How to get eep file from bascom - avr

I need eep file from bascom to run my project of door lock ,correctly.
When i compile the codes with bascom,i can't find eep file.
Please help me. I am in bad trouble.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Vitis PetaLinux build cant fetch required files while building an application project

I want to build a PetaLinux Image for my Ultra96v2.
I followed this guide up until building my application project in Vitis. It looks promising but then while building the application project for my custom platform, Vitis throws this error:
18:08:28 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project dpu_appl_system ****
make all
Generating bif file for the system project
Executing command '::scw::generate_bif -xpfm /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_demo/export/dpu_demo/dpu_demo.xpfm -domains linux_domain -bifpath /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/system.bif' on XSCT
sdcard_gen --xpfm /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_demo/export/dpu_demo/dpu_demo.xpfm --sys_config dpu_demo --bif /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/system.bif --bitstream /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl/_ide/bitstream/dpu_hardware.bit --sd_file /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl/Debug/dpu_appl.elf
creating BOOT.BIN using /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl/_ide/bitstream/dpu_hardware.bit
Running /home/user/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/bin/bootgen -arch zynqmp -image /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif -w -o i BOOT.BIN
ERROR:BootGen - syntax error
Line #13, "/media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif".
... emo/sw/atf,dpu_demo/boot/bl31.elf
[ERROR] : BIF file parsing failed with code 1
Error writing SD card data : Error when running '/home/user/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/bin/bootgen -arch zynqmp -image /media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif -w -o i BOOT.BIN'
make: *** [makefile:42: package] Error 1
18:08:36 Build Finished (took 7s.643ms)
It specifically shows me, that there is a comma in the path where it searches for the file. The files are available
at the "normal" location, without the "atf,", "dtb,", etc
at the "weird" location. I created the path so the requested path exists for every file that throws an error message, like
/media/user/6b04b610-ff80-4702-a575-b0b1a78fbafb/dpu_pkg/dpu_appl_system/Debug/sd_card_temp/boot.bif". ... emo/sw/atf,dpu_demo/boot/bl31.elf
I created the path with the weird artefact "arf,dpu_demo", with the komma in the path, but still it wont work. Is this some kind of problem with Vitis, like some env variables not set correctly, or is the building mechanism just acting weird? I cant resolve this issue, because I am not able to change the paths it is supposed to look for the files. This hinders me in advancing my project. I work on Ubuntu 20.04.
Can anyone help me out here, please? I would really appreciate it!
I asked this question in the Xilinx Community, too, but unfortunately there was no resonance at all.
Thank you so much in advance!
I think I got it now, though I did not verify whether the image actually works on my Ultra96v2, yet.
I noticed, that the weird path with commata is inside of the boot.bif and system.bif.
So the first time I tried to build it, the bif wasnt there, but got created (I assume). The bif was ready then but only had a weird path inside, so I took the makefile (you can find it in debug/sd_card), copied it, and just commented out the line GENERATE_BIF_XSCT_CMD = ${GENERATE_BIF} -xpfm ${XPFM_PATH} -domains ${DOMAINS} -bifpath ${BIF_PATH}.
Then I edited the boot.bif and system.bif and changed the atf,boot, uboot,boot, and dts,boot to just boot, so the BootGen wouldnt look into the directories with the commata anymore, but only the boot-directory which was specified.
Once that was set up, I executed the edited makefile in my console, by going into the sd_card-directory and executing the following command:
make -f <your_edited_makefile>
This means, that you cant press "build" in Vitis, it wont work. You build the content on your own and wont get a green check mark beside the project! Then the sd_card-directory was populated with (I assume) all necessary data to boot the Ultra96v2 from SD card. This was the content:
dpu_appl.elf (your application project name, I guess)
The underlying issue seem to have been that the ::scw::generate_bif created a path to look after, which didnt exist. Really weird issue, in my opinion.
I just made some changes to the PetaLinux config with the petalinux-config command and rebuilt everything. Once I go to the Vitis part, I changed the system.bif within Vitis itself, and the project compiled successfully, also populating the sd_card directory, as it seems.
Everything failed, so I tried to get to the *.bif of the Application System project. I opened it (linux.bif) and edited the "atf,", "dtb," and "uboot," out of it. Since this is only created once and references by the following files, this fixed my issue and the build was completed successfully in Vitis. So just ignore my originial answer and update.
I hope this is working and hope it will help some of you.

