Concatenate Task results within Job Definition? - chainlink

Within Chainlink a Job definition, how would developers go about concatenating two results, like strings (Not the sum of values)? I provided an ideal approach below.
$(result1) + $(result2)
string_result_1 [type="jsonparse" path="$(decode_cbor.path_1)" data="$(fetch_encoded)"]
string_result_2 [type="jsonparse" path="$(decode_cbor.path_2)" data="$(fetch)"]
encode_data [type="ethabiencode" abi="(bytes32 requestId, bytes result)" data="{ \\"requestId\\": $(decode_log.requestId), \\"assetId\\": $(string_result_1) + $(string_result_2) }"]
I want to be able to make a new GET request by concatenating the two results.

You would need to do a multi-word response request, and then do the concatenation on-chain. The nodes do not support concatenation at the job definition level yet

Depending on your setup, you could also farm all that heavy lifting, i.e. the string concatenation and response prep to a Chainlink External Adapter.


NiFi math expression results in empty string

I am implementing NiFi expression language for some string manipulation, in the UpdateAttribute processor. I am trying to do ${${file_date:indexOf(‘/’)}:minus(2)}, where file_date is a string from prev processor. This is resulting in an empty string. However doing just ${file_date:indexOf(‘/’) results in a number.
I am not sure if I am implementing this wrong. Any help is appreciated.
file_date -> year=2020/month=12/day=12
${${file_date:indexOf(‘/’)}:minus(2)} -> empty string
${file_date:indexOf(‘/’) -> 9
For string: year=2020/month=12/day=12 -> return 7
Expression Language Guide
We can then chain together multiple function calls, where the return value of the first function becomes the subject of the second function and its return value becomes the subject of the third function and so on. Continuing with our example, we can chain together multiple functions by using the expression ${filename:toUpper():equals('HELLO.TXT')}. There is no limit to the number of functions that can be chained together.

Ruby storing data for queries

I have a string
This is telephone outbound call data where each new line represents a new phone call.
(Call From, Call To, Duration, Line Type)
I want to save this data in a way that allows me to query a specific number and get a string output of the number, its type, its total minutes used, and all the calls that it made (outbound calls). I just want to do this in a single ruby file.
Thus typing in this
4813243948, Type 2, 3.9 Minutes total
1234433948, 1.3
2435677524, 1.3
5245654367, 1.3
I am wondering if I should try to store values in arrays, or create a custom class and make each number an object of a class then append the calls to each number.. not sure how to do the class method. Having a different array for each number seems like it would get cluttered as there are thousands of numbers and millions of calls. Of course, the provided input string is a very small portion of the real source.
I have a string
This looks like a CSV. If you slap some headers on top, you can parse it into an array of hashes.
str = "4813243948,1234433948,1.3,Type2
require 'csv'
calls = CSV.parse(str, headers: %w[from to length type], header_converters: :symbol).map(&:to_h)
# => [{:from=>"4813243948", :to=>"1234433948", :length=>"1.3", :type=>"Type2"},
# {:from=>"1234433948", :to=>"4813243948", :length=>"1.3", :type=>"Type1"}]
This is essentially the same as your original string, only it trades some memory for ease of access. You can now "query" this dataset like this:{ |c| c[:from] == '4813243948' }
And then aggregate for presentation however you wish.
Naturally, searching through this array takes linear time, so if you have millions of calls you might want to organize them in a more efficient search structure (like a B-Tree) or move the whole dataset to a real database.
If you only want to make queries for the number the call originated from, you could store the data in a hash where the keys are the "call from" numbers and the value is an array, or another hash, containing the rest of the data. For example:
{ '4813243948': { call_to: 1234433948, duration: 1.3, line_type: 'Type2' }, ... }
If the dataset is very large, or you need more complex queries, it might be better to store it in a database and just query it directly.

