Equivalence in post method from angular to dart/flutter - laravel

I am working with a mobile application (flutter/dart), and I also have a web page, which is made in the backend with laravel and frontend with angular-cli..
ok, i have the following post method, in dart:
Future<void> postPedido(ControlCargaPedido pedido) async {
final http.Response response = await http.post(
headers: <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
body: pedido.toJson(),
Basically I add a record to the database of a new order.
and I have my web interface with laravel and angular, where I show one with all the requests
what I want is to show in real time the updated table with the new order that is generated when the post method is used. I know that in angular cli it is done in the following way:
private _refresh$ = new Subject<void>();
get refresh$(){
return this.refresh$;
let headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
return this._http.post(this.url+'control-de-carga/pedido-materiales',{headers: headers})
tap(() => (
but since I don't have my post method in angular-cli, but I have it in dart, I wanted to know how I can do the same or similar in dart.


cant get api from local web server

i want to get data from my api web server. I tested on Postman the data is there, even when I try it on my browser the data is still there. but when i want to use the api in my flutter app why is the api empty.
postman tested
my code to get api.
class DioClient {
final Dio _dio = Dio(
baseUrl: 'https://spotify.test/api',
contentType: "application/json",
responseType: ResponseType.json,
Future<HeaderList> getDatas() async {
Response datas = await _dio.get('/load/songs');
print('data = ${datas.data}');
return HeaderList.fromJson(datas.data);
my model
class HeaderList {
final int total;
final List<Artist> artist;
final List<Song> songs;
required this.total,
required this.songs,
required this.artist,
factory HeaderList.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => HeaderList(
total: json['total data'],
artist: List<Artist>.from(json['artist'].map((element) => Artist.fromJson(element))),
songs: List<Song>.from(json['songs'].map((element) => Song.fromJson(element))),
is there any error in my code or my laravel web project ?. because I'm still a beginner in laravel ?
You shouldn't need Dio for a simple request like this; just use package:http.
There are a couple of problems with your code. In Postman you are using the POST verb, but GET in Dart. You are also telling the server you are sending JSON, but it want (see your Postman request) form data.
Try this:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() async {
final r = await http.post(
Uri.https('spotify.test', 'api/load/songs'),
body: {
'password': 'open123456',
'password_confirmation': 'open123456',

Mock Graphql server with multiple stubs in Cypress

I’m using cypress with angular and apollo graphQl. I’m trying to mock the graph server so I write my tests using custom responses. The issue here is that all graph calls go on a single endpoint and that cypress doesn’t have default full network support yet to distinguish between these calls.
An example scenario would be:
access /accounts/account123
when the api is hit two graph calls are sent out - a query getAccountDetails and another one with getVehicles
Using one stub of the graph endpoint per test. Not working as it stubs with the same stub all calls.
Changing the app such that the query is appended 'on the go' to the url where I can intercept it in cypress and therefore have a unique url for each query. Not possible to change the app.
My only bet seems to be intercepting the XHR call and using this, but I don't seem to be able to get it working Tried all options using XHR outlined here but to no luck (it picks only the stub declared last and uses that for all calls) https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-documentation/issues/122.
The answer from this question uses Fetch and therefore doesn't apply:
Mock specific graphql request in cypress when running e2e tests
Anyone got any ideas?
With cypress 6.0 route and route2 are deprecated, suggesting the use of intercept. As written in the docs (https://docs.cypress.io/api/commands/intercept.html#Aliasing-individual-GraphQL-requests) you can mock the GraphQL requests in this way:
cy.intercept('POST', '/api', (req) => {
if (req.body.operationName === 'operationName') {
req.reply({ fixture: 'mockData.json'});
For anyone else hitting this issue, there is a working solution with the new cypress release using cy.route2()
The requests are sent to the server but the responses are stubbed/ altered on return.
Later Edit:
Noticed that the code version below doesn't alter the status code. If you need this, I'd recommend the version I left as a comment below.
Example code:
describe('account details', () => {
it('should display the account details correctly', () => {
cy.route2(graphEndpoint, (req) => {
let body = req.body;
if (body == getAccountDetailsQuery) {
req.reply((res) => {
res.body = getAccountDetailsResponse,
res.status = 200
} else if (body == getVehiclesQuery) {
req.reply((res) => {
res.body = getVehiclesResponse,
res.status = 200
Both your query and response should be in string format.
This is the cy command I'm using:
import * as hash from 'object-hash';
Cypress.Commands.add('stubRequest', ({ request, response, alias }) => {
const previousInteceptions = Cypress.config('interceptions');
const expectedKey = hash(
query: request.query,
variables: request.variables,
if (!(previousInteceptions || {})[expectedKey]) {
Cypress.config('interceptions', {
...(previousInteceptions || {}),
[expectedKey]: { alias, response },
cy.intercept('POST', '/api', (req) => {
const interceptions = Cypress.config('interceptions');
const receivedKey = hash(
query: req.body.query,
variables: { ...req.body.variables },
const match = interceptions[receivedKey];
if (match) {
req.alias = match.alias;
req.reply({ body: match.response });
With that is posible to stub exact request queries and variables:
import { MUTATION_LOGIN } from 'src/services/Auth';
request: {
variables: {
loginInput: { email: 'test#user.com', password: 'test#user.com' },
response: {
data: {
login: {
accessToken: 'Bearer FakeToken',
user: {
username: 'Fake Username',
email: 'test#user.com',
Cypress.config is what make it possible, it is kind of a global key/val getter/setter in tests which I'm using to store interceptions with expected requests hash and fake responses
This helped me https://www.autoscripts.net/stubbing-in-cypress/
But I'm not sure where the original source is
A "fix" that I use is to create multiple aliases, with different names, on the same route, with wait on the alias between the different names, as many as requests you have.
I guess you can use aliases as already suggested in Answer by #Luis above like this. This is given in documentation too. Only thing you need to use here is multiple aliases as you have multiple calls and have to manage the sequence between them . Please correct me if i understood you question in other way ??
method: 'POST',
url: 'abc/*',
status: 200.
response: {whatever response is needed in mock }
// HERE YOU SHOULD WAIT till the mockAPI is resolved.