`Can't open module file, No such file or directory` when compiling Fortran with an external library

I am currently trying to compile a Fortran 90 code using a module that is supposed to be in a dynamic library So far my code is:
program debug
use fckit_mpi_module
end program debug
And for the compilation step I use the following command:
mpifc -I/path/to/the/lib debug_fckit.f90 -o debug_fckit.exe
I get the following error:
use fckit_mpi_module
Fatal Error: Can't open module file ‘fckit_mpi_module.mod’ for reading at (1): No such file or directory
I know that this is a common error in Fortran, I searched google but I did not find any satisfying solution for my case.
Thank you Vladimir and Evets for your comments that helped me to fix the issue. I just added the paths to the directories where the module fckit_mpi_module.mod and the library are. So now my command for compiling the code reads:
mpifc -I/path/to/the/directory/where/the/module/fckit_mpi_module.mod/is -l/path/to/the/directory/where/the/library/ debug.fckit.f90 -o debug_fckit
Hope this helps some other noobie like me.

--grpc_out: protoc-gen-grpc: Plugin failed with status code 1 on osx. (Java)

I am following a tutorial about using grpc and I am supposed to use a plugin to generate source code but I am stuck on how to use the --grpc_out and --plugin flag.
Below are the current challenges.
The protocol generator downloaded from as in the tutorial is an executable file for osx operating system This is the first confusion.
If I dont use these plugin flags (--plugin,--grpc_out) my code is generated okay with this command
protoc -I /proto --java_out /hello/grpc/grpc/revamp/services
This above works okay
Adding the flags, with the downloaded plugin from confusion 1 throws this error with this command;
protoc -I /proto --java_out /hello/grpc/grpc/revamp/services /proto/messages.proto --grpc_out /hello/grpc/grpc/revamp/services --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/proto/lib/protoc-gen-grpc-java-1.19.0-osx-x86_64.exe
--grpc_out: protoc-gen-grpc: Plugin failed with status code 1.
Has anyone used this plugin on osx?, can anyone help see what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance
To resolve this, first I removed the .exe extension from the file downloaded from maven,
then allow the file to be executable by running the following command
chmod +x protoc-gen-grpc-java
After this the query worked okay. (Special thanks from the #author of the Course
Michael Van Sickle)

How to find interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg in procedure 'script'?

I'm trying to debug esp32 with ft2232d debugger , however at the openocd running script i'm getting this below mentioned error.
./openocd -s share/openocd/scripts -f ../interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f board/esp-wroom-32.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00703-g21687eb (2019-03-04-16:30)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
embedded:startup.tcl:63: Error: Can't find ../interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg
in procedure 'script'
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 63
Now, i understand that my interface directory is not finding the esp32 cfg file but i searched and there is no such file.
Also Building openocd from the scatch has let to no bin files present in the main directory but these files are found in src folder.
Thanks for your help.
If you're using Eclipse, try wrapping the file path of your config in double quotes. I had a similar error, and changing the argument to -f "interface/stm32f429.cfg" seemed to fix that error for me.

Why am I recieving this error: LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core246d.lib''?

I am trying to run a program that does not include any opencv files, but for some reason this error keeps popping up and preventing me from running the program.
LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_core246d.lib' C:\Users\Public\Documents\imgSwitchingFiles
Please can somebody shed light on this issue?
It looks like your project options state this library should be linked to your binaries. Did you reuse this project from elsewhere?
If you really don't need OpenCV, simply remove its libraries from the project linking options.
In project properties:
VC++ Directories>Library files>C:\OpenCV2.4.3\build\x86\vc9\lib
Linker>Input>Additional Dependencies>
Add the following under edit (each on a new line)
opencv_core243d.lib; opencv_imgproc243d.lib; opencv_highgui243d.lib; opencv_ml243d.lib; opencv_video243d.lib; opencv_features2d243d.lib; opencv_calib3d243d.lib; opencv_objdetect243d.lib; opencv_contrib243d.lib; opencv_legacy243d.lib; opencv_flann243d.lib;
Your file paths may be different i.e. vc10 instead of vc9 or u may have x64 instead of x86.
Also u will have 246 in every .lib instead of 243.
