Swift if statement in modifier - xcode

So I have an basic Taskview:
TabView {
NavigationView {
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "bookmark")
NavigationView {
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "cart.fill")
.environment(\.colorScheme, isDarkMode ? .dark : .light)
And now I want to add an if statement to .environment. So like if Default: .environment(.colorScheme, isDarkMode ? .dark : .light)
How can I do this?

Use #Environment to call the current color scheme. Then you can create a color variable.
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.colorScheme) private var colorScheme
var body: some View {
TabView {
NavigationView {
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "bookmark")
.foregroundColor(titleColor) // <- here
NavigationView {
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "cart.fill")
.foregroundColor(titleColor) // <- here
private var titleColor: Color {
switch colorScheme {
case .light:
return .red
case .dark:
return .yellow
#unknown default:
return .blue

Here's a possible solution. Use an ObservableObject class, store and save the variable. Set it as a StateObject and set as environmentObject in your App, then you can handle updates in your View by accessing the variable.
class ColorScheme: ObservableObject {
#AppStorage("dark") var dark = false
struct MyApp: App {
#StateObject var colorscheme = ColorScheme()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.colorScheme(colorscheme.dark ? .dark : .light)
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var colorscheme: ColorScheme
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
Toggle("Color Scheme", isOn: colorscheme.$dark)


Enabling and Disabling CommandGroup Menu Items

I have a very simple sample macOS application with one custom menu command just in order to test my ideas as follows.
import SwiftUI
struct MenuMonsterMacApp: App {
#State var fileOpenEnabled: Bool = true
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.frame(width: 480.0, height: 320.0)
}.commands {
CommandGroup(after: .newItem) {
Button {
print("Open file, will you?")
} label: {
And I want to enable and disable this command with a click of a button that is placed in ContentView. So I've created an ObservableObject class to observe the boolean value of the File Open command as follows.
import SwiftUI
struct MenuMonsterMacApp: App {
#ObservedObject var menuObservable = MenuObservable()
#State var fileOpenEnabled: Bool = true
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.frame(width: 480.0, height: 320.0)
}.commands {
CommandGroup(after: .newItem) {
Button {
print("Open file, will you?")
} label: {
}.onChange(of: menuObservable.fileOpen) { newValue in
fileOpenEnabled = newValue
class MenuObservable: ObservableObject {
#Published var fileOpen: Bool = true
In my ContentView, which virtually runs the show, I have the following.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject var menuObservable = MenuObservable()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button {
} label: {
Text("Click to disable 'File Open'")
If I click on the button, the boolean status of the menu command in question won't change. Is this a wrong approach? If it is, how can enable and disable the menu command from ContentView? Thanks.
To enable and disable the command with a click of a button that is placed in ContentView,
try the following approach, using passing environmentObject and a separate View for the
menu Button.
import SwiftUI
struct MenuMonsterMacApp: App {
#StateObject var menuObservable = MenuObservable()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.frame(width: 480.0, height: 320.0)
}.commands {
CommandGroup(after: .newItem) {
struct OpenCommand: View {
#EnvironmentObject var menuObservable: MenuObservable
var body: some View {
Button {
print("Open file, will you?")
} label: {
class MenuObservable: ObservableObject {
#Published var fileOpen: Bool = true
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var menuObservable: MenuObservable
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button {
} label: {
Text("Click to disable 'File Open'")

SwiftUI for macOS - trigger sheet .onDismiss problem

In a multiplatform app I'm showing a sheet to collect a small amount of user input. On iOS, when the sheet is dismissed, the relevant .onDismiss method is called but not on macOS.
I've read that having the .onDismiss in the List can cause problems so I've attached it to the button itself with no improvement. I've also tried passing the isPresented binding through and toggling that within the sheet itself to dismiss, but again with no success.
I am employing a NavigationView but removing that makes no difference. The following simplified example demonstrates my problem. Any ideas? Should I even be using a sheet for this purpose on macOS?
I just want to make clear that I have no problem closing the sheet. The other questions I found were regarding problems closing the sheet - I can do that fine.
import SwiftUI
struct SheetTestApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
The List view.
struct ListView: View {
#State private var isPresented: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
isPresented = true
}, label: {
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresented, onDismiss: {
}) {
List {
.onAppear(perform: {
func doSomethingBefore() {
func doSomethingAfter() {
This is the sheet view.
struct TestSheetView: View {
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#State private var name = ""
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("Enter name", text: $name)
HStack {
Button("Save") {
.frame(minWidth: 300, minHeight: 300)
Bad issue.. you are right. OnDismiss is not called. Here is a workaround with Proxybinding
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
isPresented = true
}, label: {
List {
.onAppear(perform: {
.sheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>(
get: {
}, set: {
isPresented = $0
if !$0 {
})) {