Multiple unique random values in a single request in JMeter

I am trying to make an HTTP request in JMeter that contains multiple random numbers within a fixed range (specifically 0-50). With each request, I need to send out about 45 different integers, so on any given request, there are six integers within said range that are not included. Obviously {__Random()} doesn't work, as it will inevitably generate some equal values. My idea, and please bear with me because I am very new to this, was to create an array with the integers, such as:
String line = "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....";
String[] numbers = line.split(",");
and then assign them fixed variable names to include in the request. I can do this with counter with CSV data, but I'm unsure about how to do this with an array.
vars.put("VAR_" + counter, line);
VAR_1 = 1
VAR_2 = 2
and so on...
then shuffle the array (which I do not know how to do in Beanshell) and generate something like:
VAR_1 = 16
VAR_2 = 27
to send with the next request.
If anyone could help me with this, or suggest a simpler way, I would great appreciate it. Thanks.
To shuffle the list just use Collections.shuffle() method
Consider using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language instead of Beanshell as it is:
More Java compliant
Has better performance
Has built-in support of JSON, XML and some "syntax sugar" which minimises and simplifies code
Check out Groovy Is the New Black article for more details
I figured it out. It's kind of ugly and cumbersome, but fairly simple and does exactly what I needed it to do. In JSR223 PreProcessor, my code is
def list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,.....];
String VAR_1 = Integer.toString(list.getAt(0));
vars.put("VAR_1", VAR_1);
String VAR_2 = Integer.toString(list.getAt(1));
vars.put("VAR_2", VAR_2);
String VAR_3 = Integer.toString(list.getAt(2));
and so on.....
I had to input the 50 variables manually. I'm sure there was a simpler way, but I'm quite satisfied. Thanks for the suggestions.

Does random_string function return unique string?

I'm using random_string('alnum', 10) function from String Helper available in Codeigniter 3.0. Does the string returned by function each time remain unique as well? If not then what can I use?
No It does not unique.
As Example
random_string('alnum', 1);//if you run this more than 63 you will get minimum one duplicate.
For unique you can use
See the Full documentaion
As the name suggests the string is random. That means with a certain (potentially small) probability this function will return the same string twice.
One way to make create a unique string is to have a counter variable which is not a string but a number. Every time you need a new unique string, you increment the counter and then convert the number to a string.

XPath :: running counter two levels

Using the count(preceding-sibling::*) XPath expression one can obtaining incrementing counters. However, can the same also be accomplished in a two-levels deep sequence?
example XML instance
code (with Saxon HE 9.4 jar on the CLASSPATH for XPath 2.0 features)
Trying to get an counter sequence of 1,2 and 3 for the three child nodes with different kinds of XPath expressions:
XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("/grandfather/father/child");
NodeList nodes = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0 ; i < nodes.getLength() ; i++) {
Node node = nodes.item(i);
System.out.printf("child's index is: %s %s %s, name is: %s\n"
The above code prints:
child's index is: 0 0 1, name is: a
child's index is: 0 0 1, name is: b
child's index is: 1 1 1, name is: c
None of the three XPaths I tried managed to produce the correct sequence: 1,2,3. Clearly it can trivially be done using the i loop variable but I want to accomplish it with XPath if possible. Also I need to keep the basic framework of evaluating an XPath expression to get all the nodes to visit and then iterating on that set since that's the way the real application I work on is structured. Basically I visit each node and then need to evaluate a number of XPath expressions on it (node) or on the document (doc); one of these XPAth expressions is supposed to produce this incrementing sequence.
Use the preceding axis with a name test instead.
Using XPath 2.0, there is a much better way to do this. Fetch all <child/> nodes and use the position() function to get the index:
//child/concat("child's index is: ", position(), ", name is: ", text())
You don't say efficiency is important, but I really hate to see this done with O(n^2) code! Jens' solution shows how to do that if you can use the result in the form of a sequence of (position, name) pairs. You could also return an alternating sequence of strings and numbers using //child/(string(.), position()): though you would then want to use the s9api API rather than JAXP, because JAXP can only really handle the data types that arise in XPath 1.0.
If you need to compute the index of each node as part of other processing, it might still be worth computing the index for every node in a single initial pass, and then looking it up in a table. But if you're doing that, the simplest way is surely to iterate over the result of //child and build a map from nodes to the sequence number in the iteration.
