Retrieve previous tak definition and prepare new task definition - Could not connect to endpoint https://ecs.******** - continuous-integration

can you help me?
I'm doing a continuous deployment with
The unity tests, build and push is working.
But when i try update the ecs task, i'm getting the error:
ERROR: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: https://ecs.********
in the i'm using the orbs
aws-ecs: circleci/aws-ecs#2.2.1
Any idea what is happen?
I don't know what to think/search anymore..
I tried run the command
aws ecs update-service --service ng-prod-service --cluster ng-cluster --force-new-deployment
And to my surprise i get the same error..
But my aws login works..
aws ecr get-login-password --region sa-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

i think the problem is with my credentials...
So i made new credentials with new iam rules and registerd on and then it works...
It was probably the iam rules or iam credentials...


AccessDenied when deploying serverless via aws-vault

I am trying to deploy serverless with the credentials stored in my aws-vault keychain.
However when I run aws-vault exec myprofile -- sls deploy I receive the following error:
An error occurred: MyLambdaFunction - AccessDenied. User doesn't have permission to call iam:GetRole.
The user has AdministratorAccess and I also gave him IAMFullAccess (which should not be needed)
When I deploy with the same credentials stored in with sls deploy
it works.
According to the docs the session token generated by aws-vault has some restrictions:
You cannot call any IAM API operations unless MFA authentication information is included in the request.
You cannot call any AWS STS API except AssumeRole or GetCallerIdentity.
A work around is to use the --no-session
so aws-vault exec myprofile --no-session -- sls deploy works without any error.

AWS RDS: error: password authentication failed for user "ubuntu" from EC2

I have a postgres RDS instance which my Node.js web application running on an EC2 instance is not able to connect to. The error in my EC2 node logs is: error: password authentication failed for user "ubuntu"
I can confirm that I have the right username, password, database name, etc because it is working correctly on the development build on my machine. I copied all the .env parameters exactly into my ec2 machine for the production build. When attempting to connect to RDS on my production application web page, it fails. I have restarted my Node.js server multiple times and have rebooted the whole ec2 machine. I have confirmed that the env variables are there with printenv.
What would you recommend trying to fix this issue?
EDIT for more details: My nodejs setup should be correct because my nodejs server will call some external APIs that do not require my postgres database and those calls work properly.
EDIT2: This is strange because my username for RDS is postgres, while my username for EC2 is ubuntu. I wonder if somehow there's some clash between env variables. I checked printenv but didn't find any though
EDIT3: See comments for my workaround.
I would suggest to test the database credentials by directly connecting to RDS database using psql client on EC2 instance.

AWS Cogntio user pool throwing PreSignUp invocation failed due to error AccessDeniedException (Lambda alias as Cognito trigger)

I have configured specific Lambda alias (Please note this) as Cognito trigger using CLI as there is no provision in web console to do so. Now I am getting PreSignUp invocation failed due to the error AccessDeniedException while signing up. I am not sure about it but this might be happening as I have configured trigger using CLI. I tried to locate Cognito specific role in IAM but I didn't find such role.
So how can I update missing permissions in IAM?
I used the following CLI command to update the permissions.
aws lambda add-permission --function-name <ARN of the lambda alias> --source-arn <user-pool-arn> --action lambda:InvokeFunction --principal

How to run portworx backup to minio server

Trying to configure portworx volume backups (ptxctl cloudsnap) to localhost minio server (emulating S3).
First step is to create cloud credentials using ptxctl cred c
./pxctl credentials create --provider s3 --s3-access-key mybadaccesskey --s3-secret-key mybadsecretkey --s3-region local --s3-endpoint
This results in:
Error configuring cloud provider.Make sure the credentials are correct: RequestError: send request failed caused by: Get EOF
disabling SSL (which is not configured as this is just a localhost test) gives me:
./pxctl credentials create --provider s3 --s3-access-key mybadaccesskey --s3-secret-key mybadsecretkey --s3-region local --s3-endpoint --s3-disable-ssl
Which returns:
Not authenticated with the secrets endpoint
I've tried this with both minio gateway (nas) and minio server - same result.
Portworx container is running within Rancher
Any thoughts appreciated
Resolved via instructions at
i.e. set secret type to kvdb in /etc/pwx/config.json
"secret": {
"cluster_secret_key": "",
"secret_type": "kvdb"
Then login using ./pxctl secrets kvdb login
After this, credentials create was successful and subsequent cloudsnap backup. Test was using --s3-disable-ssl switch
Note - kvdb is plain text so not suitable for production obvs.

An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the RunInstances operation: Value () for parameter groupId is invalid. The value cannot be empt

I'm getting error when creating ec2 instance from my ami:
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-3e21ed44 --count 1 --instance-type t2.medium --key-name sssoft --security-groups launch-wizard-4
Isn't this example same as in here?
It is giving this error:
An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the RunInstances operation: Value () for parameter groupId is invalid. The value cannot be empty
What is wrong?
The error means the security group launch-wizard-4 does not exist in your account.
If that security group does exist in your account, check the AWS CLI profile you're using. It uses default by default. But if you need to use a different profile, just add --profile my-profile-name to the command.
For more information on profiles: AWS CLI Named Profiles
Silly mistake. In the command line the default zone was different from that of the AMI
