NSLocalisation of String - xcode

the following localisation string is not working.
this works fine if i use #%i Sides, as the system seems to ignore the #%i, but if i change to #%li, then the localisation string is not found.
i only make the change to silence a warning in Xcode asking me to use a cast to long.
any ideas anyone
this works but i get a warning
Values of type 'NSInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'long' instead
numberOfSidesLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(#"%i Sides",%i Sides),polygon.numberOfSides];
this gets rid of the warning but the localisation string fails
numberOfSidesLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(#"%li Sides",%li Sides),(long)polygon.numberOfSides];
this is my localisation string :
/* Class = "IBUILabel"; text = "Sides"; ObjectID = "oYY-ih-zqz"; */
"oYY-ih-zqz.text" = "Sides";


can't remove optional() from string after updating to latest xcode?

after updating xcode I simply can't remove the optional() from my string?
retrievedUsername = KeychainWrapper.stringForKey("username")!
this prints out
but I need it to be
I've tried
if let username = KeychainWrapper.stringForKey("username"){
retrievedUsername = username
but no luck!
any ideas?
Your value is probably an optional containing an optional, so you'll have to unwrap it twice:
if let temp = KeychainWrapper.stringForKey("username"), let username = temp {
retrievedUsername = username
If this doesn't work, this is because it's not a double optional, and it means that your original string already contains the text "Optional(HK)" due to a prior error.
I found out the problem, it would save to the keychain with "optional" so when it retrieves the string it is "optional("HK")" that's why unwrapping it didn't work

Java8 LocalDateTime to XMLGregorianCalender Remove "+05:30" Portion

Did like below,
LocalDateTime currentUTCTime = LocalDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
String reqPattern = currentUTCTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS"));
System.out.println("Required pattern: " + reqPattern);
GregorianCalendar calendar = GregorianCalendar.from(currentUTCTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()));
XMLGregorianCalendar xcal = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(calendar);
System.out.println("But Showing As :" + xcal);
I want the output as 2015-06-18 11:59:15:135, but when i set the xcal to
a XML tag which takes XMLGregorianCalender, it shows like 2015-06-18T11:59:15.135+05:30.
How can i remove the +05:30 portion?
Use this code:
LocalDateTime currentUTCTime = LocalDateTime.now(); // using system timezone
String iso = currentUTCTime.toString();
if (currentUTCTime.getSecond() == 0 && currentUTCTime.getNano() == 0) {
iso += ":00"; // necessary hack because the second part is not optional in XML
XMLGregorianCalendar xml =
The code makes use of the given factory method expecting a lexicographical representation of a local timestamp in ISO-8601-format. And since a LocalDateTime does not refer to any timezone, its output via toString() cannot contain a timezone offset. Result: XMLGregorianCalendar considers the timezone offset as "not set".
The original code did not especially bother about the ISO-variant of formatted output of currentUTCTime.toString(). However, the java.time-API produces an output without seconds or nanoseconds if those parts are equal to zero. This is perfectly legal in ISO, but the W3C-consortium has made the second part non-optional. And the class XMLGregorianCalendar closely follows this deviating spec. Therefore the shown hack above using simple string concatenation in this special edge case. Thanks a lot to #Dave's comment. By the way, using currentUTCTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME) as suggested in this comment is also possible (instead of the shown hack).

