How do I dolly or zoom using React three fiber or threejs? - three.js

I have a react-three-fiber app and I'm using OrbitControls as my camera controls.
I want to use buttons on screen to manually zoom in/zoom out but I can't get my code to work.
I want these buttons to work the same way as how the middle mouse button works with OrbitControls.
Does anyone how to make this work using React?
I tried changing the camera position using the useThree() hook but it was not working as I wanted.

When you use the middle scroll wheel with OrbitControls, all it's doing is multiplying the camera position by a certain value. So, if you wanted to do this manually, then you could use the following function:
function zoom(constant){
camera.position.x = camera.position.x * constant;
camera.position.y = camera.position.y * constant;
camera.position.z = camera.position.z * constant;
If you want to zoom in, closer, then you pass a value less than one value. If you want to zoom out, further, you pass a value greater than one value.


Setting MatrixWorld of camera in threeJS

I'm trying to sync the camera orientation of one threejs scene with another by passing the world matrix of the first scene's camera to the second and then using
camera.matrix.fromArray(cam1array); //cam1array is the flattened worldmatrix of the 1st scene
camera.updateMatrixWorld( true );
However, when I print camera.matrixWorld for the second scene, it would appear that there has been no update (matrixWorld is the same as before the previous commands). The second scene does use OrbitControls so maybe they are overriding my commands, but I wondered if anyone could advise me on how to achieve the same world matrix for the second scene as the first?
I should also clarify that part of the issue is that it would appear that setting
camera.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
in order to prevent overriding seems to prevent OrbitControls from functioning corrrectly.

Three.js keep object static relative to outside container div - EDIT now with jsfiddle

So I have the basic setup of a three.js-canvas rendered inside of a html-div. Inside the 3d-world I want to position an object in such a way that it appears to be glued on to this outside div (should never move in any way). Currently I have this solution:
render {
object.position.x = camera.position.x;
object.position.y = camera.position.y;
object.position.z = camera.position.z - 200;
This works for panning the camera (i have rotation disabled since i don't need it). However, once I zoom in or out it obviously doesn't work any more, since zooming doesn't change the camera's position values. My approach was to incorporate the camera.zoom factor into the above function, but i couldn't get it to work properly. Is there an easy transformation function or something i can use?
Edit: I created a jsfiddle, hopefully this helps figuring out the solution. As long as you pan the camera with right mouse the yellow plane doesn't move at all (wanted behaviour). When you zoom in or out it starts to move (unwanted behaviour):

In Three.js, while using WebVR, how do I move the camera position?

I'm trying to adapt my existing three.js project to work with WebVR. I've made decent progress -- I can look around the scene in VR, but I'm unable to move the camera position away from the initial place it gets spawned (which appears to be close to 0,0,0, it seems like there is a predefined userHeight that gets factored in)
Once I call renderer.vr.setDevice( vrDisplay ) it seems like a new camera is created and the existing camera that my scene was using is no longer used. I'd like to keep using that camera, or at least inherit most of its properties.
I've noticed that there is a renderer.vr.getCamera() method (link to source) but I haven't found any examples or documentation of how to use it (or if I should use it). Curiously, this method accepts a camera as an argument, which is a bit unintuitive for a getter. Looking at the code, it seems like the function should be called setCamera and left me a bit confused. I tried calling the function and passing in my existing camera but it had no effect.
Any help is appreciated. I am using a Google Daydream View on the latest version of Android/Chrome using Three.js R91
swirlybuns, Mugen87 solution works as long as you add user to the scene
var user = new THREE.Group();
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
camera.position.y = 1.6;
user.add( camera );
and on render loop
camera_z_pos -= current_velocity;
Tested on
Three.js v102
chrome mobile v75

Threejs orbitalcontrols set target breaking camera rotation using mouse/touch

I am developing a standard panorama viewer, where a 360 picture is placed inside of a sphere and the user can look around using mouse and touch. I am using OrbtialControls for this and it is working fine.
The user can also load a new 360 picture, after loading the picture, I am trying to set the camera direction so that the user is looking in a certain direction. As I am using orbitalControls, I am using,y,z) to do so. However that causes the camera to lock at that point and if I use the mouse or touch to look around, the camera position changes and it revolves around that point, rather than looking around inside the sphere.
Has anyone else seen this kind of behavior? Do I need to do something
The code is pretty simple.
The purpose of,y,z) is to set the pivot point, so what you are facing is the expected behavior
Instead of setting the target (that has to be (0, 0, 0) in your case), why not putting the camera inside a THREE.Object3D and rotate this object
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera()
var container = new THREE.Object3D()
container.add( camera )
camera.position.set( 0, 0, 0.1 )
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer ) 0, 0, 0 ) // Optional
container.rotate.y = Math.PI / 2 // Or whatever you want
So I ended up solving this myself. The issue was that my understanding of orbitControls was slightly off. All I needed to do was to set the target point in the same direction but way closer to the camera and presto, issue solved and things are working fine now.

Orbit Controls zoom issue

I am trying to get infinite zoom functionality,
While looking at the following three.js example:
While getting closer to the target vector, the zoom factor reduced and reduced until it barely worked, for an end user it looks like it is stuck. panning won't really work, and in order to zoom out user needs to use the mouse wheel for like ages.
Is there a way to get infinite zoom functionality?
as mentioned it is zooming infinitely ( but it's zooming infinitely to the target at the center of the scene so it will never pass the target and thus never zoom beyond the center of the scene ), there's a couple changes you can make to the controls object in order to render the desired effect ( if I'm understanding you correctly ).
one small change you can make is change the target location from the center of the scene to the other end of the scene, given the the camera's far perameter is set to 1000 we can try setting the target's z position to -1000 in your init() function like so: = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1000);
here's a working fiddle:
in that example you'll zoom past the scene and slow down when you get to -1000. Another approach might be to change the dollyIn and dollyOut methods so that rather than getting infinitely closer to the target what it does is change the camera's z index, this way when you zoom past the target the camera will still rotate around the center, you can do something like this
controls.dollyOut = function(){
this.object.position.z -= 100;
controls.dollyIn = function(){
this.object.position.z += 100;
here's a working fiddle for that example:
