phpMyAdmin - Syntax Error when importing excel sheets - syntax

When trying to import a zip file containing excel spreadsheets relating to my created databases I get the following error message:
5 errors were found during analysis.
Ending quote ' was expected. (near "" at position 358)
Unexpected beginning of statement. (near "AcID" at position 0)
Unexpected beginning of statement. (near "Title" at position 5)
Unexpected beginning of statement. (near "CaID" at position 11)
Unexpected beginning of statement. (near "BuID" at position 16)
SQL query: Copy
AcID,Title,CaID,BuID,Status,Started,Ended,Internal 1,New Programme Promotion,1,1,On Going,2021-02-01',NULL,1 2,Coding Competition,2,2,Finished,2019-01-01',2019-01-30',1 3,Drone Design Workshop,1,3,Finished,2018-11-14',2018-12-14',1 4,Welcome Party,3,4,Planning,2023-01-18',2023-01-30',1 5,Summer Undergraduate BBQ,1,5,Finished,2016-06-07',2016-06-08',1;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AcID,Title,CaID,BuID,Status,Started,Ended,Internal
1,New Programme Promotion...' at line 1```
Any Ideas?


Bash beeline alias

I use beeline from the command line quite a lot, so I would like to create a bash alias for the beeline command that takes care of all the boilerplate for me and does some argument parsing and things. Specifically, one thing I would like to do is create a showtables command which takes a single argument, the name of a database, and invokes the beeline command with the boiler plate and passes the -e argument along with the appropriate SQL, i.e. - showtables db1 should invoke /usr/bin/beeline -u $config -e "SHOW TABLES IN db1". My source file looks like this :
/usr/bin/beeline --showHeader=False --outputformat=tsv2 -u $config -e \"SHOW TABLES IN $1\"
but the output is
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:4 cannot recognize input near 'SHOW' '<EOF>' '<EOF>' in ddl statement (state=42000,code=40000)
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:0 cannot recognize input near 'TABLES' '<EOF>' '<EOF>' (state=42000,code=40000)
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:0 cannot recognize input near 'IN' '<EOF>' '<EOF>' (state=42000,code=40000)
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:0 cannot recognize input near 'db1' '<EOF>' '<EOF>' (state=42000,code=40000)
I've verified that just doing
/usr/bin/beeline --showHeader=False --outputformat=tsv2 -u $config -e "SHOW TABLES IN db1"
works as expected. I don't understand why my executable isn't working though.
The backslashes before your quotes make them behave like regular characters from the perspective of parsing, and not like quotes anymore. Thus, when you put backslashes in front of the quotes, SHOW TABLES IN db1 is no longer a string, but is four separate strings: "SHOW, TABLES, IN, and db1".
These words are not valid queries when run on their own -- hence your error. Take out the backslashes and the issue goes away.

Hive error when declaring hivevar

Trying to declare a variable in Hive using Hue online. Using the following code:
SET hivevar:TABLE1=location.tablename;
I am getting the following error message:
Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:12 missing KW_ROLE at 'hivevar' near 'hivevar' line 1:19 missing EOF at ':' near 'hivevar'.
Can anyone tell me what this error message means or even what the KW_ROLE statement means?
Do you by any chance have a comment above that instruction ? Are you running that line and that line only ?
For example, the following will raise a similar Exception :
--This is a comment
SET hivevar:TABLE1=location.tablename;
But it works fine without the comment.
I guess you are making changes in MAC/Windows and moving the script to the server, Double dash "--" in MAC is a different from double dash "--" on Linux server, make changes on server itself and run the script...

added a line to an existing shell script and

now I get a bizarre error as if I have changed/lost a closing argument such as fi, statement closure such as , or a hidden series of tabs.
This is the message I get in my err file:
./ line 156: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
./ line 156: ` else'
Again, I did not touch these lines. Not even close and what I added was another operation to dump a mongo collection to the backup directory. So I had:
...start of script
mongodump... # this was existing
mongodump... # this was the addition of script (about 70) lines unchanged
Key point:
the above lines worked
the code/server executed as expected
the error/crash occurred at the end of the process after execution (so the whole thing actually worked!)
I looked at the code with syntax highlighting (vim, nano) and I cannot see anything wrong with it (at least not an obvious thing such as a bracket, fi or missing back tick)!
Any suggestions?

Error in Genetic Algorithm (Octave)

I am trying to implement a genetic algorithm in octave.
My code is
I get the following error:
>> run("a.m")
parse error near line 31 of file /home/teron/a.m
nested functions not implemented in this context
>>> function [x,y]=crossover(x,y)
error: called from 'run' in file /usr/share/octave/4.0.0/m/miscellaneous/run.m near line 84, column 5
I do not know how to resolve this error
The error is rather informative, namely the part about "nested functions". For instance, the following gives us the same error.
function fun1
function fun2
Save this into a text file (eg. temp.m), and run it.
octave:2> run('temp.m')
parse error near line 3 of file /home/me/temp.m
nested functions not implemented in this context
>>> function fun2
error: called from 'run' in file /usr/share/octave/3.8.1/m/miscellaneous/run.m near line 80, column 5
I suspect you're missing an end around line 13, but well-formatted code would go a long way.

Error when trying to load data from Unix script

when i am trying to execute the SQL script from Unix server its showing error but the same SQL i am running from sql navigator its working fine .. kindly help me on it..
INSERT INTO t_csocstudent_course_local
(SELECT tsct.student_id,
FROM temp_stud_course tsct join course_local clt
on tsct.COURSE_ID = clt.COURSE_ID
WHERE TO_CHAR (sc_timestamp, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') >
FROM t_student_course_local)
AND tsct.xcourse_id IN
Error :
Error in loading main table
Enter password:
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "WHERE TO..." - rest of line ignored.
AND tsct.xcourse_id IN
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
Thanks in advance !!
I can't remember if the Oracle command line client permits extra whitespace linebreaks. Remove the extra linebreak before the WHERE clause.
From the documentation, an empty line terminates a SQL statement by default in SQLplus.
Set the char used to end and execute SQL commands to c.
OFF disables the command terminator - use an empty line instead.
ON resets the terminator to the default semicolon (;).
You can change the behavior to use semicolons instead of empty lines:
