AspNet BoilerPlate how to apply metronic 8 theme - themes

I just got Metronic 8 theme and trying to apply it to a Aspnet Boiler plate Mvc/jquery project.
Any steps I could follow, cause Its giving me some errors and I need some guideness to complete applying it sucessfully


Laravel Boilerplate and Bootstrap

I have a question about Bootstrap and CoreUI on Laravel Boilerplate.
I've been trying to use some core features that are a part of Bootstrap by default, however, some things just don't work. Collapse, Modals, these features don't seem to be available. Is there something I'm missing? Some element that is customizable and needs to be loaded?
Any advice on where to look would be helpful as I'm having trouble even determining where to search for researching a solution.

Laravel 6 and Bootstrap

I am new to Laravel.
When I install Laravel 6 a lot of the things that install by default in Laravel 5.8 are not evident i.e. bootstrap, vue, jquery.
I see this is package.json file.
I did not find anything that explains this and wondering if anyone has some guidance that might enlighten me.
I was trying to use bootstrap as shown in the video I was watching and found missing resources/sass files ap.scss and .variables.scss. ap.scss was empty and .variables.scss was absent. I did find them buried elsewhere in the installation; however, bootstrap did not work and any attempts I made to install bootstrap and other missing pieces wound up breaking the framework (probably something I did.)
In the meantime I am staying with a Version 5 distribution of Laravel.
Laravel decoupled what front end tech you use by default in 6.0
You can review the documentation here.

Video functionality in Liferay 7

I need to add video functionality to CKeditor. Thus, enabled Xuggler plugin. However, it has some limitations. Thus, searched about other plugins which can be integrated with CKeditor and supports video content.
Following are the findings for above: -
I found online ckeditor builder which gives video functionality (CKEditor 4). Please help in integrating the same with Liferay 7.
I got another plugin html5video;
Please help in integrating the plugin with CKEditor available with Liferay 7.
Thus, requesting you to help in accomplishing either of the above solution in order to achieve video functionality in Liferay 7 webcontent.
Have a look at the lfr-dxp-src/modules/apps/foundation/frontend-editor/frontend-editor-ckeditor-web module. It contains all the CKeditor related code.
Froma quick look over it it seems that you should focus on 2 things:
Get the plugin code.
You would need a fragment bundle for that that will inject the necessary JS into the frontend-editor-ckeditor-web.
Look here for insperation: lfr-dxp-src/modules/apps/foundation/frontend-editor/frontend-editor-ckeditor-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/_diffs/plugins/media
Probably you will need to change the configuration of the CKEditor
You need to create an edit options contributor. Make sure that you put this in a separate module form the fragment as the fragment.
Look here for inspiration: com.liferay.frontend.editor.ckeditor.web.editor.configuration.CKEditorConfigContributor

Adding ORCHARD CMS functionality in my ASP.NET MVC 4 application

I have a project in mvc 4 that's really huge. Now I want to include Orchard CMS functionality into it.
I don't want it to do the other way round by including my MVC 4 project as a part of Orchard since its way too big. Would rather like to include Orchard as a CMS module in it.
What I have done so far:
1. downloaded the orchard source zip file from codeplex.
2. included it as a separate solution in my existing mvc 4 project
Now I want this orchard module to communicate with my mvc 4 project, like placing in a link on of the pages of my web project which would redirect to showing the content which is managed by the Orchard CMS system.
Any ideas on this?

How do I migrate Image Gallery from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7?

I have a Drupal 6 site that I'm trying to migrate to Drupal 7. However, I have a gallery using the Image and Image Gallery modules.
I know that Image is a dead end from Drupal 6, but the Image nodes can be converted to CCK ImageField fields uning the Field Converter module.
However, a migrationpath for Image Gallery seems to be largely forgotten, or at least I've managed to find almost nothing about it on the web. I think my best option is to roll my own gallery with Views, but I would welcome any tips for bringing my images from the Drupal 6 site.
Same answer as Drupal 6 To 7 Migration
You can use the Migrate module, or even better the Migrate D2D examples which should handle a clean migration for you with the ability of rolling back a migration if any problem occurs. A great way to fine tune a migration, when necessary.
With Migrate, you can migrate your files first, then migrate your Content Types by mapping the various field values. It takes a bit of getting into but once you get the hang of it, you'll love the simplicity & flexibility.
