How to compile scss to css in Sublime 4 - sass

I need some help with Sublime 4 please.
At the moment I use Prepros to compile my css.
I am trying to mimic the process of Prepros so i can us Sublime only.
I have:
installed the SASS package,
created build system: BuildIntoNewFolder
selected Save All On Build
This is my setup:
I wrote my scss in hidden scss file here:
The hidden scss are imported to:
The style.scss are the compiled to:
This all happens by simply saving _style-header.scss
Thank you


SASS in Sublime Text - Compile main.scss when saving any #import files

I'm running Sublime Text, writing SASS and compiling with Libsass.
Each time I update an scss file which is imported via #import to my main scss file I need to then go back to the main.scss and recompile using the ctrl-b build shortcut.
Is it possible to automate the compile of this main.scss file when using ctrl-s save shortcut on any of the imported files?
You could use sass in watch mode, and not have to press ctrl-B at all!
$ sass --watch main.scss:output.css

Foundation 5 with Sass - which files do i need to upload to my website?

I'm using Compass to compile locally with the standard Foundation 5 bower files.
I have installed Wordpress and am running the foundationpress theme.
When i make changes to the foundation.css file via _settings.scss using Compass, will i then need to update just the foundation.css file within the foundationpress theme or also all the SCSS files as well?
You should only have to update the compiled .css file that you have made.

Cannot get SASS to output .css file in Netbeans 8.0

I'm trying to learn to use SASS to expand my web development skills but I've run into a problem. I'm running Windows 7 , I have installed both Ruby193 and SASS gem and I'm using Netbeans 8.0 as my IDE.
My system path points to C:\Ruby193\bin and I can type ruby -v from my command prompt without error, so I believe that is set up correctly.
Under CSS Preprocessors in project properties I have input set to /scss and output set to /css. In Configure Executables I have SASS path set to C:\Ruby193\bin\sass.bat. From what I have read, this is correct.
I've also got a simple project set up with two directories css and scss as well as an index.html with test text and a link to css/style.css in the header. In my scss directory I have style.scss with some test code. My css directory is empty. It is my understanding that when I compile SASS should generate a css/style.css from style.scss, however it does not.
Both Netbeans - installing SASS and Does Netbeans generate a separate CSS file when saving a SASS file? have the same problem I do, but neither solution seems to work for me. Could anyone offer me some help? I've also attached an image of my settings.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
1) create css/styles.css.
2) type "--style compact" and check "Compile Sass files on save" in the CSS compact.

PyCharm and SCSS - Is there a way to compile SCSS into CSS from within the IDE?

Is there a way to compile SCSS into CSS from within the IDE? How?
This feature was added in PyCharm 2.7.2 (currently available in EAP).
See File | Settings | Plugins File Watchers:
Blog post about this feature

Temporarily including a sass file while compiling

All the sass files in my application are compiled into one big css file, but it's become rather bloated. In order to monitor where the bloat is coming from I've written a batch file to go through each individual sass file and compile it as a separate stylesheet. The problem is that each stylesheet is dependent on one in particular one - _mixins_and_vars.scss - which is only included once in my over-arching styles.scss stylesheet, and not referenced at all in the other sass files.
Is there a way I can temporarily import extra sass stylesheets while compilation is running?
Here's a suggestion: in your batch script,
insert reference to _mixins_and_vars.scss into your target file
compile that
remove reference
