Can you guys help me how I can do refactoring code in nestjs - refactoring

Hey guys I'm trying to refactor the two methods. As you can see in the code below, 'checkKioskUserPhone' and 'sendKioskUserPin' has almost similar logics. The only difference is the below part.
if (isConfirmedAuthCode && isSetPin) {
await this.userService.sendPin(, Builder(AuthorizePhoneDto).phone(;
So my approach was to create another method that can combine common parts of the methods. and remove the common part in each method..
Hmm..but can't figure out how exactly..
Can you guys help me?!...
private async commonMethods(user) {
if (!user) {
throw new NotFoundException('User not found');
if (user.provider !== Provider.KIOSK) {
throw new ConflictException('You are already joined App.');
const isConfirmedAuthCode = user.authCode === 'OK' ? true : false;
const isSetPin = ? true : false;
if (!isConfirmedAuthCode && !isSetPin) {
await this.userService.authenticatePhone(, Builder(AuthorizePhoneDto).phone(;
async checkKioskUserPhone(kioskLoginDto: KioskLoginDto): Promise<ResponseDto<UserAuthDto>> {
const user = await this.userService.findOne({ where: { phone: } });
if (!user) {
throw new NotFoundException('User not found');
if (user.provider !== Provider.KIOSK) {
throw new ConflictException('You are already joined App.');
const isConfirmedAuthCode = user.authCode === 'OK' ? true : false;
const isSetPin = ? true : false;
if (!isConfirmedAuthCode && !isSetPin) {
await this.userService.authenticatePhone(, Builder(AuthorizePhoneDto).phone(;
const jwtInfo = await this.createToken(this.removeCredentialField(user));
return Builder<ResponseDto<UserAuthDto>>(ResponseDto)
async sendKioskUserPin(kioskLoginDto: KioskLoginDto): Promise<ResponseDto<UserAuthDto>> {
const user = await this.userService.findOne({ where: { phone: } });
if (!user) {
throw new NotFoundException('User not found');
if (user.provider !== Provider.KIOSK) {
throw new ConflictException('You are already joined App.');
const isConfirmedAuthCode = user.authCode === 'OK' ? true : false;
const isSetPin = ? true : false;
if (!isConfirmedAuthCode && !isSetPin) {
await this.userService.authenticatePhone(, Builder(AuthorizePhoneDto).phone(;
if (isConfirmedAuthCode && isSetPin) {
await this.userService.sendPin(, Builder(AuthorizePhoneDto).phone(;
const jwtInfo = await this.createToken(this.removeCredentialField(user));
return Builder<ResponseDto<UserAuthDto>>(ResponseDto)


mqttjs keep disconnecting and reconnect in main thread, but stable in worker thread

