Stuck at "Allocated cache and file handles"
I download SnapShot and unzipped
replaced files(chaindata and tricache)
Followed this instruction:
When starting the project, same thing Stuck at "Allocated cache and file handles"
When starting bitbake I get the following info that the dependency cache is empty and parsing all recipes takes several minutes. This is very frustrating as with every bitbake command I have to wait 6-7 minutes only for parsing the recipes.
Loading cache: 100% | ETA: --:--:--
Loaded 0 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 1% |# | Time: 0:06:20
From time to time the cache gets loaded correctly. So caching seems to work in principal, I just could not find out why it is not loaded most of the time.
I already tried to get rid of .lock files in the build directory, but this also did not solve the problem.
I found out that the bb_cache.dat file that is loaded does not exist. E.g it tries to load bb_cache.dat -> bb_cache.dat.8766c4ab6f5e02381cb595498695990e54b0e58d7e7aed06cfdf517975 which is not existing. Then it parses the recipies and at the end it generates this file that was missing before. Next time when starting bitbake it either loads the previously generated one or (most of the time) looks for a new file and does not find it again. And so on...
Are you changing any of the configuration between bitbake invocations? Are you updating any of the repositories or layers?
It will reparse only when some configuration file has been changed, be that a local.conf file, a bblayers.conf file, or a configuration file in one of the checkouts. "bitbake -D" which enables debug output might give some hints as to why it is reparsing too.
I'm running a job with Pentaho Data Integration 8.1, I retrieve a file frop ftp, work on it and move it to a folder.
I tried, as I did many other times with no problems, to use 'Move Files', but I get this error:
Move Files - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : There was an error moving file [file:///C:.../file.csv] to [file:///C:.../file.csv] : [Could not rename "file:///C:.../file.csv" to "file:///C:.../file.csv".
I checked permissions on the file and on the destination folder, everything's fine.
I tried to use "Process result filenames" step with no success.
I tried to rename or delete the file instead of moving it, same error.
I tried to move this job into a new parent one, with "Move Files" step in it, same error again.
I also tried not including the filename to result prior to the Move Files step: nothing.
Then I wrote a simple shell script:
cd C:\...\working_directory
move "filename with spaces.csv" /destination_folder
and I get this (I translated it from italian):
ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : (stderr) No access to the file. The file Š is used in another process.
The file isn't used in any other process, I can move it manually without the spoon process running, so I think the ftp step, or the transformation one I use to work on the file (simple 'CSV Input' and ETL) somehow keep the file open.
Any idea as to how to "unlock" the file, so that it can be moved?
Great Tool and thank you for your considerable time and effort! I've noticed is upon launching the Designer to attempt deleting unused images: once the Designer is launched, but is still loading the Theme, I can select the "Delete unused images" which launches its interface(list). But if I let the Theme load then the Delete unused images list will not appear. Once Theme has loaded it is populates with images, all with the Selector name as 'import-############" So the Theme is using these images... even if I don't intend to. I have designed all of the interface layout in the Gui Builder. If i remove one of these 'import-############" files and save then try run project, the project does run, eventually(10minutes+ before simulator launch) but continually gives the following: Warning: loading large images using EncodedImage.create(InputStream) might lead to memory issues, try using EncodedImage.create(InputStream, int). Too further this diagnosis if I launch designer and allow Theme to load (2-3minutes aprox) and click save then try to run project, so deleting nothing, I get the same error message. So it seems to me when I launch Designer, it imports these images which then causes the error/warning. So is there a way to avoid this importing of images and remove the unwanted images? In contrast if I don't launch Designer, and straight run the project in Netbeans. I don't get the error/warning and the project launches in simulator much speedier. For each of these scenarios I have copied a new project folder then launched netbeans. This folder, the project would not have had the Designer launched prior.
If I manually remove unused images I get null pointer Exception errors...
