kafka retry many times when i download large file - go

I am newbie in kafka, i try build a service send mail with attach files.
Execution flow:
Kafka will receive a message to send mail
function get file will download file from url , scale image, and save file
when send mail i will get files from folder and attach to form
when i send mail with large files many times , kafka retry many times, i will receive many mail
kafka error: "kafka server: The provided member is not known in the current generation"
I listened MaxProcessingTime , but i try to test a mail with large file, it still work fine
Kafka info : 1 broker , 3 consumer
func (s *customerMailService) SendPODMail() error { filePaths, err := DownloadFiles(podURLs, orderInfo.OrderCode)
if err != nil{
countRetry := 0
for countRetry <= NUM_OF_RETRY{
filePaths, err = DownloadFiles(podURLs, orderInfo.OrderCode)
if err == nil{
err = s.sendMailService.Send(ctx, orderInfo.CustomerEmail, tmsPod, content,filePaths)}
function download file :
func DownloadFiles(files []string, orderCode string) ([]string, error) {
var filePaths []string
err := os.Mkdir(tempDir, 0750)
if err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return nil, err
tempDirPath := tempDir + "/" + orderCode
err = os.Mkdir(tempDirPath, 0750)
if err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return nil, err
for _, fileUrl := range files {
fileUrlParsed, err := url.ParseRequestURI(fileUrl)
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Infof("Pod url is invalid %s", orderCode)
return nil, err
extFile := filepath.Ext(fileUrlParsed.Path)
dir, err := os.MkdirTemp(tempDirPath, "tempDir")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := os.CreateTemp(dir, "tmpfile-*"+extFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
response, err := http.Get(fileUrl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer response.Body.Close()
contentTypes := response.Header["Content-Type"]
isTypeAllow := false
for _, contentType := range contentTypes {
if contentType == "image/png" || contentType == "image/jpeg" {
isTypeAllow = true
if !isTypeAllow {
logrus.WithError(err).Infof("Pod image type is invalid %s", orderCode)
return nil, errors.New("Pod image type is invalid")
decodedImg, err := imaging.Decode(response.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resizedImg := imaging.Resize(decodedImg, 1024, 0, imaging.Lanczos)
imaging.Save(resizedImg, f.Name())
filePaths = append(filePaths, f.Name())
return filePaths, nil}
function send mail
func (s *tikiMailService) SendFile(ctx context.Context, receiver string, templateCode string, data interface{}, filePaths []string) error {
path := "/v1/emails"
fullPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", s.host, path)
formValue := &bytes.Buffer{}
writer := multipart.NewWriter(formValue)
_ = writer.WriteField("template", templateCode)
_ = writer.WriteField("to", receiver)
if data != nil {
b, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Cannot marshal mail data to json with object %+v", data)
_ = writer.WriteField("params", string(b))
for _, filePath := range filePaths {
part, err := writer.CreateFormFile(filePath, filepath.Base(filePath))
if err != nil {
return err
pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer pipeWriter.Close()
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
defer file.Close()
io.Copy(pipeWriter, file)
io.Copy(part, pipeReader)
err := writer.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
request, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fullPath, formValue)
if err != nil {
return err
request.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
resp, err := s.doer.Do(request)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Cannot send request to send email")
defer resp.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Send email with code %s error: status code %d, response %s",
templateCode, resp.StatusCode, string(b)))
} else {
logrus.Infof("Send email with attachment ,code %s success with response %s , box-code", templateCode, string(b),filePaths)
return nil

My team found my problem when I redeploy k8s pods, which lead to conflict leader partition causing rebalance. It will try to process the remaining messages in buffer of pods again.
Solution: I don't fetch many messages saved in buffer , I just get a message and process it by config :
ChannelBufferSize = 0
Example conflict leader parition:
consumer A and B startup in the same time
consumer A registers itself as leader, and owns the topic with all partitions
consumer B registers itself as leader, and then begins to rebalance and owns all partitions
consumer A rebalance and obtains all partitions, but can not consume because the memberId is old and need a new one
consumer B rebalance again and owns the topic with all partitions, but it's already obtained by consumer A

My two cents: in case of very big attachments, the consumer takes quite a lot of time to read the file and to send it as an attachment.
This increases the amount of time between two poll() calls. If that time is greater than max.poll.interval.ms, the consumer is thought to be failed and the partition offset is not committed. As a result, the message is processed again and eventually, if by chance the execution time stays below the poll interval, the offset is committed. The effect is a multiple email send.
Try increasing the max.poll.interval.ms on the consumer side.


XACK is not deleting the message, even if it is processed successfully?