Passing Field Symbol value to Return parameter of method

I have the below code which uses a method. When I try to assign the Field Symbol value [Type ANY] to the return parameter RO_TAB [Type Ref to Data], I am getting an error message OBJECTS_MOVE_NOT SUPPORTED [Conversion of type "l" to type "g" not supported.].
The issue is happening after a BW system upgrade along with which we also moved to ABAP objects. The code executes perfectly in the older version of ABAP.
The dump occurs in the below line:
RO_TAB = <lf_storage>.
I have no idea why.
<lf_storage> TYPE ANY.
lf_index TYPE SY-TABIX,
lf_sindex TYPE STRING,
lf_name TYPE STRING.
lf_sindex = lf_index.
INTO lf_name.
ASSIGN lf_name TO <lf_storage>.
RO_TAB = <lf_storage>.
You need to create a data object first, using the CREATE DATA statement. Then you can ASSIGN a field symbol to work with the dynamically created data object. There's an example in the online manual. A field symbol is not a reference, it simply places the variable assigned to it in its position. You're effectively trying to move a string (which is what lf_name is) to a reference variable, and that won't work.
You cannot assign a variable of type STRING to a variable of type REF TO DATA.
The following code snippet shows how it should be done.
DATA: lf_name TYPE string.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lf_name> TYPE string.
lf_name = 'test'.
GET REFERENCE OF lf_name INTO lo_tab.
*lf_name = lo_tab. "this is not allowed
ASSIGN lo_tab->* TO <lf_name>.
So in your case it would be sufficient to define a field symbol.
then assign the contents referenced by RO_TAB to this field symbol.
ASSIGN ro_tab->* TO <lf_name>.
and finally do the concatenation.
INTO <lf_name>.
That's all! No further assignments should be required.
How about just this?
lf_sindex = lf_index.

NSURL errors with caret ^ in string

Attempting to get data on the S&P500 (symbol: ^GSPC) from Yahoo Finance. In playgrounds and scripts, the presence of a caret (^) in the string passed to NSURL errors with "Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_1386_INVOP, sub code=0x0)". Xcode 6b6 and b7.
Works fine with other ticker symbols (AAPL, MSFT, etc).
Any suggestions for how to get this working?
let symbols:String = "^GSPC"
let financeURL:String = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=\(symbols)&f=sl1c6p2"
var financeNSURL: NSURL = NSURL(string: financeURL) // ERROR (see above)
let tickerNSData: NSData = NSData(contentsOfURL: financeNSURL)
var output:NSString = NSString(data:tickerNSData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)
It's crashing because Swift (at least in Xcode6-Beta7) doesn't support returning nil from an object initializer. From the release notes:
Swift does not support object initializers that fail by returning
null. (16480364)
Workaround: If there is a factory method, use it instead. Otherwise,
capture the result in an optional. For example:
let url: NSURL? = NSURL(string: "not a url")
So, to avoid a crash, declare your financeNSURL as NSURL? (as in the example from the docs above), or use NSURL.URLWithString() instead of init(string:).
However, the root of the problem is that you're not encoding your URL parameters correctly.
If you call stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(...) on symbols it works:
let symbols:String = "^GSPC".stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet())!
let financeURL:String = "http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=\(symbols)&f=sl1c6p2"
let financeNSURL: NSURL? = NSURL(string: financeURL)
if let url = financeNSURL {
let tickerNSData: NSData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url)
var output:NSString = NSString(data:tickerNSData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)
When creating a NSURLwith init method NSURLWithString: the parameter URLString must be a properly encoded URL string. Your's is not. So, what is this a "properly encoded URL string"?
The corresponding official documentation gives a few more hints where to read:
"URLString: The URL string with which to initialize the NSURL object. This URL string must conform to URL format as described in RFC 2396, and must not be nil. This method parses URLString according to RFCs 1738 and 1808."
(links are mine).
So basically, you need to separately encode each URL component from your source string component using the correct variant of the percent encoding algorithm. Then, compose all encoded string components to the final URL string.
This can be tedious and is certainly error prone. Thus, since iOS 8 there is NSURLComponents (see docs here) which can aid you in this task.

CFData vs CFString

I have a CFMutableDictionaryRef, part of which in debugger is:
"device-id" = <72270000>;
model = <474d4120 39353000>;
"vendor-id" = <86800000>;
Now I can get value of the key model using CFDataRef which returns string like "GMA 950", as compared to the value above.
But I cannot get value of "vendor-id"using same method so I try with CFString, which returns <86800000> instead of a string. So how to retreive correct value of the vendor id (which I already know should return 0x8086 for Intel) ??
found it:
have to format the string retreived with CFString as:
NSString *id = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0x%X",*((UInt32*)CFDataGetBytePtr(cfstr))];
