Spring Validating requests params - spring

I want to add validation annotations to my requests params in a Spring annotation. I have the required javax dependencies and code looks something like this
public class Controller {
#RequestMapping(value = "/api", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ExternalUserStatusCollection getUser(
#RequestParam(value = "userId", required = false) #Validated #Size(min = 5) #NotNull UserId userId,
However when I run the application, it doesnt validate the required fields. I dont want to modify the DTO of the object since the intention is to validate some DTO fields coming from external dependencies as well. How can I achieve this using annotations?
Annotating controller with #Validated leads to a bunch of other errors & doesnt help either


Spring boot rest requestbody and #valid not working when object is null/empty

I am trying to apply not null validation on an attribute of my request which is instructedAmount but it is not working. I have a Spring Boot (V2.3.0.RELEASE) application with the following endpoints:
public class TestController {
#PostMapping(value = "/test/pay")
public ResponseEntity<IPSPaymentResponse> validatePayt(#Valid #RequestBody InstantPaymentRequest instantPaymentRequest) {
log.debug("start validatePayment method {}", instantPaymentRequest);
The InstantPaymentRequest is as follows:
public class InstantPaymentRequest {
private PaymentIdentificationRequest paymentIdentification;
#NotBlank(message = "transactionTypeCode.required")
private String transactionTypeCode;
private InstructedAmount instructedAmount;
private CustomerRequest debtor;
The instructed amount is as follows:
public class InstructedAmount {
#NotBlank(message = "currency.required")
private String currency;
#NotBlank(message = "value.required")
private String value;
Basically when the instructedAmount is provided in the payload but for example I miss currency attribute in payload, the validation is working fine, the non null error message is displayed correctly and my rest controller endpoint is not called.
However when instructedAmount is not provided in the payload, no mandatory error message is displayed and my rest endpoint is called, it this the correct way or I am missing something?
I thought since attribute of InstructedAmount cannot be null then InstructedAmount also cannot be null/empty.
How to add InstructedAmount not null validation in the above scenario with annotation?
Use #NotNull together with #Valid:
private InstructedAmount instructedAmount;
From https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/validator/reference/en-US/html_single/#section-object-graph-validation:
Note that null values are getting ignored during cascaded validation.

Request body Object Not being Validated

I have one REST API which is using a POST Call to create a record, I'm expecting certain Object to be passed in post call, if anything is missing i have to reject straight away from their only,
ResponseEntity<?> saveEssentialDetails(#ApiParam(value="Body Parameters")#RequestBody #Validated EssentialDetails essentialDetails, BindingResult bindingResult)throws Exception;
and the Essential Model class is as follow
public class EssentialDetails {
Integer dpId;
String tpId;
List<FamousFor> famousFor;
List<OpenHours> openHours;
Pictures uploadedImages;
List<FloorDescription> floorDescriptions;
List<Outlets> mallOutlets;
But while making a Post Call with Missing attributes i'm allowed to make an entry in MongoDB, which i don't want to persist as it's not a proper request,#Validation is not working for me, i'm using spring boot 2.0.6 with MongoDb 4.0.4,
any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks well in advance
#Validated can be used to validate a object with a custom validation object. Example usage:
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public String request(#Validated(Account.ValidationStepOne.class) Account account)
Instead of using #Validated use #Valid which does check for the validation annotations that you are using in your entity.

Custom form validation in Spring boot

I am working on a spring boot application and I have a password reset form. I am using a class like this to validate the inputs.
public class PasswordResetForm {
#Size(min=6, message="must be at least 6 characters")
private String password;
private String passwordConfirm;
//Getter and Setters
So, I now want to validate if the fields passwordConfirm and password are equals, I searched all over but could not find how to add a custom validation in this case. So, how do I add custom validation for other fields?
My controller's action looks like this
#RequestMapping(value = "/password-change/{id}-{tokenNumber}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String changePassword(#PathVariable String id, #PathVariable String tokenNumber, #Valid PasswordResetForm form, BindingResult formBinding, Model model) {
if (formBinding.hasErrors())
return "change-password";
//Other stuff
or if you wanna validate simply only this (passwordConfirm and password are equals) case.
you can use #AssertTrue.
public boolean isDifferentPass() {
return !password.equals(passwordConfirm);
if these two fileds are same , then your controller's BindingResult has error
For your needs, you could consider creating a custom #Constraint. You would first create the constraint annotation:
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public #interface MyConstraint {
And then the constraint validator:
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
public class MyConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator {
private Foo aDependency;
You can find additional reference for this here:
Dependency Injection in JSR-303 Constraint Validator with Spring fails
And on the Spring Docs:
You can use #Validated annotation for forcing validation of #RequestParam and #PathVariable. #Valid is for forcing validation of #RequestBody

Ignoring spring mvc JSR-303 validations for selective entity fields

I have spring4 mvc application to save an Address entity, code bit as follows.
My Controller
#RequestMapping(value = "addAddress", method = POST)
public String registerComplaint(#Valid #ModelAttribute final Address address, final BindingResult resultBinder) {
if (resultBinder.hasErrors())
return "addAddress";
return "redirect:myAddress";
My Entity
#Table(name = "address")
public class Address {
private String street;
private String pin;
private String createdBy;
My form conatins only street and pin as field, where as createdBy should be set by me after validating the other form values.
Here the problem is spring JSR303 validation support is validating a field ie createdBy which i don't want to validate by spring mvc.
How can i instruct spring mvc not to validate these kind of optional fields while using #Valid annotation.
Is there any way i can skip fields like this using spring mvc ?
Validation is mainly for user input. Since you will be setting createdBy yourself, just do so before saving it (e.g #PrePersist), or have a new Date as a default value. If you need to enforce a constraint for createBy, you can do so at the schema level.
#Column(nullable=false, ...)
private String createdBy = new Date();
You need to read up on Validation Groups. This lets you use different validators depending on the "scenario"
Use Spring's #Validated annotation to use groups
If you don't protect the createdBy field, a user can change it by altering the POST variables. See DataBinder.setDisallowedFields()
Conceptually, how is a pin related to an address?
It sounds like you want to use a Form Backing Object here (a regular non-JPA POJO made just for a form), and copy values to your real entities.

400 Bad request with Hibernate #Valid

I have a strange behaviour when I validate my form.
As soon as I add the Hibernate #Valid annotation, Tomcat consided my request as "bad" if the posted data are not valid. If the data are valid, no worries.
I use:
Tomcat 7.0.52
Javax Validation api 1.1.0.Final
Hibernate Validator 5.1.0.Final
Spring 4.0.3.RELEASE
At the moment, I do a really simple validation:
public class RemoveCacheElementForm {
#NotBlank(message = "Please select a cache name.")
private String name;
#NotBlank(message = "Please select a cache entry key.")
private String key;
The Spring controller:
* Handler to remove one cached elements from the specified cache.
* #return the view.
#RequestMapping(value = CACHE_REMOVE, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String removeCachedElement(ModelMap model, #Valid #ModelAttribute(FORM_NAME) RemoveCacheElementForm form) {
model.addAttribute("removeElementResult", CacheUtils.removeCachedElement(form.getName(), form.getKey()));
When I remove #Valid annotation, no worries too.
Anyone has an idea?
Thanks a lot for your help! :-)
Try changing your code to
#RequestMapping(value = CACHE_REMOVE, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String removeCachedElement(ModelMap model, #Valid #ModelAttribute(FORM_NAME) RemoveCacheElementForm form, BindingResult bindingResult) {
model.addAttribute("removeElementResult", CacheUtils.removeCachedElement(form.getName(), form.getKey()));
