Using a customer's Zoho client id, but why am i seeing my person zoho account details? - zoho

I am using Zoho's .Net API to access some email information such as emails and folders.
During development i've been using my personal zoho account (i created a zoho app under client console).
However, now that i've switched over to my customer's configurations (client id & client secret). But still, after requesting for authorization, the account details are still my own!
I assumed the account details would be of my customer's. And therefore, the email and folders details that I request via the API are all related to my account.
Am i misunderstanding how the Zoho API is supposed to work? Or is what im observing what is expected?


How can i find my AccountId for my Zoho account?

Im trying to make some API calls for Zoho, like Email API.
But i am not able to make a valid request due to not knowing my Account Id.
Note that i know my User Id which i can find from my profile section in Zoho.
How can I find my Account Id?
I tried calling this API, but getting an error.
The error I get:
{"data":{"errorCode":"INVALID_TICKET","moreInfo":"Invalid ticket"},"status":{"code":400,"description":"Invalid Input"}}
Zoho's documentation explanation of account id:
"Each user might have more than just one account associated with their Zoho Mail account. They might have added several POP accounts that can be accessed from the Zoho Mail interface. Each account that you associate with a Zoho account will have a separate Account ID. You'll need the account ID while passing several user and account related API requests. The account ID for each account associated with a Zoho account can be retrieved using the Organization User Details API. You will need the OrgID to fetch the User account details using this API."
And the organization user details api mentioned is this
And here you can see you get the account id
enter image description here

Google Ads API accounts missing

I'm developing integration with Google Ads API using their Ruby gem library.
I have an approved oAuth2 account for the Ads scope with an approved developer token that allows any external user to connect with our API.
I have a Google Ads account that manages our own Ads account and two other accounts.
When I authenticate with the API and approve it, I then grab the account with
graph = get_accounts_graph()
This surprisingly returns just ONE Ads account, and one that belongs to a client that we manage. Our own two Ads accounts are missing.
So I tried to compare between our client's account and our own.
Under I can clearly see we have admin rights to our two ad accounts, just like we do to the client account.
Am I missing some setting somewhere? Has anyone experienced this before?
I ran into this issue at the beginning. The sample in the API client libraries (which I'm going to assume you are using here), calls the customer service
There's actually two different services for retrieving customer account IDs. The customer service only allows access to accounts that are added as direct admins on each account. This is an important distinction as manager accounts don't fall into this category.
What you need to call is the regular GoogleAdsService (not the customer service!) and put your request in the query itself..
query = "SELECT customer_client_link.client_customer FROM customer_client_link"
This will give you a list of account IDs as resource names, not accessible accounts. And you can iterate over them as usual.
Hope that helps.

Whether Outlook SDK be able to access Office365 User data? Or Microsoft Graph API be able to access users?

Whether OutlookSDK at could access Office365 user data (calendars, contacts, mail)?
How's about Microsoft Graph API, could them be able access users? (calendars, contacts, tasks, mail)?
I'm curious at this point, want to know what SDK is best for accessing both user data and Office365 user data.
I already try Microsoft Graph API iOS SDK to authenticate Live Id user, but couldn't success, only able to authenticate Office365 user
OutlookSDK as well, unable to authenticate Office365 user, only able to authenticate Live ID
Carefully take a look at the instructions here:
To write an app against both Office 365 and you will need to register your application in the new application registration portal here:
Additionally you will need to make sure that your account has been upgraded to the new service. If it has not, then you will need to follow the instructions to request an account in the preview service from: or create a new account which should automatically be provisioned in the new service.
Yes - You can use Outlook APIs to access mail, calendars, and contacts for Office 365 users and
Also, You can use the Microsoft Graph API to access fixed entities like users, groups, mail, messages, calendars, tasks, and notes coming from services like Outlook, OneDrive, Azure Active Directory, Planner, OneNote and others.
I suggest using O365 APIs to do Live id user authentication -
Check this link as well:

How to manage a user session using Azure Mobile Services?

I'm building mobile applications using .NET. What I'm looking for is a way to manage user sessions and info using Azure Mobile Services. I've read a lot about the authentication in Azure Mobile Services, but this only authenticates a user via Facebook, Twitter, etc ... to access azure services.
I'm looking for user session management, i.e. register, login, logout. Be able to save and retrieve user info, i.e., save certain info against the user such as age for example. Also session management and caching, i.e. the user will remain logged on when the app is closed and re-opened. Also azure mobile services doesn't seem to provide a way to allow me to register users via email.
Basically, If anyone is familiar with Parse, I'm looking for having similar functionality in Azure. Can anyone help please ?
Out of the box, Mobile Services provides easy authentication with social providers (Facebook, Twitter, etc) and Azure Active Directory. If you want to do registration via email, you'll have to create a custom auth system. This is going to be more complex than just flipping a switch and using Facebook auth, but totally doable and I can point you in the right direction. First, check out this post that will explain how you can create a registration / login system using custom API and the script backend. If you're using a .NET backend, you'll need to alter thing a bit (the samples are in JS) but it should be pretty easy to convert. The only piece that is really missing from that post is how to do email verification. To do this with Mobile Services, I would suggest the following.
Sign up for a SendGrid account (free in the Azure store)
From your script, after registering the user, generate a random alphanumeric string that is saved to their account / user record in the table.
Use the same string to create a URL which you can send to the user's email address (check out this tutorial for sending email via SendGrid and Mobile Services).
The link can either go to a different custom API or a web front end. When that endpoint is hit, it should update the user record to show that they have verified their email address.

Activation of Google Email Migration API

My organization is in the process of switching to Google Apps for Education. I have successfully used Google Email Uploader to migrate my emails (as an admin of the domain). However, when I attempt to upload another users email, I encounter the following error:
Username or password not accepted
This domain does not allow users to access the Email Migration API.
Error 403
API Access has been enabled in the User Settings for our domain. Does this take some time to activate? Are there other steps I must take prior to migration? Thanks.
Administrators of Google Apps for Business/EDU domains always have the ability to migrate mail. However in order for users to be able to migrate mail to their own account, it must be enabled in the Control Panel. See Google's instructions for enabling user email migration.