I am using mqttjs to connect to the aws iot mqtt by wss presigned URL
In my application, there are 2 mqtt connection, the first one is from the main thread, the second one is from a web worker thread. Both are created from a same class (MqttServcie), they have the same logic, same everything.
But the one from the main thread keep disconnecting and reconnecting.
The one from the worker is very stable, the connection is never die, it never has to be reconnected.
Do you have any idea why the connection from the main thread keep disconnecting?
And what make a connection ends? (other than connection timeout and lost wifi connection)
In the image below, I end the connection and create a new one after 5 times retrying fails, so the number of request is several, nevermind.
The client id is always random, so it never be kicked off by another client.
The MqttService class
/* eslint-disable no-useless-constructor, no-empty-function */
import mqtt, { MqttClient } from 'mqtt';
import { NuxtAxiosInstance } from '#nuxtjs/axios';
import RestService from './RestService';
import { Mqtt } from '~/types/Mqtt';
import { MILISECS_PER_SEC } from '~/configs';
import { logWithTimestamp } from '~/utils';
export type MqttServiceEventHandlers = {
close?: Array<() => void>;
disconnectd?: Array<() => void>;
connected?: Array<() => void>;
reconnect?: Array<() => void>;
reconnected?: Array<() => void>;
beforeReconect?: Array<() => void>;
export type MqttServiceEvent = keyof MqttServiceEventHandlers;
export interface IMqttService {
httpClient?: NuxtAxiosInstance;
presignedUrl?: string;
export class MqttService {
public client: MqttClient | null = null;
public closing = false;
public reconnecting = false;
// Example: "wss://"
public presignedUrl = '';
public httpClient = null as null | NuxtAxiosInstance;
public retryCount = 0;
public retryLimits = 5;
public handlers: MqttServiceEventHandlers = {};
{ httpClient, presignedUrl }: IMqttService,
public caller = 'main'
) {
if (httpClient) {
this.httpClient = httpClient;
} else if (presignedUrl) {
this.presignedUrl = presignedUrl;
} else {
throw new Error(
'[MqttService] a httpClient or presigned URL must be provided'
async connect() {
await this.updatePresignedUrl();
this.client = mqtt.connect(this.presignedUrl, {
clientId: this.generateClientId(),
reconnectPeriod: 5000,
connectTimeout: 30000,
resubscribe: true,
keepalive: 15,
transformWsUrl: (_url, _options, client) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
client.options.clientId = this.generateClientId();
`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] transformWsUrl()`,
return this.presignedUrl;
return this.setupHandlers();
protected setupHandlers() {
return new Promise<MqttClient>((resolve, reject) => {
this.client!.on('close', async () => {
if (this.closing) return;
if (this.retryCount >= this.retryLimits) {
(this.handlers.close || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
await this.disconnect();
logWithTimestamp(`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] connection has closed!`);
reject(new Error(`All retry attempts were failed (${this.caller})`));
if (this.retryCount === 0) {
(this.handlers.beforeReconect || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] connection lost`,
// Re-generate new presigned URL at the 3rd attempt, or if the URL is expired
if (this.retryCount === 2 || this.isExpired) {
await this.updatePresignedUrl().catch(async () => {
await this.disconnect();
(this.handlers.close || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] connection has closed! (Unable to get new presigned url)`
this.client!.on('reconnect', () => {
this.retryCount += 1;
this.reconnecting = true;
(this.handlers.reconnect || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] reconnect (#${this.retryCount})`
this.client!.on('connect', () => {
if (this.reconnecting) {
(this.handlers.reconnected || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
this.retryCount = 0;
this.reconnecting = false;
(this.handlers.connected || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
logWithTimestamp(`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] connected`);
disconnect({ force = true, silent = false, ...options } = {}) {
this.closing = true;
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
if (this.client && this.isOnline()) {
this.client.end(force, options, () => {
this.reset(silent, '(fully)');
} else {
this.reset(silent, '(client-side only)');
reset(silent = false, debug?: any) {
this.client = null;
this.retryCount = 0;
this.reconnecting = false;
this.presignedUrl = '';
this.closing = false;
if (!silent) {
(this.handlers.disconnectd || []).forEach((handler) => handler());
logWithTimestamp(`[MQTT] [${this.caller}] disconnected!`, {
async destroy() {
await this.disconnect({ silent: true });
this.handlers = {};
// Get or assign a new wss url
async updatePresignedUrl(url?: string) {
if (this.httpClient) {
const service = new RestService<Mqtt>(this.httpClient, '/mqtts');
const { data } = await'wss_link');
this.presignedUrl = data!.wss_link;
} else if (url) {
this.presignedUrl = url;
return this.presignedUrl;
on(event: MqttServiceEvent, handler: () => void) {
const { [event]: eventHanlders = [] } = this.handlers;
this.handlers[event] = eventHanlders;
off(event: MqttServiceEvent, handler: () => void) {
const { [event]: eventHanlders = [] } = this.handlers;
const index = eventHanlders.findIndex((_handler) => _handler === handler);
eventHanlders.splice(index, 1);
get date() {
const matched = this.presignedUrl.match(/(X-Amz-Date=)(\w+)/);
if (!matched) return null;
return new Date(
(__, YYYY, MM, DD, HH, mm, ss) => `${YYYY}-${MM}-${DD}${HH}:${mm}:${ss}`
get expires() {
const matched = this.presignedUrl.match(/(X-Amz-Expires=)(\d+)/);
return matched ? Number(matched[2]) : null;
get signature() {
const matched = this.presignedUrl.match(/(X-Amz-Signature=)(\w+)/);
return matched ? matched[2] : null;
get expiresDate() {
if (!( && this.expires)) return null;
return new Date( + this.expires * MILISECS_PER_SEC);
get isExpired() {
return !this.expiresDate || this.expiresDate <= new Date();
private generateClientId() {
return `mqttjs_[${this.caller}]_${Math.random()
.substring(2, 10)}`.toUpperCase();
private isOnline() {
return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window?.$nuxt?.isOnline;

