Chrome Install button not showing up even Lighthouse says it is installable - laravel

I'm working on a intranet project and currently I'm trying to make it a PWA. Project is using laravel and I've used laravel-pwa for making it PWA. I've met all requirements and was able to successfully install it in my dev environment. But in live server, even when Chrome Lighthouse says it is PWA Optimized and Installable and there are no issues in manifest.json, install button is not showing up.
Thanks in advance for all the help.


"Unable to contact test backend running in app" when trying to run Xamarin UITest locally

I am in the early process of learning how to automate Xamarin apps for my company. I started out by just cloning the TailWind Traders app from Microsoft to make sure my system is configured correctly, but I'm running into an issue. After modifying AppManager.cs to use the .app file and attempting to run a single iOS test, I see the app load in the simulator, I get a Mac alert saying "Do you want the application '' to accept incoming network transmissions", and then the test fails with this message:
System.Exception : Unable to contact test backend running in app. Check that your app is running and that it is properly configured:
For Xamain.iOS applications,
For native iOS applications,
Going to that website, I see that it is helping the user configure running tests AppCenter, but I don't want to do that. I simply want to run a test locally on my machine. In trying to fix this, I've uninstalled the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent package and deleted the #if ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD block from AppDelegate.cs. But, it's still happening. How do I run an iOS test locally? Thank you!
If you want to automate uitest using xamarin, it is necessary to add test cloud agent nuget in your xamarin ios project which enable linking to Calabash & install the device agent runner in your mobile. For more detail visit on Microsoft site.
Whether you upload your test on app enter or run it locally. You have to add test cloud agent nuget in xamarin ios. If you are using native iOS, Calabash linking require to run xamarin uitest.

Web scraper : problem installing chromium

General Description :
I have a Laravel application that scrapes a certain website, using Chromium for headless browsing.
So far I've been working on my localhost and things are going fine.
The problem is :
Trying to deploy this app on my hosting, I wasn't given the authority to install chromium.
My question is :
Is there anyway to install chromium other than sudo apt-get install chromium-browser ?
Can you recommend any other way to crawl the actual html of a page after being rendered ?

Electron Debugging

I have an Electron app in the Mac AppStore that is essentially just a wrapper around a hosted web app. A few months ago one specific thing has stopped working in this app. I'm using redux-offline to sync changes to the server and this is just not happening any more.
It's working when running it outside of Electron - in any modern browser.
All other requests are working fine.
It's working when debugging it locally.
It's working when running the built version locally.
BUT it fails in the published Mac App Store version. I'm not catching any errors in my logs (server-side or client-side). I just upgraded to the latest Electron (electron#4.1.4, electron-packager#13.1.1) hoping it would solve it - to no avail. I don't even know how to properly debug it since it's only failing in the published version.
Any ideas? On causes, solutions or ways to debug it?
Seems like your application closes by itself. Check all of app.quit executions. For me issue was that app.requestSingleInstanceLock() returns the wrong value for Mac Store build. Please check this issue, if the problem is related to app.requestSingleInstanceLock().

when i install my apk in my phone it shows that "DO you want to install this application? It does not require any special access."

I am trying to build an aenter image description herepk (mobile application) using xamarin for detecting the outgoing calls, the functionality are working good, but the issue i am not getting displayed any permission when installing in my mobile.
From android 6.0 runtime permissions are introduced and apps no longer require any special permissions during installation.
Read this article here
Many Custom ROMs or skins like MIUI have already included runtime permissions mechanism for lower android devices (below 6.0) as well

Where can I host my Ionic app (with CouchDB) to run in browsers?

I am developing an Ionic app.
It works both on Android and iOS.
I got a free trial period on a hosting site called Heroku, where I've put the content of the www folder of my project.
The website works but the interaction with the remote couchDB does not work, despite it works good on mobile phone.
Is there a reason?
Maybe Heroku doesn't support couchDB?
