Heroku Scheduler Add On UTC Timezone cannot be changed - heroku

I have been working on a project that needs to complete a task at a certain time everyday. I am using the 'free' Heroku Scheduler Add-on and the task is completed, but the problem is that it is not completed in the exact time I set for it to be completed because the scheduler has a default UTC time zone that won't change even if the time zone for app is changed. Also, if there are daylight savings time changes (since it is a UTC time zone) it won't recognize that change and will do the task at the wrong time. Is there anyway to change the time zone to my desired one which would be in US/Eastern?
I already looked at Heroku Scheduler timezone? and it seems to be the online place with any information on it, but there are no instructions on how to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Heroku Scheduler Task Setup Image

You can not change Heroku Scheduler Add-on time zone, only solution is to move the time checking logic to your app, for example you have to run it each hour, then in your app/command check if the time is the correct time, if it's not exist the app until current time meet your requirements


How to apply timezone to Log4j2 RollingFile?

There seems to be a bug in the past, hasn't it been fixed yet?
Even if a separate timezone is applied to my console log and file name, the actual rollover time is always the server time.
Is there any way to make this rollover time follow my timezone?

Heroku scheduler not running hourly

I used heroku scheduler to automate tasks but it seems it's not working as it described
see this
although the frequency is set to hourly
the interval between last run and next due is 5 hours
what's going on here?
Any help is appreciated!
In my case, i just had to create another task, hourly from the beginning, and it worked. The old schedule was removed as the new one started to work.

SonarQube: is it possible to change the time zone in the JVM parameters?

I have a machine that runs several different servers and it's in a specific time zone in Central Europe.
I need to run SonarQube (4.5.7) in UTC time.
I uncommented the following line in web/WEB-INF/config/environment.rb and restarted SonarQube but the server still shows the original time zone on the System Info page.
config.time_zone = 'UTC'
Should that be enough to change the time zone in SonarQube? Because that didn't really work.
Is there a way I can pass the user.timezone property to the JVM by editing the wrapper.conf file? Looks like it could work but it doesn't look like I'm supposed to touch that file.
Internal files, including web/**/*, must not be touched.
To change JVM timezone, you should edit conf/sonar.properties and add the value -Duser.timezone=Europe/Sofia to properties sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts, sonar.ce.javaAdditionalOpts and sonar.search.javaAdditionalOpts.

Can I change time zone of ArangoDB's logs?

I live in Japan, so wanna change time zone of ArangoDB's logs from default to UTC+9:00.
Maybe I have to change somewhere of config files but I couldn't make sense.
The time zone is always GMT. You could open a feature request on github https://github.com/triAGENS/ArangoDB/issues maybe a config option can be added. But this needs to be checked.

Online application timestamped by local PC instead of Server

Is there a way to have my online application get the time and date from the user local machine instead of the server it resides on? The point is that there are users in different time zones and it will not make sense to have the standard UTC time stamp on their files. Thanks in advance fo ryour help.
Yes, with JavaScript new Date().
