in a VSTO project is possible intercept shape delete event?
I've try to intercept key press with "mousekeyhook" but without success.
Anyone have suggestion?
VSTO (nor the PowerPoint object model) doesn't provide any events for that out of the box.
Can someone please please provide the link or code snippet to raise an event from the click of the oulook ribbion button and we are able to subscribe it from the another project on the click of another button and get the data passed in it.
You can't directly - ribbon control events are only passed to the addin that created the ribbon controls in question. You can of course call any external code (including through Addin.Object) from the addin processing the event.
You can handle clicks on the built-in controls on the ribbon. Read more about that in the Temporarily Repurpose Commands on the Office Fluent Ribbon article.
But for the custom ribbon UI you need to ask for any public interface which can be consumed by others, so instead of trying to repurpose controls you could directly call the method or function in the add-in.
It's my first time developing add in for outlook, i'm tryng to do an add-in that interact with outlook calendar to find an appointment, but i can only show up the add-in when i create new appointment, is there any way to show it outside compose and read context? like viva insights do?
i found that this can be done with VSTO, but i need it to work also with web outlook and other os, if someone can help me to figure it out i will apreciate.
i tried to do it following the add-in doc
i can't find an extension point that fits my purpose.
Thank you
Add-ins are only valid in Mail/Calendar individual item context currently. Hence, if no item (email / event) is selected, addins do not show-up or work - it does not know in which context it is suppose to run.
If your scenario requires it to run without email/event context, we suggest you to file a feature request here:
I'm sure there's a simple way to do this that I am overlooking. But, how do you make a custom tab in the Ribbon.xml show up only in the new message compose window? I want to have my own tab so that the ribbon for my groups and buttons will be clean.
I am currently doing a workaround to invalidate the tab control when a new mail item event happens, but there must be a simpler way to do this.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It's Outlook 2016 desktop in Windows 10.
Thank you.
Your ribbon XML must specify only Microsoft.Outlook.Mail.Compose - see
I want to put custom button on CRM Mail merge window and on click of that button , i want to store that document in sharepoint site document library.
please check below screen
Is it possible to put custom button?
This is not possible in supported way.
like Andrii said this is not a supported method and i would try and stay clear of this solution if you can. I would suggest thinking about implementing your code for sharepoint into ribbon button inside of Microsoft Word.
Can anyone pls tell me how to create a button(in CommandBar) like 'New Mail' (with a dropdown list) in Outlook?
When one clicks on the button it should do some action and when clicked on the down arrow mark, it should populate a list of items. I am in need of this very much.
If anyone know the answer pls let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Assuming Outlook<2007, you add a new button to the explorer/inspector via CommandBars.Add("foo", Type:=msoControlDropdown) and add entries to the drop-down via myDropdown.Add("bar").
See also the reference for CommandBarComboBox.
You can't populate it on click though, you have to find other suitable events for that, e.g. Explorer.SelectionChange.
On Outlook >= 2007 you need to customize the ribbon which is a bit more writing work. Customizing the Ribbon in Outlook 2007 is a good introduction into that.
To create a new mail item use myOlApplication.CreateItem(olMailItem) or myMailFolder.Items.Add(), set it up as needed and show it in an inspector via e.g. myMailItem.Display().
Sound like you are looking for a split button. Unfortunately the API does not expose that.
You can hack up a Popup under the button which is a poor attempt of a split button.