Re Shai's comments on 26/May
So when I delete the images and both "theme.res" files the project fails to run and generates following output:
Generating GUI sources
timeStr=1.0.0-1589639113000-1588429678000, lastTime=1.0.0-1589639113000-1588429678000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1588250408000-1588255873000, lastTime=1.0.0-1588250408000-1588255873000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1589730011000-1589485802000, lastTime=1.0.0-1589730011000-1589485802000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1588621870000-1588255973000, lastTime=1.0.0-1588621870000-1588255973000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1588507007000-1588506037000, lastTime=1.0.0-1588507007000-1588506037000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1589637149000-1588621944000, lastTime=1.0.0-1589637149000-1588621944000 unmodified, skipping
Deleting: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/build/
Updating property file: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/build/
JavaFX is loaded
Retina Scale: 2.0
Updating merge file /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/theme.css.merged
Input: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/theme.css
Output: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/src/theme.res
Acquiring lock on CSS checksums file /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/.cn1_css_checksums...
Lock obtained
An error occurred while updating resources for UIID import-1588534357646. Processing property bgImage
Releasing lock
java.lang.RuntimeException: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/images/Button1-7.png (No such file or directory)
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.getBackgroundImage(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.getBackgroundImages(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.updateResources(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CN1CSSCLI.compile(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CN1CSSCLI.main(
at com.codename1.designer.ResourceEditorApp.main(
Caused by: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/images/Button1-7.png (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.getBackgroundImage(
... 5 more
/Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/build.xml:628: Java returned: 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 4 seconds)
When I delete the images and the "theme.res" file from the "build" folder the project launches with a "theme.res"(res) file in the project viewer, project runs. If I launch the res file and allow it to load theme then save and exit from the designer, the project runs.
But if I launch the res file and allow it to load theme then remove one of the images that isn't being used, save and exit from the designer, the "theme.res" file is gone from project viewer. When attempting to run project, it now gives the following:
ant -f /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt run
Generating GUI sources
timeStr=1.0.0-1589639113000-1588429678000, lastTime=1.0.0-1589639113000-1588429678000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1588250408000-1588255873000, lastTime=1.0.0-1588250408000-1588255873000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1589730011000-1589485802000, lastTime=1.0.0-1589730011000-1589485802000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1588621870000-1588255973000, lastTime=1.0.0-1588621870000-1588255973000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1588507007000-1588506037000, lastTime=1.0.0-1588507007000-1588506037000 unmodified, skipping
timeStr=1.0.0-1589637149000-1588621944000, lastTime=1.0.0-1589637149000-1588621944000 unmodified, skipping
Deleting: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/build/
Updating property file: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/build/
JavaFX is loaded
Retina Scale: 2.0
Updating merge file /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/theme.css.merged
Input: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/theme.css
Output: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/src/theme.res
Acquiring lock on CSS checksums file /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/.cn1_css_checksums...
Lock obtained
/Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/src/theme.res has been modified since it was last compiled. Making copy at /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/.backups/theme.res.1590562229494.bak
An error occurred while updating resources for UIID import-1588534357646. Processing property bgImage
Releasing lock
java.lang.RuntimeException: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/images/Button1-7.png (No such file or directory)
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.getBackgroundImage(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.getBackgroundImages(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.updateResources(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CN1CSSCLI.compile(
at com.codename1.designer.css.CN1CSSCLI.main(
at com.codename1.designer.ResourceEditorApp.main(
Caused by: /Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/css/images/Button1-7.png (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at com.codename1.designer.css.CSSTheme.getBackgroundImage(
... 5 more
/Users/andrew/netbeans-workspace/CrackinIt/build.xml:628: Java returned: 1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 3 seconds)
The unused image files aren't in the project folder
This will never work for you.
Once you use CSS the designer is only useful for viewing the generated file. But since the CSS regenerates the resource file any change you make will be discarded. You need to delete the images you no longer use manually from the CSS images directory then physically delete the res file to make sure it's regenerated from scratch.
