elasticsearch index usage , query stats collection - elasticsearch

I am new to elasticsearch , need to analyze elasticsearch index utilisation , please, advice best practices on how can I collect statistics on queries sent to elasticsearch or particular index and sort by frequency so I can identify at later stage if any optimisations can be done from application side ?


elasticsearch query statistics and analysis in near real time

I am pretty new to elasticsearch and I want to create statistics and kibana dashboards on queries sent to elasticsearch index , what is the best approach to do so ? Any advice or recommendations will be highly appreciated?
The idea is to analyze all queries sent to the index and do some performance optimisation in the future when the userbase increase ...
I am planning for the moment to store the logs in different index , but parsing seems to be kind of complex activity ...
Ideally I need to have:
-Counting of user queries
-Counting of queries that returned no results
-Logging of all search terms
-Sorting of queries, and queries that returned no results, by most frequently contained search term
-A view of top queries, including the search term not found results for and the exact query
-A view of top queries returning no results, including the search term not found results for and the exact query
There is no OOTB functionality available in Elasticsearch for search analysis. But there are some workaround you can do for same and get information what you are asking.
First option, you can enable slow log in Elasticsearch by executing below command and it will log each and every request to coming to Elasticsearch.
PUT /my-index-000001/_settings
"index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.info": "0s",
"index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.info": "0s"
Second option, You can log all the query the application layer or intermediate level using which application and elasticsearch talking to each other.
Once you have logs, You can configured Logstash / Filebeat / Fleet to read log and transform and index to Elasticsearch. Logstash provide differnt kind of filter which you can use and easily transofrm your plain text logs to strcture logs (grok filter).

mongoDB laravel search query taking too much time

i have 400000+ records now stored in MongoDB with a regular indexed but when i fire a update or search query through laravel elenquote it's taking too much time to get the particular records.
in where condition we have use indexed columns only.
we are using atlas M10 cluster instance with multiple replicas
so anyone have a some idea about it please share us
my replication lag graph
this is my profiler data
My Indexs in schema

Elasticsearch and Kibana: aggregation to find the name of the most rewarded miner, daily

I created an index from a Storm topology to ElasticSearch (ES). The index map is basically:
index: btc-block
miner: text
reward: double
datetime: date
From those documents I would like to create a histogram of the richest miner, on a daily scale.
I am wondering if I should aggregate first in storm and just use ES and Kibana to store, query and then display the data or if ES and Kibana can handle such requests.
I have been looking at the Transforms, in the index management section, that allows to create new indices from queries and aggregations in continuous modes but I can't succeed to get to the expected result.
Any help will be appreciated.
Sometimes we need to ask a question to find the answer...
I kept looking at the documentation and eventually I could solve the issue by using a sibling pipeline aggregation, in the visualization. In my case, a max bucket aggregation of the sum of reward on Y-axis.
In that case get like 6 records/hour so I guess it's ok to let Kibana and ES work. What if I got lot more data? Would it not be wiser to aggregate in Storm?

ElasticSearch: optimise the storage in indexes and the time response for requests

In a Kafka server I have N types of messages, one for each IOT application. I want to store these messages in Elastisearch in different indexes. Do you know which is the most optimizing method for that use case in order to have the lower time response for request regarding every message type ?
Furthermore, it is adivised to create an index per day like this: "messageType-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"; Is this a way for my use case?
Finally, concerning the previous way, if I have a request with a time range for instance from 2016.06.01 to 2016.07.04, does elasticsearch search directly in the indexes "messageType-%{+2016.06.01}", "messageType-%{+2016.06.02}", ..., "messageType-%{+2016.07.04}" ?
Thanks in advance,
If you plan to purge docs after a certain time, creating indexes based on time is a good idea because you can drop indexes after certain time.
You can search against all indexes or more preferably you should specify the indexes you want to search against.
For example, you could do a search against /index1,index2/_search where you determine index1, index2 from the query or you can just hit /_search which will search all indexes (slower)

elastic search index strategies under high traffic

We use ElasticSearch for our tool's real time metrics and analytics part. ElasticSearch is very cool and fast when we are query our data. (statiticial facets and terms facet)
But we have problem when we try to index our hourly data. We collect every our metric data from other services. First we collect data from other services and save them RabbitMQ process. But when queue worker runs our all hourly data not index to ES. Usually %40 of data index in ES and other them lost.
So what is your idea about when index ES under high traffic ?
I've posted answers to other similar questions:
Ways to improve first time indexing in ElasticSearch
Performance issues using Elasticsearch as a time window storage (latter part of my answer applies)
Additionally, instead of a custom 'queue worker' have you considered using a 'river'? For more information see:
