How can I escase string in whereRaw? - laravel

In laravel 9 I use whereRaw in code like :
$query->whereRaw( ' ' . $sign . "'".$filter_day."' " );
But I need to escape it.
Function mysql_real_escape_string is absolute now...
What can I use here ? I work with mysql8 now, but I prefer decision for different db on laravel side.
Thanks in advance!

I suggest reading the Laravel documentation thoroughly:
You can escape the string using ? as the link I given above.
$query->whereRaw( ' ' . $sign . ' ?', [$filter_day]);
You must NOT escape the operator $sign because its an MYSQL operator.
And also you must make sure that you properly check/sanitize $sign to avoid SQL injection. E.g.
if (in_array($sign, ['=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!=', '<>'])) {
$query->whereRaw( ' ' . $sign . ' ?', [$filter_day]);


MYSQL show results that contains hyphen in Laravel?

I have some products with column name that look like product-example. I'm trying to find the same result with case-insensitive if i searched product example or product-example. I have my query but it's not working i have a Syntax error :
$products = Product::whereRaw(
"UPPER('REPLACE(name, '-', ' ')') LIKE '%'".str_replace('-', ' ', $search)."'%'"
MySQL is case-insensitive by default.
As mentioned in the MySQL docs:
SQL pattern matching enables you to use _ to match any single character
so you could replace both " " and "-" with a "_" which would allow you to match either hyphens or spaces:
$products = Product::where('name', 'like', '%' . str_replace([' ', '-'], '_', $search). '%')->get();
Here is a little cheatsheet to help with MySQL wildcards.

Laravel push in order

Hi I am trying to combine two collections in a way that, the difference from the second collection is inserted one by one at the end of the first collection. However, when I try to use diff to find the difference between two collections and push each different set, the order seems to be messed up. Can someone help me with this please?
$serviceids = Service::where('service_name', 'like', '% ' . $chip_service . ' %')
->orWhere('service_name', 'like', '% ' . $chip_service)
->orWhere('service_name', 'like', $chip_service . ' %')
->orWhere('service_name', $chip_service)
$service_description_all = Service::where('service_description', 'like', '% ' . $chip_service . ' %')
->orWhere('service_description', 'like', '% ' . $chip_service)
->orWhere('service_description', 'like', $chip_service . ' %')
->orWhere('service_description', $chip_service)
$service_description = $service_description_all->diff($serviceids)->all();
foreach ($service_description as $key => $ser){
push function acts like stack, so the first element will be at the end the last in the stack.
you can use directly:
$serviceids = $service_description + $serviceids

A way to determine if "where like" matches 100% with a post in Laravel?

Is there a way to determine if this query:
$news_result = Post::with('image')
->where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%')
Has a 100% match with some title? If a user searches for "Some random news title" and in the database there is a post with such title to return some kind of marker?
The LIKE operator is used to partially match something.
You should not use it, and do ->where('title', $search) instead.
Remove '%' in your code
$news_result = Post::with('image')->has('image')->with('tags')->where('title', $search)->get();

Convert raw SQL query to Eloquent

I need your help, guys. I have this query:
where lcase(concat(firstname, ' ', lastname)) like lcase(concat('%', replace('%searchterm%', ' ', '%'), '%'))
OR lcase(concat(lastname, ' ', firstname)) like lcase(concat('%', replace('%searchterm%', ' ', '%'), '%'))
OR lcase(location) like lcase('%searchterm%')
Is it possible to use a nice eloquent query instead of DB::select(DB::raw()) to use pagination?
You could use whereRaw and orWhereRaw methods on a Eloquent Builder to use raw expressions while maintaining the ability to get model instances as a result.
The advantages is that you can still use PDO parameter binding and therefore avoid SQL Injections though $searchTerm.
You can also find out more about raw expressions in the documentation;
// Assuming $searchTerm contains the term that you need to search the database for
$users = User::whereRaw('lcase(concat(firstname, " ", lastname)) like lcase(concat("%", replace("%?%", " ", "%"), "%"))', [ $searchTerm ])
->orWhereRaw('lcase(concat(lastname, " ", firstname)) like lcase(concat("%", replace("%?%", " ", "%"), "%"))', [ $searchTerm ])
->orWhereRaw('lcase(location) like lcase("%?%")', [ $searchTerm ])
To split your where condition you can use orWhere method.

Laravel Eloquent Where Query with multiple words

I have the following query (cut for brevity):
$employees = Employee::where('first_name', 'LIKE', "%$query%")
->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', "%$query%")
Now this works when the user inputs a single name like 'John' or 'Smith', but when they input 'John Smith' it doesn't find anything. Am I missing an extra orWhere?
Try this :
Employee::where(DB::raw('CONCAT(first_name," ",lastname)'), 'LIKE', "%' . $query . '%"))
You would have to add a 3rd orWhere. For our search function we use something like this:
Employee::whereraw("COALESCE(last_name, '') LIKE '%$query%'")
->Orwhereraw("COALESCE(first_name, '') LIKE '%$query%'")
->Orwhereraw("COALESCE(last_name + ', ' + first_name, '') LIKE '%$query%'")
Adding Coalesce seemed to help with some issues we had when we first implemented it, not sure if it is necessary in your case though.
You can do :
$fullName = trim($query);
$employees = Employee::where(DB::raw("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)"), 'LIKE', "%".$fullName."%")->get();
You are concatenating the values in database for first_name + ' ' + last_name and then using like to find the matching records.