I am trying to implement redis stream where we have a producer.
package producer
import (
type Producer struct {
streamName string
func NewProducer(streamName string) *Producer {
return &Producer{streamName: streamName}
func (p *Producer) WriteEvents(conn redis.Conn, key string) {
// Create a new struct
employee := models.Employee{
Name: "ashutosh",
Employer: "self-employee",
// Convert struct to JSON
e, _ := json.Marshal(employee)
// Send key and value to Redis stream
_, err := conn.Do("XADD", p.streamName, "*", key, e)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Successfully sent data to Redis stream")
then I have implemented a consumer
func (c *Consumer) ReadEventsCons1() {
// Connect to Redis
conn, err := redis.Dial("tcp", ":6379")
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
for {
// Read key and value from Redis stream
reply, err := conn.Do("XREADGROUP", "GROUP", c.groupName[0], "ashu", "COUNT", "1", "STREAMS", c.streamName, ">")
vs, err := redis.Values(reply, err)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, redis.ErrNil) {
fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
// Get the first and only value in the array since we're only
// reading from one stream "some-stream-name" here.
vs, err = redis.Values(vs[0], nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %+v", err)
// Ignore the stream name as the first value as we already have
// that in hand! Just get the second value which is guaranteed to
// exist per the docs, and parse it as some stream entries.
res, err := entries(vs[1], nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("error parsing entries: %w", err)
for _, val := range res {
for k, v := range val.Fields {
empl := &models.Employee{}
_ = json.Unmarshal(v, empl)
fmt.Printf("From Consumer Ashu: Key: %s and val: %+v \n", k, empl)
reply, err := redis.Int(conn.Do("XACK", c.streamName, c.groupName[0], val.ID))
if reply != 1 {
fmt.Printf("failed to ack: err: %+v", err)
Once a consumer from a consumergroup successfully processed a message, I sent acknowledgement to redis.But messages still resides in redis stream. because post running
XLEN streamName
I can see length is growing. This may create memory challenge, since messages are residing in perpetuity. Is there any intelligent way to handle this issue?

Transfering file using tcp golang

I'm trying to make a music app that sends file through tcp protocol using go and microservice architecture. Now I'm creating a player service that should:
Get user token and get claims from it
Check is user exists using claims and user_service microservice
Get song from redis
Check is song exists using music_service
Read file by chunks and send it to client using tcp
Redis data looks like this:
"user_id": [{
"song_id": "<song_id>"
But I faced with a small problem. My music files stored in a flac format and when I receive it on the client, my player doesn't play it. I don't really know what can be the problem. So here's my code:
//this function is called in main function
func setService() {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", config.TCPAddress)
if err != nil {
panic("couldn't start tcp server")
defer ln.Close()
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
logger.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Error: couldn't accept connection. Details: %v", err))
func DownloadSong(conn net.Conn) {
token, err := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
logger.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Error: couldn't get token. Details: %v", token))
claims, err := jwt_funcs.DecodeJwt(token)
if err != nil {
songs, err := redis_repo.Get(claims.Id)
if err != nil {
for _, song := range songs {
download(song, conn)
func download(song models.SongsModel, conn net.Conn) {
filePath, err := filepath.Abs(fmt.Sprintf("./songs/%s.flac", song.SongId))
if err != nil {
logger.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Errror: couldn't create filepath. Details: %v", err))
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
logger.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Errror: couldn't open file. Details: %v", err))
read(file, conn)
func read(file *os.File, conn net.Conn) {
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
buf := make([]byte, 15)
defer conn.Close()
for {
_, err := reader.Read(buf)
if err != nil && err == io.EOF {
logger.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Details: %v", err))
func main() {
conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", "")
var glMessage []byte
text := "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYzYzlhNmE1OWI3ZmQyNTQ2ZjA4ZWEyYSIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiMTIiLCJleHAiOjE2NzQyMTE5ODl9.aarSDhrFF1df3i2pIRyjNxTfSHKObqLU3kHJiPreredIhLNCzs7z7jMgRHQIcLaIvCOECN7bX0OaSvKdW7VKsQ\n"
fmt.Fprint(conn, text)
reader := bufio.NewReader(conn)
b := make([]byte, 15)
c := 0
for i, _ := reader.Read(b); int(i) != 0; i, _ = reader.Read(b) {
c += i
glMessage = append(glMessage, b...)
os.WriteFile("./test.flac", glMessage, 0644)
If you know what can be the problem, please tell me. I'd really appreciate it!
It looks like you're trying to send the music file over the network in 15 byte chunks, which is likely not enough to play the song on the client side.
You can try increasing the chunk size, for example, to 8192 bytes. To do this, replace buf := make([]byte, 15) with buf := make([]byte, 8192).
Also, it's better to write the received data directly to the file rather than storing it in memory. You can do this by creating a file and using os.Create to write the received data to it:
file, err := os.Create("./test.flac")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error: couldn't create file")
defer file.Close()
for {
i, err := reader.Read(buf)
if err != nil && err == io.EOF {
I believe that this can solve the issue.

gorilla websocket NextWriter and WriteMessage() difference

i have function:
func write() {
defer func() {
for message := range msgChan {
w, err := serverConn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage)
if err != nil {
bmessage, err := json.Marshal(message)
if err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(bmessage)
if err != nil {
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
And i got
panic: concurrent write to websocket connection
I'm wondering how is this possible? in ws writes only this function, which is running in 1 instance. and second question: what is the point of using NextWriter instead of just conn.WriteMessage()? Is it possible that with a large number of messages NextWriter accumulate and can try to write at the same time?

