Hi, I get a problem of inhibit_warnings in Xcode,
There is two kind target, I try use
config.build_settings['GCC_WARN_INHIBIT_ALL_WARNINGS'] = "YES"
to inhibit_warnings.
It only works in the target icon "gray little house", the icon "red circle" still show waring.
How can I inhibit_warnings of those target?
I can't use inhibit_all_warnings, because there is some other waring can't be inhibit.
Really need you help, thanks so much.
Xcode = "Unassigned Children" error:
(Xcode 14.1, 14.2)
I've begun with the treatises presented in great numbers throughout SO.
Initially, it looks solved with "Individual Scales", until I change from Individual Scales to Single Scale, whereupon the "Unassigned Children" re-appears.
I have dragged the Unassigned images UP TO the Individual Scales which temporarily helps UNTIL I switch Scales as just stated.
I have also selected the unassigned image(s) and deleted via delete button. Clean and Build. NO HELP.
It's obvious that this error would cause my iOS App to be rejected.
So, what am I doing wrong?
Appreciate it.
so i have been following this tutorial to get me started on a game creation engine on Godot. link here ==> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc13Z2gboEk and i've got to a point around the time 37:09 and then he told me to click "project settings", then "input map", go on to the action bar and type in "move_left" to create a function for me to move left and click "add". so I did exactly what he told me to except from one problem: nothing happened. it just cleared the action bar, i scrolled down, and there was nothing. i tried again and again, but nothing happened still. I tried putting in "ui_left" (which was already there) for a test and it said that it "already existed" so that confirmed my theory that it did not add to the input map. has anybody experienced this before and if so how do i fix it? Thanks.
it adds the new inputs to the bottom of the list. if they're not there and you're certain you're doing it exactly right (it's extremely easy to think you're doing it exactly right but just miss one thing) then you might want to uninstall/reinstall godot and see if it's just a weird bug/error from your install.
How can I disable spell checking for an NSTextView? In particular, the red lines that are automatically drawn. I know about the "Continuous Spell Checking" option in Xcode, and every option I have found in the documentation related to spell checking doesn't seem to take the red lines away.
Select NSTextView (doubleClick in IB on it because NSTextView is in NSScrollView by default or select it in Document Outline) and go to Attributes Inspector -> Linguistics -> and uncheck Continous Spell Checking here:
I don't know what you tried, but [self.textView setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled:NO]; worked for me.
After unsetting continuousSpellCheckingEnabled clean your build folder and run again. Seems as though it is holding onto the setting between builds (quite surprisingly!). Your observation that changing the property name solved the issue led me to this solution -- still an issue almost five years after you asked.
I create a new group in my xcode project. I click it twice to make it editable. I start typing, randomly it makes a "you hit a bad key" noise, and the group goes back to "New Group". This happens randomly. It was doing it for a good couple minutes, I asked my co-worker to come look at this, and tried it in front of him, worked!
Other times, I'll click it to make it editable, type one letter, wait, and it'll make the noise the go back to "New Group".
Has anyone seen this behavior and know how to make it stop?
I can't be the only one that finds Xcode's method of "pointing out" where your mistakes are - ridiculous. As helpful and essential as the feature is.. it does not help to make the line I need to fix virtually impossible to read or edit... let alone see...
And don't get me started on the constant struggle to find a "selection" color that is visible, yet retains one's sanity/ability to see what the selected text actually IS!
What am I missing here? I know how to futz with the colors in xCode, I know how to mess with the Appearance "Control Panel", but it all just results in different configurations - of varying aesthetic quality - that are all hard to read... I don't have this issue in TextMate... Is that my answer?
UPDATE: Thanks to the brilliant work, and answer by #amadillu, here is what the remarkably more usable Xcode looks like after installing his Xcode 4 "Fix-Ins"
I've made an Xcode Plugin by using davekeck's "fixins" that allows you to customize the colors of the inline error and warning messages. This really helps if you use a dark scheme / background . See here.