ParseServer object not found

Parse.Query in cloud code cant find object
Running this code cloud function as a user who can reject or accept Invites. The code gets the invite (works) and checks for the given deckId, where the user should be added as a collaborator.
But for some reason i can't explain the Query for the Deck always returns:
I have checked:
the docs for syntax -> should be fine
the Invite object exists and has a deckId
The Deck Objects exist and the deckId and Deck's objectId are matching
Parse.Cloud.define("inviteAction", async (request) =>
const user = request.user;
const inviteId = request.params.invite;
const action = request.params.actiom;
let inviteQuery = new Parse.Query("Invite");
const invite = await inviteQuery.get(inviteId, { useMasterKey: true } );
if (invite != null && invite != undefined)
const deckId = invite.get("deckId");
if (invite.get("invited") === user.getUsername())
if (action === "accept")
let deckQuery = new Parse.Query("Deck");
await deckQuery.get(deckId, { useMasterKey: true } ).then((deck) =>
deck.addUnique("collaborators", user.getUsername());;
}).catch((error) =>
console.log(error); // is always error
return true;
return false;
This gives me the same error:
let deckQuery = new Parse.Query("Deck");
await deckQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true } ).then((deck) =>
}).catch((error) =>
OMG im so dumb,
apparently you get this error if you have a typo as well.
I just changed
const action = request.params.actiom;
const action = request.params.action;

Graphql - universal permission guards

I am trying to implement permission guards in a graphql backend using apollo server. The following code works:
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
notification: combineResolvers(isNotificationOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
return notification;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
task: combineResolvers(isTaskOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Resolver Middleware (permission guards)
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
// userId is the id of the logged in user retrieved from the context
module.exports.isNotificationOwner = async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
if (notification.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
module.exports.isTaskOwner = async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
if (task.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Going on like this will create a lot of duplicate code and does not feel very DRY. Therefore, I am trying to create a more universal solution, to no evail so far.
What I tried:
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
notification: combineResolvers(isOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const notification = await Notification.findById(id);
return notification;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
task: combineResolvers(isOwner, async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Resolver Middleware
const Notification = require('../../database/models/notifications');
const Task = require('../../database/models/tasks');
module.exports.isOwner = async (_, { id, collection }, { userId }) => {
try {
const document = await collection.findById(id);
if (document.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
I am unable to pass a collection name as an argument to the middleware resolver.
I would be tremendously thankful for any kind of help!
Based off your code, it seems like you're looking for making isOwner a higher-order function, so that you can pass in the collection, and it returns the curried method.
module.exports.isOwner = (collection) => {
return async (_, { id }, { userId }) => {
try {
const document = await collection.findById(id);
if (document.user.toString() !== userId) {
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not the owner');
return skip;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
const resolvers = {
Query: {
task: combineResolvers(isOwner(Task), async (_, { id }) => {
try {
const task = await Task.findById(id);
return task;
} catch (error) {
throw error;

How do I add recursive logic in resolvers using GraphQL mutations?

Is it possible to add logic in resolvers using GraphQL mutations?
I am trying to create a four-digit string as an alias for a post if the user does not provide it. Then, I would like to check the database to see if the four-digit string exists. If the string exists, I would like to create another four-digit string recursively.
At the moment, I'm exploring adding logic to mutations within resolvers, but I'm not sure if this is doable. I'm using these documents for my foundation:
This is my current code block:
Working as of 12/4/2020
const MakeSlug = require("./services/MakeSlug");
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async allLinks(root, args, { models }) {
return models.Link.findAll();
async link(root, { id }, { models }) {
return models.Link.findByPk(id);
Mutation: {
async createLink(root, { slug, description, link }, { models }) {
if (slug !== undefined) {
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: slug }
if (foundSlug === undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
shortLink: `${slug}`
} else {
throw new Error(slug + " exists. Try a new short description.");
if (slug === undefined) {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
let attempts = 0;
while (attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
let madeSlug = MakeSlug(4);
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: madeSlug }
if (foundSlug !== undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
slug: madeSlug,
shortLink: `${madeSlug}`
throw new Error("Unable to generate unique alias.");
module.exports = resolvers;
This is my full codebase.
Thank you!
A while loop solved the challenge. Thanks xadm.
const MakeSlug = require("./services/MakeSlug");
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async allLinks(root, args, { models }) {
return models.Link.findAll();
async link(root, { id }, { models }) {
return models.Link.findByPk(id);
Mutation: {
async createLink(root, { slug, description, link }, { models }) {
if (slug !== undefined) {
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: slug }
if (foundSlug === undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
shortLink: `${slug}`
} else {
throw new Error(slug + " exists. Try a new short description.");
if (slug === undefined) {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
let attempts = 0;
while (attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
let madeSlug = MakeSlug(4);
const foundSlug = await models.Link.findOne({
where: { slug: madeSlug }
if (foundSlug !== undefined) {
return await models.Link.create({
slug: madeSlug,
shortLink: `${madeSlug}`
throw new Error("Unable to generate unique alias.");
module.exports = resolvers;

