Migration of custom spring boot starter to quarkus - spring-boot

Do you know, how to use customized spring boot starter in quarkus. We have created a few spring boot starters for existing application. Now trying to migrate this app to quarkus. Beans defined in this spring boot starters are not scanned. I configured quakus.index- dependency.name but no luck


Spring Boot Confusion (using spring cloud dependency in spring boot framework)

I am new to spring framework. I have a confusion regarding spring boot and spring cloud.
I used https://start.spring.io/ to initialize a spring boot application. I think I am using the spring boot framework. However, I would like to use some spring cloud dependencies such as spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka.
Question 1: If I added this dependency above to my spring boot application, I am wondering if I still can go with the spring boot framework, or I have to change to spring cloud framework.
Question 2: I am wondering if there is any difference when deploying the spring boot or spring cloud application. Or, they just have the different frameworks, and we could deploy them in the same way.
Thank you so much!
You can use together Spring Boot and Spring Cloud packages.
Spring Boot is just a preconfigured Spring Framework with some extra functionalities. It also uses library versions compatibile with each other. Spring Cloud is also the part of the Spring ecosystem, contains libraries that mostly used in cloud applications.
In the background, these packages will pull all necessary Spring (and other) libraries into your project, as transitive dependencies.
So you can use the generated pom/gradle, and add other dependencies. In this case Spring boot will be your core and cloud add extras.

Spring Boot 2 Actuator without Spring Boot

I would like to add Spring Boot actuator metrics to my existing Spring MVC 5 application (I cannot convert to Spring Boot).
There are a couple of answered questions on SO (Spring Boot Actuator without Spring Boot) but they are for using Spring Boot Actuator 1.x.
Spring Boot Actuator 2.x has been re-architected and so these instructions are no longer valid.
Has anyone integrated Spring Boot Actuator 2.x with a standard Spring MVC 5 app?
Unfortunately you cannot include Spring Boot Actuator without requiring Spring Boot. Spring Boot is a Maven dependency of the Spring Boot Actuator project (the name also suggests that spring boot is required).
You can check out the actual dependency of spring-boot in the pom of spring-boot-actuator.

Liberty Spring Boot vs Spring Boot

What is the difference between Spring's Spring boot package and Liberty profile Spring Boot package(net.wasdev.wlp.starters.springbootweb)?
Did we get any advantage when we use net.wasdev.wlp.starters.springbootweb package with Liberty profile?
Why IBM specific Spring Boot package and what's its significance compare to conventional Spring Boot package?
net.wasdev.wlp.starters.springbootweb is essentially a sample application that demonstrates using spring boot w/ Liberty. It's not an alternative to spring boot.

Spring XD and Spring Boot

Is it possible to develop custom module, which uses existing Spring Boot Application with JPA / Hibernate, REST Services? What's the proper way to package and deploy such custom module in Spring XD.

how to use web.xml file into spring boot application without extend WsConfigurerAdapter?

I am using spring-boot to develop webservices, but I don't want to use WsConfigurerAdapter to define a WSDL and all, because I want to deploy my war into WAS7 and it does not support Servlet 3.0. So how would I add a web.xml configuration into my application.
Spring Boot doesn't support Servlet 2.5 out of the box, however you can use Spring Boot Legacy to get things working. Take a look at the Google App Engine sample application for an example of how to use Spring Boot Legacy and web.xml.
You may also be interested in this Spring Boot issue which is proposing to make Spring Boot Legacy an official part of Spring Boot.