Copy file from remote to byte[]

I'm trying to figure out how to implement copying files from remote and get the data []byte from the buffer.
I have succeeded in doing the implementation with the upload by referring to this guide: https://chuacw.ath.cx/development/b/chuacw/archive/2019/02/04/how-the-scp-protocol-works.aspx
Inside the go func there's the implementation of the upload process of the SCP but I have no idea how to change it.
Any advice ?
func download(con *ssh.Client, buf bytes.Buffer, path string,) ([]byte,error) {
session, err := con.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return nil,err
buf.WriteString("sudo scp -f " + path + "\n")
stdin, err := session.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil,err
go func() {
defer stdin.Close()
fmt.Fprint(stdin, "C0660 "+strconv.Itoa(len(content))+" file\n")
fmt.Fprint(stdin, "\x00")
output, err := session.CombinedOutput("sudo scp -f " + path)
if err != nil {
return nil,&DeployError{
Err: err,
Output: buf.String(),
session, err = con.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return nil,err
defer session.Close()
return output,nil
The sink side is significantly more difficult than the source side. Made an example which should get you close to what you want. Note that I have not tested this code, that the error handling is sub optimal and it only supports 1/4th the protocol messages SCP may use. So you will still need to do some work to get it perfect.
With all that said, this is what I came up with:
func download(con *ssh.Client, path string) ([]byte, error) {
session, err := con.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer session.Close()
// Local -> remote
stdin, err := session.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer stdin.Close()
// Request a file, note that directories will require different handling
_, err = stdin.Write([]byte("sudo scp -f " + path + "\n"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Remote -> local
stdout, err := session.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make a buffer for the protocol messages
const megabyte = 1 << 20
b := make([]byte, megabyte)
// Offset into the buffer
off := 0
var filesize int64
// SCP may send multiple protocol messages, so keep reading
for {
n, err := stdout.Read(b[off:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nl := bytes.Index(b[:off+n], []byte("\n"))
// If there is no newline in the buffer, we need to read more
if nl == -1 {
off = off + n
// We read a full message, reset the offset
off = 0
// if we did get a new line. We have the full protocol message
msg := string(b[:nl])
// Send back 0, which means OK, the SCP source will not send the next message otherwise
_, err = stdin.Write([]byte("0\n"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// First char is the mode (C=file, D=dir, E=End of dir, T=Time metadata)
mode := msg[0]
if mode != 'C' {
// Ignore other messags for now.
// File message = Cmmmm <length> <filename>
msgParts := strings.Split(msg, " ")
if len(msgParts) > 1 {
// Parse the second part <length> as an base 10 integer
filesize, err = strconv.ParseInt(msgParts[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The file message will be followed with binary data containing the file
// Wrap the stdout reader in a limit reader so we will not read more than the filesize
fileReader := io.LimitReader(stdout, filesize)
// Seed the bytes buffer with the existing byte slice, saves additional allocation if file <= 1mb
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
// Copy the file into the bytes buffer
_, err = io.Copy(buf, fileReader)
return buf.Bytes(), err

How can I serve files while using GRPC

Is there any way how to serve files in Go with GRPC, like in gin-gonic's variant:
router.Static("/static", "/var/www")
You can't do it exactly like that.
But you can use the proto bytes type and put the file bytes in that field.
Also (as pointed out in the comments) with large files you should use streaming instead of a unary call. (most GRPC implementation have a limit of 4MB per message).
Proto example:
syntax = "proto3";
message Response {
bytes fileChunk = 1;
message Request {
string fileName = 1;
service TestService {
rpc Download(Request) returns (stream Response);
Server implementation example:
func (srv *Server) Download(req *pbgo.Request, responseStream pbgo.TestService_DownloadServer) error {
bufferSize := 64 *1024 //64KiB, tweak this as desired
file, err := os.Open(req.GetFileName())
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
buff := make([]byte, bufferSize)
for {
bytesRead, err := file.Read(buff)
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
resp := &pbgo.Response{
FileChunk: buff[:bytesRead],
err = responseStream.Send(resp)
if err != nil {
log.Println("error while sending chunk:", err)
return err
return nil
Client would call it like this:
conn, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9090", grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("client could connect to grpc service:", err)
c := pbgo.NewTestServiceClient(conn)
fileStreamResponse, err := c.Download(context.TODO(), &pbgo.Request{
FileName: "test.txt",
if err != nil {
log.Println("error downloading:", err)
for {
chunkResponse, err := fileStreamResponse.Recv()
if err == io.EOF {
log.Println("received all chunks")
if err != nil {
log.Println("err receiving chunk:", err)
log.Printf("got new chunk with data: %s \n", chunkResponse.FileChunk)
If you need to be able to serve arbitrary files, you would need to handle which files you allow serving (say someone requests the file /etc/passwd or something).
Not sure what exactly is the use case here.
