temp], temp[expr]]
At the risk of this question getting long, I will put a little example code up. I thought a decent expression to try to optimize would be the classical Runge-Kutta method for solving differential equations.
nextY=statements[y + 1/6 h (f[t, n] + 2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]] +
2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]] +
f[h + t,
y + h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]]])];
transformed=eliminateCSE[nextY, First[possibleTransformations]]
{f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]],
y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]],
0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]],
f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]], y + 0.5 h f[t, n], 0.5 h f[t, n],
0.5 h + t, f[t, n], 0.5 h}
statements[r1[f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]]]],
y + 1/6 h (2 r1 + f[t, n] + 2 f[0.5 h + t, y + 0.5 h f[t, n]] +
f[h + t, h r1 + y])]
Finally, the code to judge the relative cost of different expressions is below. The weights are conceptual at this point as that is still an area I am researching.
cost[e_] :=
Count[e, #1, Infinity, Heads -> True]*#2 &, {{Plus, Times, Sqrt,
f}, {1, 2, 5, 10}}]]
There are also some routines here implemented here by this author:
I packaged it into a *.M file and have fixed a bug (if the expression has no repeated subexpressions the it dies), and I am trying to find the author's contact info to see if I can upload his modified code to pastebin or wherever.
EDIT: I have received permission from the author to upload it and have pasted it here:
To identify repeating subexpressions, you could use something like this
(*helper functions to add Dictionary-like functionality*)
dict_] := (downvalue[[1]] /. HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x) //
value[downvalue_] := downvalue[[-1]];
indices[dict_] :=
Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] //
values[dict_] := Map[#[[-1]] &, DownValues[dict]];
items[dict_] := Map[{index[#, dict], value[#]} &, DownValues[dict]];
indexQ[dict_, index_] :=
If[MatchQ[dict[index], HoldPattern[dict[index]]], False, True];
(*count number of times each sub-expressions occurs *)
expr = Cos[x + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]]] + Cos[Cos[x] + Sin[x]];
Map[(counts[#] = If[indexQ[counts, #], counts[#] + 1, 1]; #) &, expr,
items[counts] // Column
I tried to mimic the dictionary compression function appears on this blog:
Here is what I made:
DictionaryCompress[expr_, count_, size_, func_] := Module[
{t, s, rule, rule1, rule2},
t = Tally#Level[expr, Depth[expr]];
s = Sort[
Select[{First##, Last##, Depth[First##]} & /#
t, (#[[2]] > count && #[[3]] > size) &], #1[[2]]*#1[[3]] < #2[[
2]]*#2[[2]] &];
rule = MapIndexed[First[#1] -> func ## #2 &, s];
rule = (# //. Cases[rule, Except[#]]) & /# rule;
rule1 = Select[rule, ! FreeQ[#, Plus] &];
rule2 = Complement[rule, rule1];
rule = rule1 //. (Reverse /# rule2);
rule = rule /. MapIndexed[ Last[#1] -> func ## #2 &, rule];
expr //. rule,
Reverse /# rule
poly = Sum[Subscript[c, k] x^k, {k, 0, 4}];
sol = Solve[poly == 0, x];
expr = x /. sol;
Style[TraditionalForm[Subscript[x, First[#2]] == #], 20] &, #[[
1]]], Spacings -> 1],
Column[Style[#, 20] & /# #[[2]], Spacings -> 1, Frame -> All]
}] &#DictionaryCompress[expr, 1, 1,
Framed[#, Background -> LightYellow] &]

Solving vector equations in Mathematica

I'm trying to figure out how to use Mathematica to solve systems of equations where some of the variables and coefficients are vectors. A simple example would be something like
where I know A, V, and the magnitude of P, and I have to solve for t and the direction of P. (Basically, given two rays A and B, where I know everything about A but only the origin and magnitude of B, figure out what the direction of B must be such that it intersects A.)
Now, I know how to solve this sort of thing by hand, but that's slow and error-prone, so I was hoping I could use Mathematica to speed things along and error-check me. However, I can't see how to get Mathematica to symbolically solve equations involving vectors like this.
I've looked in the VectorAnalysis package, without finding anything there that seems relevant; meanwhile the Linear Algebra package only seems to have a solver for linear systems (which this isn't, since I don't know t or P, just |P|).
I tried doing the simpleminded thing: expanding the vectors into their components (pretend they're 3D) and solving them as if I were trying to equate two parametric functions,
{ Function[t, {Bx + Vx*t, By + Vy*t, Bz + Vz*t}][t] ==
Function[t, {Px*t, Py*t, Pz*t}][t],
Px^2 + Py^2 + Pz^2 == Q^2 } ,
{ t, Px, Py, Pz }
but the "solution" that spits out is a huge mess of coefficients and congestion. It also forces me to expand out each of the dimensions I feed it.
What I want is a nice symbolic solution in terms of dot products, cross products, and norms:
But I can't see how to tell Solve that some of the coefficients are vectors instead of scalars.
Is this possible? Can Mathematica give me symbolic solutions on vectors? Or should I just stick with No.2 Pencil technology?
(Just to be clear, I'm not interested in the solution to the particular equation at top -- I'm asking if I can use Mathematica to solve computational geometry problems like that generally without my having to express everything as an explicit matrix of {Ax, Ay, Az}, etc.)
With Mathematica
Clear[A, V, P];
A = {1, 2, 3};
V = {4, 5, 6};
P = {P1, P2, P3};
Solve[A + V t == P, P]
{{P1 -> 1 + 4 t, P2 -> 2 + 5 t, P3 -> 3 (1 + 2 t)}}
Typing out P = {P1, P2, P3} can be annoying if the array or matrix is large.
Clear[A, V, PP, P];
A = {1, 2, 3};
V = {4, 5, 6};
PP = Array[P, 3];
Solve[A + V t == PP, PP]
{{P[1] -> 1 + 4 t, P[2] -> 2 + 5 t, P[3] -> 3 (1 + 2 t)}}
Matrix vector inner product:
Clear[A, xx, bb];
A = {{1, 5}, {6, 7}};
xx = Array[x, 2];
bb = Array[b, 2];
Solve[A.xx == bb, xx]
{{x[1] -> 1/23 (-7 b[1] + 5 b[2]), x[2] -> 1/23 (6 b[1] - b[2])}}
Matrix multiplication:
Clear[A, BB, d];
A = {{1, 5}, {6, 7}};
BB = Array[B, {2, 2}];
d = {{6, 7}, {8, 9}};
Solve[A.BB == d]
{{B[1, 1] -> -(2/23), B[2, 1] -> 28/23, B[1, 2] -> -(4/23), B[2, 2] -> 33/23}}
The dot product has an infix notation built in just use a period for the dot.
I do not think the cross product does however. This is how you use the Notation package to make one. "X" will become our infix form of Cross. I suggest coping the example from the Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation tutorial. Also use the Notation Palette which helps abstract away some of the Box syntax.
Notation[x_ X y_\[DoubleLongLeftRightArrow]Cross[x_, y_]]
RowBox[{x_, , X, , y_, }]] \[DoubleLongLeftRightArrow]
NotationTemplateTag[RowBox[{ ,
RowBox[{Cross, [,
RowBox[{x_, ,, y_}], ]}]}]]]
{a, b, c} X {x, y, z}
{-c y + b z, c x - a z, -b x + a y}
The above looks horrible but when using the Notation Palette it looks like:
Notation[x_ X y_\[DoubleLongLeftRightArrow]Cross[x_, y_]]
{a, b, c} X {x, y, z}
I have run into some quirks using the notation package in the past versions of mathematica so be careful.
