Vuetify change v-select element color ( v-select itself ) - vuetify.js

I have a v-select element against a blue background.
By default , the v-select element is black, but against this background that isn't very visible. I tried changing the color by acessing the props :
The color prop only changes the v-select color once you click on it to select an option (not very usefull in this case) and the background-color is too much and looks ugly.
I just really want to change the default element color to white.
How can I do that ?


Vuetify v-snackbar color attribute is not working

Hello I have a question regarding the color attr in the snackbar when I try to set the custom color
and apply the snackbar my entire page turns into blank color (same as the color I choose) except the snackbar itself
any suggestion as to why this accrues?
but if you type
color="success" it is working fine
writing color="#colorcode" makes this error

How do I prevent objects/text from changing color when changing layout?

I have a PowerPoint template with a number of custom layouts. The template has a custom color palette, and layouts are organized under multiple Slide Masters that each use one of the color in the palette. So layouts are the same for each Slide Master, but feature a different color. All Slide Master use the same custom color palette, which has Black set for the Dark 1 color, and White set for Light 1.
The problem I have is when I create slides from these layouts, some end up with White as the first (Dark 1) color, and Black as the second (Light 1) color on the palette, while others have it the other way around (Black then White for Dark 1 and Light 1), as I would expect. This means that if I change the layout of a slide, any object that was white becomes black, and vice-versa.
Why does that happen?
I have tried re-selecting the color palette for the problematic slides, but it didn't help. I don't know what else I can try.
Any help is very much appreciated :)

How to disable blue highlight from kendo dropdown list

How to disable blue highlight from this kendo list :
Thank you in advance
You can do it with some creative style overriding to get the effect you want.
.k-item.k-state-selected.k-state-focused:not(:hover) {
background-color: transparent;
color: inherit;
will get rid of the blue highlight colour but still show the grey highlight when hovering and it also fixes the font colour back to black. So you get black on transparent instead of white on blue.
But it can be difficult to get the CSS selector just right to only change the particular styling you want without affected other kendo widgets on the page that use similar styling selectors.
Getting the correct style rule is particularly difficult in this case because the list portion that pops up is a disconnected popup that is not a child of the dropdownlist so you can't use a child selector to only target dropdownlist you can see in my dojo example, both dropdownlists are affected, as would an comboboxes and any other kendo widgets that use the same style rules.

How to have individual selected image color for TabBarItem

I've been through most to all of these SO Q/A and none of which worked; many refers to older version of xcode.
I'm using Xcode 8. I have a TabBarItem with a red image. Other item image will have a different color. For the first item, the selected image is originally red. When I run the app, it's blue -- it should be selected as red, why it's blue?
In Story Builder -> Identity Inspector -> Runtime attr, I have tintColor - Color - (red color). None of that worked. My image is red so why it's not red? Do I need to disable a default setting somewhere?
Is there a way when I select any image, it shows the original color it was saved?
A post's comment mentioned setting the image in viewDidLoad is bad. Is that true? I've tried that and it's still selected blue.
This question is about selected image.
When I run the app, it's blue -- it should be red, why it's blue?
That's because blue is the tint color. If you want to use the red of the original image, and not the tint color, turn the image into a rendered image with rendering mode alwaysOriginal. If this is supposed to be the color only when the tab bar item is selected, supply it as the selectedImage.

iOS 7 BarTintColor

Have any one else noticed in iOS7, the translucent navigation bar only shows color underneath if barTintColor is set to default?
I tried setting barTintColor to various different colors, but anything that is below the navigation bar is displayed a a black blur. Whereas if the barTintColor is set to default, all the elements display correctly underneath.
Is there a way to force it to show the correct colors?
You have to use background color instead of tint color.
self.navigationController.navigationBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
If you are using tint color it changes only barbutton background color change.
In MyTabBarController in the storyboard select the color tint. You will change the button active color background. No idea for the inactive one.