Virtual assistant created using Typscript- running in Bot Framework Emulator is not responding

I am trying to develop virtual assistant using typescript . i have followed this below document
When i run npm start and test it in Botframework emulator , the bot is not responding any message.
But the Bot is opening with new user greeting adaptive card message
I have tried to edit the adaptive greeting card following this document page
but eventhough the bot is not replying any message
`[11:53:22]Emulator listening on http://localhost:49963`
[11:53:22]ngrok listening on
[11:53:22]ngrok traffic inspector:
[11:53:22]Will bypass ngrok for local addresses
[11:53:23]<- messageapplication/
expected and actual results: it should ask what is your name once connected and start conversing
import {
StatePropertyAccessor } from 'botbuilder';
import { LuisRecognizer, LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient, QnAMakerResult, QnAMakerTelemetryClient } from 'botbuilder-ai';
import {
DialogTurnStatus } from 'botbuilder-dialogs';
import {
SkillRouter } from 'botbuilder-skills';
import {
TokenEvents } from 'botbuilder-solutions';
import { TokenStatus } from 'botframework-connector';
import {
ActivityTypes } from 'botframework-schema';
import i18next from 'i18next';
import { IOnboardingState } from '../models/onboardingState';
import { CancelResponses } from '../responses/cancelResponses';
import { MainResponses } from '../responses/mainResponses';
import { BotServices } from '../services/botServices';
import { IBotSettings } from '../services/botSettings';
import { CancelDialog } from './cancelDialog';
import { EscalateDialog } from './escalateDialog';
import { OnboardingDialog } from './onboardingDialog';
enum Events {
timeZoneEvent = 'va.timeZone',
locationEvent = 'va.location'
export class MainDialog extends RouterDialog {
// Fields
private readonly luisServiceGeneral: string = 'general';
private readonly luisServiceFaq: string = 'faq';
private readonly luisServiceChitchat: string = 'chitchat';
private readonly settings: Partial<IBotSettings>;
private readonly services: BotServices;
private readonly skillContextAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<SkillContext>;
private readonly onboardingAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>;
private readonly responder: MainResponses = new MainResponses();
// Constructor
public constructor(
settings: Partial<IBotSettings>,
services: BotServices,
onboardingDialog: OnboardingDialog,
escalateDialog: EscalateDialog,
cancelDialog: CancelDialog,
skillDialogs: SkillDialog[],
skillContextAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<SkillContext>,
onboardingAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>,
telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient
) {
super(, telemetryClient);
this.settings = settings; = services;
this.onboardingAccessor = onboardingAccessor;
this.skillContextAccessor = skillContextAccessor;
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
skillDialogs.forEach((skillDialog: SkillDialog): void => {
protected async onStart(dc: DialogContext): Promise<void> {
const view: MainResponses = new MainResponses();
const onboardingState: IOnboardingState|undefined = await this.onboardingAccessor.get(dc.context);
if (onboardingState === undefined || === undefined || === '') {
await view.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.newUserGreeting);
} else {
await view.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.returningUserGreeting);
protected async route(dc: DialogContext): Promise<void> {
// Get cognitive models for locale
const locale: string = i18next.language.substring(0, 2);
const cognitiveModels: ICognitiveModelSet | undefined =;
if (cognitiveModels === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no value in cognitiveModels');
// Check dispatch result
const dispatchResult: RecognizerResult = await cognitiveModels.dispatchService.recognize(dc.context);
const intent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(dispatchResult);
if (this.settings.skills === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no skills in settings value');
// Identify if the dispatch intent matches any Action within a Skill if so, we pass to the appropriate SkillDialog to hand-off
const identifiedSkill: ISkillManifest | undefined = SkillRouter.isSkill(this.settings.skills, intent);
if (identifiedSkill !== undefined) {
// We have identified a skill so initialize the skill connection with the target skill
const result: DialogTurnResult = await dc.beginDialog(;
if (result.status === DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
await this.complete(dc);
} else if (intent === 'l_general') {
// If dispatch result is general luis model
const luisService: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.luisServices.get(this.luisServiceGeneral);
