How to create jobs and bridges on a chainlink node using CLI - chainlink

I am trying out all the CLI commands on a chainlink node. The main motivation is to execute these commands as bash scripts with chainlink node CLI. I have been unsuccessful in executing the two main commands which are as follows:
create a job on the node using chainlink jobs create --file
create a bridge to an external adapter using chainlink bridges create --file
I run the commands using the following syntax:
docker exec -it chainlink /bin/bash -c "cmd1, cmd2"
I have created bridge.json and job.toml files and provide them with --file flag in the CLI commands. Also, I have tried positioning them in the root and in the chainlink directory and tried providing the JSON and TOML as raw input with the commands.
The errors I get are:
invalid JSON or file not found
Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined: -f with Error running app
Please help me with the correct syntax needed to create a job and bridge on a chainlink node using the CLI.

if you want to create jobs/bridges etc using files that contain the details of what you want to create, you use the syntax as follows. Note this will create a job using the TOML found in the a.toml file in the root of the chainlink node directory:
./chainlink jobs create a.toml


How to use kubernetes pod file in my remote Jenkins job

I have a jenkins server that has access to remote k8 cluster. I need to run a shell script as a part of jenkins job and pass it the file that is inside the remote kubernetes pod.
I don't want to copy the file from k8 pod to jenkins server as the file is huge ~25G.
I tried with creating a variable 'kubectl_variable' with value:
kubectl get -f pod:<path to file>
this gives error as:
error: the path "podname:/var/lib/datastorage/dump.txt" cannot be accessed: CreateFile podname:/var/lib/datastorage/dump.txt: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
I was thinking of passing this variable to the shell script as: ${kubectl_variable}
I am not sure if I can achieve this or not.
Will appreciate your help.

How do I use a CloudFormation output value in a script with Ansible

I'm trying to set up some automation for a school project. The gist of it is:
Install an EC2 instance via CloudFormation. Then
Use cfn-init to
Install a very basic Ansible configuration
Download an Ansible playbook from S3
Run said playbook to install a Redshift cluster via CloudFormation
Install some necessary packages
Install some necessary Python modules
Download a Python script that will
Connect to the Redshift database
Create a table
Use the COPY command to import data into the table
It all works up to the point of executing the script. Doing so manually works a treat, but that is because I can copy the created Redshift endpoint into the script for the database connection. The issue I have is that I don't know how to extract that output value from CloudFormation so it can be inserted it into the script for a fully automated (save the initial EC2 deployment) solution.
I see that Ansible has at least one means of doing so (cloudformation_facts, for instance), but I'm a bit foggy on how to implement it. I've looked at examples but it hasn't become any clearer. Without context I'm lost and so far all I've seen are standalone snippets.
In order to ensure an answer is listed:
I figured out the describe-stacks and describe-stack-resources sub-commands to the aws cloudformation cli command. Using these, I was able to track down the information I needed. In particular, I needed to access a role. This is the command that I used:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name=StackName --region=us-west-2 \
--query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`RedshiftClusterEndpointAddress`].OutputValue' \
--output text
I first used the describe-stacks subcommand to get a list of my stacks. The relevant stack is the first in the list (an array) so I used Stacks[0] at the top of my query for the describe-stack-recources subcommand. I then used Outputs since I am interested in a value from the CloudFormation output list. I know the name of the key (RedshiftClusterEndpointAddress), so I used that as the parameter. I then used OutputValue to return the value of RedshiftClusterEndpointAddress.

automatic deployment using shell script in windows

I wrote a code using google cloud functions and google dataflow that reads from csv and then inserts into BQ
I used config files to automate.
Now i want to create a shell script that automatically creates the dataflow template(using mvn) and deploys the cloud function.
However, when I am running the shell script, the template is successfully created but the cloud function is not deployed as it states:
google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud: line 129: exec: python: not found
I need a resolution for including the gcloud into my bash shell script.

Specify an AWS CLI profile in a script when two exist

I'm attempting to use a script which automatically creates snapshots of all EBS volumes on an AWS instance. This script is running on several other instances with no issue.
The current instance already has an AWS profile configured which is used for other purposes. My understanding is I should be able to specify the profile my script uses, but I can't get this to work.
I've added a new set of credentials to the /home/ubuntu/.aws file by adding the following under the default credentials which are already there:
In the script I have tried adding AWS_PROFILE=snapshot_creatorbut when I run it I get the error Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure".
So, I delete my changes to /home/ubuntu/.aws and instead run aws configure --profile snapshot_creator. However after entering all information I get the error [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/ubuntu/.aws'.
So I add my changes to the .aws file again and this time in the script for every single command starting with aws ec2 I add the parameter --profile snapshot_creator, but this time when I run the script I get The config profile (snapshot_creator) could not be found.
How can I tell the script to use this profile? I don't want to change the environment variables for the instance because of the aforementioned other use of AWS CLI for other purposes.
Credentials should be stored in the file "/home/ubuntu/.aws/credentials"
I guess this error is because it couldn't create a directory. Can you delete the ".aws" file and re-run the configure command? It should create the credentials file under "/home/ubuntu/.aws/"
File exists: '/home/ubuntu/.aws'

Cannot run `source` in AWS Codebuild

I am using AWS CodeBuild along with Terraform for automated deployment of a Lambda based service. I have a very simple buildscript.yml that accomplishes the following:
Get dependencies
Run Tests
Get AWS credentials and save to file (detailed below)
Source the creds file
Run Terraform
The step "source the creds file" is where I am having my difficulty. I have a simply bash one-liner that grabs the AWS container creds off of curl$AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI and then saves them to a file in the following format:
Of course, the obvious step is to simply source this file so that these variables can be added to my environment for Terraform to use. However, when I do source /path/to/creds_file.txt, CodeBuild returns:
[Container] 2017/06/28 18:28:26 Running command source /path/to/creds_file.txt
/codebuild/output/tmp/ 4: /codebuild/output/tmp/ source: not found
I have tried to install source through apt but then I get an error saying that source cannot be found (yes, I've run apt update etc.). I am using a standard Ubuntu image with the Python 2.7 environment for CodeBuild. What can I do to either get Terraform working credentials for source this credentials file in Codebuild.
Try using . instead of source. source is not POSIX compliant.
CodeBuild now supports bash as your default shell. You just need to specify it in your buildspec.yml.
shell: bash
The AWS CodeBuild images ship with a POSIX compliant shell. You can see what's inside the images here:
If you're using specific shell features (such as source), it is best to wrap your commands in a script file with a shebang specifying the shell you'd like the commands to execute with, and then execute this script from buildspec.yml.
buildspec.yml (snippet)
- path/to/script/
I had a similar issue. I solved it by calling the script directly via /bin/bash <script>.sh
I don't have enough reputation to comment so here it goes an extension of jeffrey's answer which is on spot.
Just in case if your filename starts with a dot(.), the following will fail
. .filename
You will need to qualify the filename with directory name like
. ./.filename