I migrated from TFS 2015 to TFS 2017 and after the upgrade I moved the distribution of the artifacts from the build to a release-step (after the build-step).
In the release-step I delete all content of the output-folder (on a network share) and copy the artifacts and some needed setups (laying on a network share) to the output folder.
Most of the time the copy process works fine but once a while (once every 4-5 tries) the copying of the needed setups fails with a bad-file-descriptor:
2018-12-03T16:10:35.6151925Z ##[debug]testing directory '\\My\Fancy\Network\Share\Development\CD\ExpressionBlend'
2018-12-03T16:10:35.6164686Z ##[debug]task result: Failed
2018-12-03T16:10:35.6210378Z ##[error]Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, stat '\\My\Fancy\Network\Share\Development\CD\ExpressionBlend'
2018-12-03T16:10:35.6218500Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.issue type=error;]Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, stat '\\My\Fancy\Network\Share\Development\CD\ExpressionBlend'
2018-12-03T16:10:35.6235282Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.complete result=Failed;]Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, stat '\\My\Fancy\Network\Share\Development\CD\ExpressionBlend'
I'm thankful for every hint, as I don't have any idea where to start...
i am trying to install elasticsearch with logstash for every mysql action.
i stuck when trying to install logstash .
heres my command.
[root#centos-elasticsearch tampung]# rpm -ivh logstash-6.5.2.rpm
Preparing... ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
1:logstash-1:6.5.2-1 ################################# [100%]
Using provided startup.options file: /etc/logstash/startup.options
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreads=N
Errno::ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory - systemctl
spawn at org/jruby/
spawn at org/jruby/
popen_run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/jruby/lib/ruby/stdlib/open3.rb:206
popen3 at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/jruby/lib/ruby/stdlib/open3.rb:102
execute at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/detector.rb:74
detect_systemd at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/detector.rb:29
detect_platform at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/detector.rb:24
detect at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/detector.rb:18
setup_defaults at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/cli.rb:153
execute at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/cli.rb:119
run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/clamp-0.6.5/lib/clamp/command.rb:67
run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/cli.rb:114
run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/clamp-0.6.5/lib/clamp/command.rb:132
<main> at /usr/share/logstash/lib/systeminstall/pleasewrap.rb:12
Unable to install system startup script for Logstash.
anyone know what must i do?
i tried to remove logstash,and reinstall.
but still not success.
i tried to upgrade memory..
after that i tried to reinstall again
and i get this.
Updating / installing...
1:logstash-1:6.5.2-1 ################################# [100%]
Using provided startup.options file: /etc/logstash/startup.options
Errno::EISDIR: Is a directory - /etc/default/logstash
write at org/jruby/
write at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/installer.rb:32
block in install_files at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/installer.rb:23
yield at org/jruby/
block in files at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/platform/systemd.rb:24
each at org/jruby/
install_files at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/installer.rb:18
run_human at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/cli.rb:185
execute at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/cli.rb:141
run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/clamp-0.6.5/lib/clamp/command.rb:67
run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/pleaserun-0.0.30/lib/pleaserun/cli.rb:114
run at /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/clamp-0.6.5/lib/clamp/command.rb:132
<main> at /usr/share/logstash/lib/systeminstall/pleasewrap.rb:12
{:timestamp=>"2018-12-07T07:44:13.341202+0000", :message=>"No platform selected. Autodetecting...", :platform=>"systemd", :version=>"219", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2018-12-07T07:44:13.411454+0000", :message=>"Writing file", :destination=>"/etc/default/logstash"}
Unable to install system startup script for Logstash.
As I already wrote in my previous comment, the first error
Errno::ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory
means that your system is low of phisical memory.
The second one
Errno::EISDIR: Is a directory
means that the file is a directory; and that you cannot open a directory for writing, or create or remove hard links to it.