if (luisService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The specified LUIS Model could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const result: RecognizerResult = await luisService.recognize(dc.context);
if (result !== undefined) {
const generalIntent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(result);
// switch on general intents
switch (generalIntent) {
case 'Escalate': {
// start escalate dialog
await dc.beginDialog(;
case 'None':
default: {
// No intent was identified, send confused message
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
} else if (intent === 'q_faq') {
const qnaService: QnAMakerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.qnaServices.get(this.luisServiceFaq);
if (qnaService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The specified QnA Maker Service could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const answers: QnAMakerResult[] = await qnaService.getAnswers(dc.context);
if (answers !== undefined && answers.length > 0) {
await dc.context.sendActivity(answers[0].answer, answers[0].answer);
} else {
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
} else if (intent === 'q_chitchat') {
const qnaService: QnAMakerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.qnaServices.get(this.luisServiceChitchat);
if (qnaService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The specified QnA Maker Service could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const answers: QnAMakerResult[] = await qnaService.getAnswers(dc.context);
if (answers !== undefined && answers.length > 0) {
await dc.context.sendActivity(answers[0].answer, answers[0].answer);
} else {
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
} else {
// If dispatch intent does not map to configured models, send 'confused' response.
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
protected async onEvent(dc: DialogContext): Promise<void> {
// Check if there was an action submitted from intro card
if (dc.context.activity.value) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unsafe-any
if (dc.context.activity.value.action === 'startOnboarding') {
await dc.beginDialog(;
let forward: boolean = true;
const ev: Activity = dc.context.activity;
if ( !== undefined && > 0) {
switch ( {
case Events.timeZoneEvent: {
try {
const timezone: string = <string> ev.value;
const tz: string = new Date().toLocaleString(timezone);
const timeZoneObj: {
timezone: string;
} = {
timezone: tz
const skillContext: SkillContext = await this.skillContextAccessor.get(dc.context, new SkillContext());
skillContext.setObj(timezone, timeZoneObj);
await this.skillContextAccessor.set(dc.context, skillContext);
} catch {
await dc.context.sendActivity(
type: ActivityTypes.Trace,
text: `"Timezone passed could not be mapped to a valid Timezone. Property not set."`
forward = false;
case Events.locationEvent: {
const location: string = <string> ev.value;
const locationObj: {
location: string;
} = {
location: location
const skillContext: SkillContext = await this.skillContextAccessor.get(dc.context, new SkillContext());
skillContext.setObj(location, locationObj);
await this.skillContextAccessor.set(dc.context, skillContext);
forward = true;
case TokenEvents.tokenResponseEventName: {
forward = true;
default: {
await dc.context.sendActivity(
type: ActivityTypes.Trace,
text: `"Unknown Event ${ } was received but not processed."`
forward = false;
if (forward) {
const result: DialogTurnResult = await dc.continueDialog();
if (result.status === DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
await this.complete(dc);
protected async complete(dc: DialogContext, result?: DialogTurnResult): Promise<void> {
// The active dialog's stack ended with a complete status
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.completed);
protected async onInterruptDialog(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
if (dc.context.activity.type === ActivityTypes.Message) {
const locale: string = i18next.language.substring(0, 2);
const cognitiveModels: ICognitiveModelSet | undefined =;
if (cognitiveModels === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no cognitiveModels value');
// check luis intent
const luisService: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.luisServices.get(this.luisServiceGeneral);
if (luisService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The general LUIS Model could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const luisResult: RecognizerResult = await luisService.recognize(dc.context);
const intent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(luisResult);
// Only triggers interruption if confidence level is high
if (luisResult.intents[intent] !== undefined && luisResult.intents[intent].score > 0.5) {
switch (intent) {
case 'Cancel': {
return this.onCancel(dc);
case 'Help': {
return this.onHelp(dc);
case 'Logout': {
return this.onLogout(dc);
return InterruptionAction.NoAction;
private async onCancel(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
if (dc.activeDialog !== undefined && !== {
