Facebook Oauth2 authentication not working for spring boot application - spring-boot

I am building a spring-boot application which uses google/facebook oauth2 authentication. The application configurations set are as follows:
For google, this is working well - the application has an authorization rest controller which redirects to the google auth end point. After logging in, I can see a code is returned and sent to a redirect URI {baseUrl}/ouath2/callback/google, which is exchanged for a token which is in turn parsed and used to construct a universal application-level Oauth2 bearer token (for use in my shared APIs etc).
For facebook, I am attempting a similar setup. The initial redirect works, and user is directed to a facebook login page with equivalent client_id / redirect uri parameters set:
However, when the code is obtained after login and sent to the redirect uri {baseUrl}/ouath2/callback/facebook, there is an error returned when my application attempts to access the FB User Info resource server:
I don't have any traffic capture from my backend to the FB User Info URI, so I can't see exactly what's being sent, but the response I get back is a server error:
[invalid_user_info_response] An error occurred while attempting to
retrieve the UserInfo Resource: Error details: [UserInfo Uri:
Error Code: server_error]
Are there any known issues with the graph.facebook.com end points?


Pass Information with URL redirection

We are working on an existing application where web services (tomcat) as well as UI (nginx) applications are hosted on separate containers. One of the service application is used for sending login request (SAML request) to identity provider (ping). Here are the steps for user login to the system:
User loads the application (domain URL: https://ui.domain.com), it loads the UI where it checks for logged in user (JWT token string generated for user/role) on local storage and when not found, it redirects to ping (IDP) for authentication.
Once authenticated with ping, it calls the spring controller which is configured for the success URL on service application (https://api.domain.com/auth-service/auth).
This controller service (/auth), gets the SAML response sent by ping and processes it further to get user details and generates the JWT token for the user and redirects the user to UI (https://ui.domain.com).
Problem Statement:
To pass the token to UI, the JWT token string is added to URL by using
redirectAttributes.addAttribute(“auth-token”, token);
With the above, it shows up in the address bar like: https://ui.domain.com/?auth-token=
This has raised a concern with respect to security as the token is displayed on address bar and exposed which can be decoded to get user information.
Current Approach (tried):
Before redirection from controller to UI, tried to set cookie
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(“auth-token”, token);
However we couldn’t find the cookie from UI.
We tried to set it to response header too.
response.addHeader(“auth-token”, token);
Since it is a redirection, the adding to response doesn’t help.
Further trials:
We are also putting a thought about changing the approach of authentication controls where after ping authentication is done, the success URL can be replaced with UI url rather than service URL, i.e.
Current: saml.sso.default-success-url= https://api.domain.com/auth-service/auth
Proposed: saml.sso.default-success-url= https://ui.domain.com/
With the above, the SAML response supposed to go directly to UI (after ping authentication is successful).
However we couldn’t get the response in UI and it also behaves like ping is doing a redirection to UI and due to the same reason, UI doesn’t get it.
Any ideas and suggestions over this would be great.

openiddict - The specified authorization code is invalid

I have written a web API in .NET core 2.0 and using openiddict. When testing the external login use case, the following steps are followed.
User calls into account controller specifying their external login provider which starts the Challenge process.
The result of the Challenge process calls back to API (ExternalLoginCallback) with successful result and redirects to the following API endpoint to return an authorization code to the client via the redirect_uri.
The client receives the code via the redirect_uri with code appended as shown below
Client immediately extracts the code from the URL and posts to the following endpoint to receive access/refresh tokens, but receives an error of invalid grant with error description of The specified authorization code is invalid.
The following values are submitted in the post to request access token:
grant_type = authorization_code
code =
redirect_uri = http://myClient/signin-oidc"
cient_id = myClient
client_secret = mySecret
scope = offline_access role email openid

Google redirect uri missmatch - server back-end auth code exchange to Access Token

I try to build below:
by following: this steps
and i use oauth playground to generate auth code and load it into my server manually (for testing purpose)
i did put in Authorised redirect URIs : https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground and try to get my auth code this way.
then i load my auth code generated from playground to my REST API Server (http://localhost:5000/api/user/blah) and use this python snippet to exchange the code:
credentials = client.credentials_from_clientsecrets_and_code(
['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me', 'profile', 'email'],
except Exception as e:
log.info('>>>>> Exception: %s <<<<<', e)
return generate_response(code=400, error=False, type='Fail', message=str(e))
and the result: i keep receive error:
oauth2client.client - INFO - Failed to retrieve access token: b'{\n
"error" : "redirect_uri_mismatch"\n}'
my REST API server doesnt have any interface, it will just receive feed from other client (e.g. mobile app) and it doesnt have any redirect uri.
so what's wrong here? what is the correct configuration of my web client id?
at the moment i'm using web client id (type: web application) with redirect uri: https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground

Issue token to logged in user via spring

I have a Spring (3.2) based web app that a user can log into. The site will also provide an API secured via OAuth 2.0. My question then, is how do I go about generating a token for a logged in user?
The underlying idea here is that there will be a mobile app that opens up a web frame to the login page, which will eventually redirect to a url schema with an oauth token that the app will catch and then use for the api calls. Looking at the code for TokenEndpoint, I see that it defers token creation to a list of TokenGranter types. Should I be creating my own TokenGranter extended class, or am I looking at this all wrong?
I ended up writing a controller like this:
OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest
UrlUtils.temporarilyRedirect(httpResponse, request.getLocationUri());
return null;
Then handling the code returned. My big problem here was that I had the /oauth/authorize endpoint set to use client credentials. Once I realized that tokens were being issued for the client ID instead of the user, it started to make sense.
So you want to use the Authorization Flow of OAuth. Spring has already support that, if you have configured the spring-security-oauth correctly, you just have to redirect the user/your mobile apps to /oauth/authorize?client_id=xxx&response_type=code this will redirect user to authorization page, if user has not login yet, it will redirect the user to login page then to the authorization page.
After the user completed the authorization process, it will redirect the user to an already registered redirect_url parameter with the authorization_code 'yourapp.com/callback?code=xxxx'.
Your application should exchange this authorization_code with the real token access to /oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&code=xxxx&client_id=xxxx&client_secret=xxxx
After that you will receive the token access that can be used to access the resource server.

Not able to retrieve OAuth 2.0 handler for redirect request

I am trying to authenticate a user and getting the user to authorize my application. But, whenever the user authenticates with the system, the redirect url never return back to my application.
In the console output i get the following information message:
INFO: Unable to retrieve OAuth2.0 handler for redirect request tohttps://localhost:8443/sbt.sample.web/service/oauth20_cb. Please check you are accessing the application using the same hostname used in the OAuth 2.0 redirect URI.
Please find below the code:
// Check if user is authenticated, if not redirect to SmartCloud for authentication.
ep= EndpointFactory.getEndpoint("connectionsOA2");
// Check, Do we have a valid token for this user
ep.authenticate(false);// Authenticate
return; // Exit, JSP would be invoked from Callback handler
I am not able to figure out what is the problem. Any help is highly appreciated.
generally the warning comes from the following:
User logs in to
The app redirects to Connections
User Logs in to Connections
Connections redirects to https://localhost:8443/sbt.sample.web/service/oauth20_cb
1 the components in the URL are not the same as the initiator of the OAuth session
2 uses a different port or different hostname
The request was initiated on one URL and the response was redirected to another.
