Plot ROC curve in pytorch for image dataset (both binary and multi-classes) - roc

I am trying to plot ROC curve in Pytorch but I can see that all answers concerning ROC curve is on numeric dataset. Could anyone please do that for image dataset? Thanks in advance.


In Paraview: comparative plotting of 3d surfaces with x,y,z data where z varies with time

I have measured elevations of a surface at fixed time intervals. Now I have a set of X,Y,Z data for each time step. I am trying to plot a 3d surface from these X,Y,Z data for each time step in paraview and I want to show the change in elevation over time by changing the time frames in paraview.
I would be grateful if somebody can explain how can i do it?

MATLAB image processing - edge detection algorithm

Hi, first picture represents the damage and delamination that follows
What I want to do is remove the intact area and only visualize the damage area that is marked by black curves (I want everything to be white, or blank except the damage area)
I tried Thresholding method but doesn't seem to be effective
So I found out that histogram equalization and laplacian of gaussian filter are useful for edge detection image processing.
Are there any other image processing tool to get what I want?
Will histogram equalization or laplacian of gaussian filter be good enough?
Any tips are welcome!
Thanks in advance guys

How to bold legend and axis in 3d scatter plot in Matlab

I have one question. How to bold legend and axis in 3d scatter plot in Matlab?
Anyone can help me.
Thank you
Run this after the figure is created, it sets all text elements of the current figure to bold:
set(findall(gcf,'type','text'), 'FontWeight','bold')
It is not 3D scatter specific and is answered here as well: Changing Fonts in Matlab Plots

D3.js contour plot not working (Possible bug of d3 contour)

I am plotting a d3.js contour plot. I am following the same steps as shown in the link and But the problem is my code is not working. The size of my 2D matrix for contour plot is dx=82 and dy=141. My code is not plotting anything instead its hanging the browser. I wonder is there any size restriction of matrix on the contour plot? Do you have any idea?
Actually its not really a bug, it's just that the data is incompatible with the colour domain you have specified. For example, the colour domain runs from 95 to 195 and your data is all 10. So there is no intersection between the data and the contours. This is the failure mode.
If you change your contour domain or your data so that they intersect it will be fine.

D3 mask creation

I'm working on a project here and I'm trying to apply a mask to the roads so that the coloured rectangles are only opaque where the roads would be. I'm a little stuck on finding information about using masks with D3. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks, Tom
