How to get list of page URLs with bad metrics Core Web Vitals from Google Search Console via API or other Google API? - google-api

How to get list of page URLs with bad metrics Core Web Vitals from Google Search Console via API or other Google API ?
There is a report which contains only some sample pages with problematic CLS (not a complete list of pages is displayed). How can I get a complete list of problem pages via API?
I tried to use , but that API not returns Core Web Vitals metrics

As you noted, Search Console only provides a limited list of sample URLs and the API doesn't include Core Web Vitals data.
There are a couple of ways to figure out which pages have poor CWV:
Measure CWV on your website directly (see web-vitals.js) and use an analytics service to aggregate the data by page.
Get a list of every URL on the website and query each one using the CrUX API. A tool like this can automatically crawl your sitemap and write the CWV results to a spreadsheet.


How to search for web and images results from Google Custom Search JSON API?

I'm implementing Google's Custom Search JSON API into my application which shall search for both web and images. I am able to query for web and images independently.
For web:${key}&start=${start}&cx=${cx}&q=${searchVal}
For images:${key}&searchType=image&start=${start}&cx=${cx}&q=${searchVal}
This works perfectly. However, as you can see, I have to make 2 separate requests to get the web results and the images for a single query value. This is an issue since it makes room for Google's search query quota to be exceeded. So, I need to find a way to make a single request which returns me both the web and image results for a particular search value. Any help or recommendation would be appreciated.

Mobile Usability data via the Google Search Console API

I want to extract all 15k pages in this Mobile Usability report but the web app console only lets me get 1k.
For other reports I can get all the data using the API but I can't find a Mobile Usability method.

Google Maps API token/authentication

Google Maps API provides an Autocomplition service.
According to this blog post (official?) this service is limited only by adding "powered by Google" logo.
When I'm using js library ( I'm not sending any Key information. But in a sniffer I can see some token GET parameter, which seems is generated by library.
Which one limitation information is correct?
How Google can track without Key (in case it is limited by requests per day)?
Is that possible to retrieve autosuggestion by js (from google.maps.places.Autocomplete), but then using reference (without storing) on backend and loading place details (similar to getPlace() functionality of an Autocomplete object)? If this not limited, how to generate token?
Google Places API Web Service
The Google Places API Web Service enforces a default limit of 1 000
requests per 24 hour period, which you can increase free of charge. If
your app exceeds the limit, the app will start failing. Verify your
identity to get up to 150 000 requests per 24 hour period, by enabling
billing on the Google Developers Console.
Now check at the very top of that page
Note: These limits do not apply to the Places Library in the Google
Maps JavaScript API, which is covered by the Google Maps JavaScript
API limits. If you are developing a web based application that only
needs to search for places, and does not submit new places, you should
use the Places Library of the Google Maps Javascript API rather than
the Google Places API Web Service. The Places library assigns a quota
to each end user rather than to each key. This means that your
available quota increases with your user base rather than being capped
at a fixed amount.
they are probably using ip address to identify different users.

Google Not Indexing AJAX URLs

I have submitted a sitemap for my AJAX web application to Google via their Webmaster Tools. The submitted URLs are of the form:!myscreen;id=object-id!myotherscreen;id=another-id
However, even though more than a week has passed since sitemap submission, Google has not indexed the URLs. Google states that the sitemap has been processed, states that 60 URLs have been detected, states that no errors occurred, but does not index any of the URLs.
I have already implemented the AJAX crawlability contract on the server side, where requests containing an _escaped_fragment_ are responded to with a snapshot.
Any help/info regarding why Google is not indexing the URLs would be greatly appreciated.
See GWT SE friendly application
Suggestions include following the guide at
Nowadays, you don't need to do something specific for Google anymore, and AJAX crawling scheme has been deprecated been Google.
Just make sure that your website is easy to use for your users, and Google will be able to properly crawl it.
If you want to go the extra mile, however, you can check that article:

Is it possible to do an image search on tumblr via api or rss method?

I would like to search from my app, using some api (did not see any search methods in their api) or via rss of their tags. Is this possible?
Hopefully not by using google ajax search....
Also, I see websites like tumblow doing this via twitter api calls but that is also not ideal. I would like to retrieve similar results to what you get when you just search in tumblr.