I don't have a general solution for you by any means (MathForum may be the better way to go), but there are some tips that I can offer you. The first is to do the expansion of your vectors into components in a more systematic way. For instance, I would solve the equation you wrote as follows.
rawSol = With[{coords = {x, y, z}},
{A[#] + V[#] t == P[#] t & /# coords,
Total[P[#]^2 & /# coords] == P^2}],
Flatten[{t, P /# coords}]]];
Then you can work with the rawSol variable more easily. Next, because you are referring the vector components in a uniform way (always matching the Mathematica pattern v_[x|y|z]), you can define rules that will aid in simplifying them. I played around a bit before coming up with the following rules:
vectorRules =
{forms___ + vec_[x]^2 + vec_[y]^2 + vec_[z]^2 :> forms + vec^2,
forms___ + c_. v1_[x]*v2_[x] + c_. v1_[y]*v2_[y] + c_. v1_[z]*v2_[z] :>
forms + c v1\[CenterDot]v2};
These rules will simplify the relationships for vector norms and dot products (cross-products are left as a likely painful exercise for the reader). EDIT: rcollyer pointed out that you can make c optional in the rule for dot products, so you only need two rules for norms and dot products.
With these rules, I was immediately able to simplify the solution for t into a form very close to yours:
In[3] := t /. rawSol //. vectorRules // Simplify // InputForm
Out[3] = {(A \[CenterDot] V - Sqrt[A^2*(P^2 - V^2) +
(A \[CenterDot] V)^2])/(P^2 - V^2),
(A \[CenterDot] V + Sqrt[A^2*(P^2 - V^2) +
(A \[CenterDot] V)^2])/(P^2 - V^2)}
Like I said, it's not a complete way of solving these kinds of problems by any means, but if you're careful about casting the problem into terms that are easy to work with from a pattern-matching and rule-replacement standpoint, you can go pretty far.
I've taken a somewhat different approach to this issue. I've made some definitions that return this output:
Patterns that are known to be vector quantities may be specified using vec[_], patterns that have an OverVector[] or OverHat[] wrapper (symbols with a vector or hat over them) are assumed to be vectors by default.
The definitions are experimental and should be treated as such, but they seem to work well. I expect to add to this over time.
Here are the definitions. The need to be pasted into a Mathematica Notebook cell and converted to StandardForm to see them properly.
(* vec[pat] determines if pat is a vector quantity.
vec[pat] can be used to define patterns that should be treated as vectors.
Default: Patterns are assumed to be scalar unless otherwise defined *)
(* Symbols with a vector hat, or vector operations on vectors are assumed to be vectors *)
(* Placeholder for matrix types *)
(* Anything not defined as a vector or matrix is a scalar *)
scal[x_?scal+y_?scal]:=True;scal[x_?scal y_?scal]:=True;
(* Scalars times vectors are vectors *)
vec[a_?scal u_?vec]:=True;
mat[a_?scal m_?mat]:=True;
vExpand$[s_?scal (u_?vec\[Cross]v_?vec)]:=Expand[s] vExpand$[u\[Cross]v];
vExpand$[s_?scal (u_?vec\[CenterDot]v_?vec)]:=Expand[s] vExpand$[u\[CenterDot]v];
(* Some simplification rules *)
(u_?vec\[Cross]u_?vec):=\!\(\*OverscriptBox["0", "\[RightVector]"]\);
(u_?vec+\!\(\*OverscriptBox["0", "\[RightVector]"]\)):=u;
0v_?vec:=\!\(\*OverscriptBox["0", "\[RightVector]"]\);
\!\(\*OverscriptBox["0", "\[RightVector]"]\)\[CenterDot]v_?vec:=0;
v_?vec\[CenterDot]\!\(\*OverscriptBox["0", "\[RightVector]"]\):=0;
(a_?scal u_?vec)\[Cross]v_?vec :=a u\[Cross]v;u_?vec\[Cross](a_?scal v_?vec ):=a u\[Cross]v;
(a_?scal u_?vec)\[CenterDot]v_?vec :=a u\[CenterDot]v;
u_?vec\[CenterDot](a_?scal v_?vec) :=a u\[CenterDot]v;
(* Stealing behavior from Dot *)