// Don't start restart cancel dialog
await dc.beginDialog(;
// Signal that the dialog is waiting on user response
return InterruptionAction.StartedDialog;
const view: CancelResponses = new CancelResponses();
await view.replyWith(dc.context, CancelResponses.responseIds.nothingToCancelMessage);
return InterruptionAction.StartedDialog;
private async onHelp(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context,;
// Signal the conversation was interrupted and should immediately continue
return InterruptionAction.MessageSentToUser;
private async onLogout(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
let adapter: BotFrameworkAdapter;
const supported: boolean = dc.context.adapter instanceof BotFrameworkAdapter;
if (!supported) {
throw new Error('OAuthPrompt.SignOutUser(): not supported by the current adapter');
} else {
adapter = <BotFrameworkAdapter> dc.context.adapter;
await dc.cancelAllDialogs();
// Sign out user
// PENDING check adapter.getTokenStatusAsync
const tokens: TokenStatus[] = [];
tokens.forEach(async (token: TokenStatus): Promise<void> => {
if (token.connectionName !== undefined) {
await adapter.signOutUser(dc.context, token.connectionName);
await dc.context.sendActivity(i18next.t('main.logOut'));
return InterruptionAction.StartedDialog;
import {
TurnContext } from 'botbuilder';
import {
WaterfallStepContext } from 'botbuilder-dialogs';
import { IOnboardingState } from '../models/onboardingState';
import { OnboardingResponses } from '../responses/onboardingResponses';
import { BotServices } from '../services/botServices';
enum DialogIds {
namePrompt = 'namePrompt',
emailPrompt = 'emailPrompt',
locationPrompt = 'locationPrompt'
export class OnboardingDialog extends ComponentDialog {
// Fields
private static readonly responder: OnboardingResponses = new OnboardingResponses();
private readonly accessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>;
private state!: IOnboardingState;
// Constructor
public constructor(botServices: BotServices, accessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>, telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient) {
this.accessor = accessor;
this.initialDialogId =;
const onboarding: ((sc: WaterfallStepContext<IOnboardingState>) => Promise<DialogTurnResult>)[] = [
// To capture built-in waterfall dialog telemetry, set the telemetry client
// to the new waterfall dialog and add it to the component dialog
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
this.addDialog(new WaterfallDialog(this.initialDialogId, onboarding));
this.addDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.namePrompt));
public async askForName(sc: WaterfallStepContext<IOnboardingState>): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
this.state = await this.getStateFromAccessor(sc.context);
if ( !== undefined && > 0) {
return sc.prompt(DialogIds.namePrompt, {
prompt: await OnboardingDialog.responder.renderTemplate(
<string> sc.context.activity.locale)
public async finishOnboardingDialog(sc: WaterfallStepContext<IOnboardingState>): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
this.state = await this.getStateFromAccessor(sc.context); = <string> sc.result;
await this.accessor.set(sc.context, this.state);
await OnboardingDialog.responder.replyWith(
return sc.endDialog();
private async getStateFromAccessor(context: TurnContext): Promise<IOnboardingState> {
const state: IOnboardingState | undefined = await this.accessor.get(context);
if (state === undefined) {
const newState: IOnboardingState = {
email: '',
location: '',
name: ''
await this.accessor.set(context, newState);
return newState;
return state;
import {
TurnContext } from 'botbuilder';
import {
DialogState } from 'botbuilder-dialogs';
export class DialogBot<T extends Dialog> extends ActivityHandler {
private readonly telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient;
private readonly solutionName: string = 'samplevirtualassistant';
private readonly rootDialogId: string;
private readonly dialogs: DialogSet;
public constructor(
conversationState: ConversationState,
telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient,
dialog: T) {
this.rootDialogId =;
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
this.dialogs = new DialogSet(conversationState.createProperty<DialogState>(this.solutionName));
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, #typescript-eslint/tslint/config
public async turn(turnContext: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>): Promise<any> {
// Client notifying this bot took to long to respond (timed out)
if (turnContext.activity.code === EndOfConversationCodes.BotTimedOut) {
message: `Timeout in ${ turnContext.activity.channelId } channel: Bot took too long to respond`,
severityLevel: Severity.Information
const dc: DialogContext = await this.dialogs.createContext(turnContext);
if (dc.activeDialog !== undefined) {
await dc.continueDialog();
} else {
await dc.beginDialog(this.rootDialogId);
await next();