SwiftUI Animation from #Published property changing from outside the View

SwiftUI offers .animation() on bindings that will animate changes in the view. But if an #Published property from an #ObserveredObject changes 'autonomously' (e.g., from a timer), while the view will update in response to the change, there is no obvious way to get the view to animate the change.
In the example below, when isOn is changed from the Toggle, it animates, but when changed from the Timer it does not. Interestingly, if I use a ternary conditional here rather than if/else even the toggle will not trigger animation.
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: Model
var body: some View {
VStack {
if model.isOn {
MyImage(color: .blue)
} else {
MyImage(color: .clear)
Toggle("switch", isOn: $model.isOn.animation(.easeIn(duration: 0.5)))
struct MyImage: View {
var color: Color
var body: some View {
Image(systemName: "pencil.circle.fill")
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
class Model: ObservableObject {
#Published var isOn: Bool = false
var timer = Timer()
init() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5, repeats: true, block: { [unowned self] _ in
How can I trigger animations when the value changes are not coming from a binding?
The easiest option is to add a withAnimation block inside your timer closure:
withAnimation(.easeIn(duration: 0.5)) {
If you don't have the ability to change the #ObservableObject closure, you could add a local variable to mirror the changes:
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: Model
#State var localIsOn = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
if localIsOn {
MyImage(color: .blue)
} else {
MyImage(color: .clear)
Toggle("switch", isOn: $model.isOn.animation(.easeIn(duration: 0.5)))
}.onChange(of: model.isOn) { (on) in
withAnimation {
localIsOn = on
You could also do a similar trick with a mirrored variable inside your ObservableObject:
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: Model
var body: some View {
VStack {
if model.animatedOn {
MyImage(color: .blue)
} else {
MyImage(color: .clear)
Toggle("switch", isOn: $model.isOn.animation(.easeIn(duration: 0.5)))
class Model: ObservableObject {
#Published var isOn: Bool = false
#Published var animatedOn : Bool = false
var cancellable : AnyCancellable?
var timer = Timer()
init() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5, repeats: true, block: { [unowned self] _ in
cancellable = $isOn.sink(receiveValue: { (on) in
withAnimation {
self.animatedOn = on
You can use an implicit animation for that, i.e. .animation(_:value:), e.g.
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var model: Model
var body: some View {
VStack {
Group {
if model.isOn {
MyImage(color: .blue)
} else {
MyImage(color: .clear)
.animation(Animation.default, value: model.isOn)
withAnimation is called explicit.

How to toggle the visibility of the third pane of NavigationView?

Assuming the following NavigationView:
Struct ContentView: View {
#State var showRigthPane: Bool = true
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
}.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigation) {
Button(action: toggleSidebar, label: {Image(systemName: "sidebar.left")})
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: self.toggleRightPane, label: { Image() })
private func toggleRightPane() {
// ?
// collapsing sidebar - this works
private func toggleSidebar() {
#selector(NSSplitViewController.toggleSidebar(_:)), with: nil)
How can I implement the toggleRightPane() function to toggle the visibility of the right pane?
Updated to use a calculated property returning two different navigation views. Still odd behavior with sidebar, but with a work-around it is functional. Hopefully someone can figure out the sidebar behavior.
struct ToggleThirdPaneView: View {
#State var showRigthPane: Bool = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
.navigationTitle("Show and Hide")
var navigationView : some View {
if showRigthPane {
return AnyView(NavigationView {
VStack {
.toolbar {
Button(action: { showRigthPane.toggle() }) {
Label("Add Item", systemImage: showRigthPane ? "rectangle.split.3x1" : "rectangle.split.2x1")
} else {
return AnyView(NavigationView {
VStack {
.toolbar {
Button(action: { showRigthPane.toggle() }) {
Label("Add Item", systemImage: showRigthPane ? "rectangle.split.3x1" : "rectangle.split.2x1")
Try the following (cannot test)
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var showRigthPane = true
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
if showRigthPane { // << here !!
}.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: self.toggleRightPane, label: { Image() })
private func toggleRightPane() {
withAnimation {
self.showRigthPane.toggle() // << here !!

SwiftUI macOS right sidebar inspector

I have a document-based SwiftUI app. I'd like to make a inspector sidebar like the one in Xcode.
Starting with Xcode's Document App template, I tried the following:
struct ContentView: View {
#Binding var document: DocumentTestDocument
#State var showInspector = true
var body: some View {
HSplitView {
TextEditor(text: $document.text)
if showInspector {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.toolbar {
Button(action: { showInspector.toggle() }) {
Label("Toggle Inspector", systemImage: "sidebar.right")
Which yielded:
How can I extend the right sidebar to full height like in Xcode?
NavigationView works for left-side sidebars, but I'm not sure how to do it for right-side sidebars.
Here is some stripped down code that I have used in the past. It has the look and feel that you want.
It uses a NavigationView with .navigationViewStyle(.columns) with essentially three panes. Also, the HiddenTitleBarWindowStyle() is important.
The first (navigation) pane is never given any width because the second (Detail) pane is always given all of the width when there is no Inspector, or all of the width less the Inspector's width when it's present. The ToolBar needs to be broken up and have its contents placed differently depending on whether the Inspector is present or not.
struct DocumentTestDocumentApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
DocumentGroup(newDocument: DocumentTestDocument()) { file in
ContentView(document: file.$document)
struct ContentView: View {
#Binding var document: DocumentTestDocument
#State var showInspector = true
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { window in
if showInspector {
NavigationView {
TextEditor(text: $document.text)
.frame(minWidth: showInspector ? window.size.width - 200.0 : window.size.width)
.toolbar {
LeftToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
.toolbar {
RightToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
} else {
NavigationView {
TextEditor(text: $document.text)
.frame(width: window.size.width)
.toolbar {
LeftToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
RightToolBarItems(showInspector: $showInspector)
struct LeftToolBarItems: ToolbarContent {
#Binding var showInspector: Bool
var body: some ToolbarContent {
ToolbarItem(content: { Text("test left toolbar stuff") } )
struct RightToolBarItems: ToolbarContent {
#Binding var showInspector: Bool
var body: some ToolbarContent {
ToolbarItem(content: { Spacer() } )
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button(action: { showInspector.toggle() }) {
Label("Toggle Inspector", systemImage: "sidebar.right")
struct Inspector: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Inspector Top")
