I am creating a custom UI component for UI Builder. I have successfully setup the project.
But while trying to deploy the component using "snc ui-component deploy" I am getting error that "Could not find an active connection to a ServiceNow instance."
Service now account is open and running in my default browser. I even tried to create a named profile and deploy as below
snc ui-component deploy --profile profile-name
But it still gives me same error i.e. "Could not find an active connection to a ServiceNow instance."
ServiceNow version is San Diego
What possible issue this could be?
Please checkout how to connect to ServiceNow instance via the now-cli first. This is how you connect with an instance:
now-cli login --username admin --password <password> --host https://<yourPDI>.service-now.com
I think the official tutorial will provide you with a lot of information how to get started: Next Experience UI: Create a Project
I am trying to use heroku connect with my salesforce instance.
I have added Heroku connect as addon together with my postgresql.
This is what I am getting when I am clicking on it:
Am I missing some misconfiguration? What can I check?
This was due to a conflicting behaviour between two heroku users connecting.
on the cli I have one user meanwhile in the browser there was another user connected
I want to deploy my project to Azure in an App Service I have just created. Also, I created a KeyVault for all my settings.
When I try to deploy to app to the service, I have to configure the connection strings for the databases.
I click on Configure and follow the instruction and select the right app service or KeyVault. Then, in the last step, I receive this error.
Dependency configuration progress
Failed to resolve token 'ProfileResourceId'.
ErrorEmpty parameter 'resourceId'...
ErrorFailed to configure Azure AppService settings.
Failed to configure dependency Azure Key Vault secrets1
How can I fix it?
More details
I didn't follow any documentation. Usually, I use Azure DevOps to deploy application to Azure. In this case, I prefer to deploy the application from my laptop.
For that, I downloaded the publish profile from the portal and added in Visual Studio.
Then, I see some alert. At the beginning I ignored the alert but the deployed application doesn't work. So, I tried to configure each dependence.
If I press on the + to add a new service dependency, I select Azure Key Vault. Select the Azure subscription and the keyvault. Then, the local variable and review the setting. Then Finish.
In the solution I see some files for ServiceDependencies
What it is strange to me is that in the project I successful configured the Connected Services.
I had a similar issue with Application Insights. I was able to resolve by clicking "Restore service dependencies and their settings" in the Publish window.
After clicking, I was able to configure my dependencies without the "Failed to resolve token 'ProfileResourceId'." error.
At my company we had some proxy settings which restricted the installation of cypress via CMD->npm.
After some discussions with the network guys we added *.cypress.io and registry.npmjs.org to the proxy settings and after that "npm install cypress" worked perfectly. The message "Finished Installation" is shown and I could also open the Cypress GUI by typing "node_modules.bin\cypress open" in CMD.
But when the GUI was opened I tried to click on the LogIn button I get "Cannot connect to API server"
"We tried but failed to connect to the API server at https://api.cypress.io/"
Any idea why I cannot connect to the api server when I just did the whole installation without any problems?
I'm not sure why you're getting this error - my best guess is that the request for api.cypress.io is also hitting another server that isn't allowed through your firewall. Most likely this is Github, as the only option for logging in is by connecting your Github account.
That said, unless you're using the dashboard service, you don't actually need to log in to run tests. If the Log In button works properly, you'll get a message that looks like this:
Logging in gives you access to the Cypress Dashboard Service. You can set up projects to be recorded and see test data from your project.
This message is accompanied by a button prompting you to log in via Github.
I am trying to deploy my webapp VS2015 RC1 DNX 451. Even when I validate connection and run publish I get error
Severity Code Description Project File
Error More Information: Connected to the remote computer ("crocus.arvixe.com") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_USER_UNAUTHORIZED.
Error Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Googling the issue and even trying to view host forum just says make sure username and password is correct. I am getting nowhere trying various settings. Any ideas how to debug the issue?
I am using Arvixe.com as host.
You should contact Arvixe.com. They likely have some odd configuration on their servers but I would suspect they can help you resolve the issue.
Arvixe does not support Web Deploy anymore. Once they move you to their new servers Web Deploy won't be available to you. In Visual Studio you can set up a Publish with FTP instead of Web Deploy. If you're used to Web Deploy publishing your database changes, then you'll need to do those yourself with SQL scripts. Entity Frameworks has an option to produce a SQL script for a migration, so you can use that to publish your EF database changes.
I am trying to set up Jappix on amazon ec2. I have followed this guide and setup everything.
I ran into this problem while setting up and solved it.
lua-sec-prosody Unable to locate package
Now after everything is set up(modifying config files etc) I am not able to create an account.
When I try to register from my custom installation of jappix, It shows "Service unavailable".
I also tried to point Pidgin to my instance and tried to create an account but failed. However, it is able to connect because I verified that by
service metronome stop
service metronome start
Now I tried to use the admin interface through telnet
telnet localhost 5582
and tried to create a user. I got this error
Error: /usr/local/lib/metronome/core/usermanager.lua:80: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Is there anything that I am missing?
PS: I have enabled the required ports on my ec2 instance.
That ominous message means, you're trying to create a user on an unexistant or unactivated host.
(That's fixed in latest tip btw)