I can't use json to make a Post request to my web api using react

I created a webapi in ASP.NET Core, and I need to consume it using React, the web api works normally, if I use curl or postman among others, it works normally. The problem starts when I'm going to use React, when I try to make any requests for my API with js from the problem.
To complicate matters further, when I make the request for other APIs it works normally, this led me to believe that the problem was in my API, but as I said it works with others only with the react that it does not. I've tried it in many ways.
The API is running on an IIS on my local network
Attempted Ways
Using Ajax
$ .ajax ({
method: "POST",
url: '',
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader ("Content-type", "application / json");
date: {
name: 'name',
password: 'password'
success: function (message) {
console.log (message);
error: function (error) {
/ * if (error.responseJSON.modelState)
showValidationMessages (error.responseJSON.modelState); * /
console.log (error);
Using Fetch
const headers = new Headers ();
headers.append ('Content-Type', 'application / json');
const options = {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify (login),
mode: 'cors' // I tried with cors and no-cors
const request = new Request ('', options);
const response = await fetch (request);
const status = await response.status;
console.log (response); * /
// POST adds a random id to the object sent
fetch ('', {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify ({
name: 'name',
password: 'password'
headers: {
"Content-type": "application / json; charset = UTF-8"
credentials: 'same-origin'
.then (response => response.json ())
.then (json => console.log (json))
Using Request
var request = new XMLHttpRequest ();
request.open ('POST', '', true);
request.setRequestHeader ('Content-Type', 'application / json; charset = UTF-8');
request.send (login);
Network tab
When I do this without being change the content type to JSON it works
because the API returns saying that it is not a valid type.
Apart from allowing CORS in you .NET configuration. You also need to return 200 OK for all OPTION requests.
Not sure how it's done in .NET but just create a middleware that detects the METHOD of the request, and if it's OPTIONS, the finish the request right there with 200 status.
Well I had the same issue and it seems that you need to add the action to the HttpPost attribute in the controller.
Here is an example.
public void SubmitTransaction([FromBody] SubmitTransactionIn request)
Try like this
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseCors(option => option.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyHeader().AllowAnyMethod().AllowCredentials());

How to get each http body updates on angular Http request?

I'm using an express api (my back-end) and an angular app (my front-end).
One express js end point (let's call it '/foo') is processing a lot of files,
i send data using res.write() after each treatment so the http response body is update.
I would like to get this update on my angular app.
I was using ajax in a previous version and it worked fine with ajax call :
xhrFields: {
// Getting on progress streaming response
onprogress: function(e)
var progressResponse;
var response = e.currentTarget.response;
if(lastResponseLength === false)
progressResponse = response;
lastResponseLength = response.length;
progressResponse = response.substring(lastResponseLength);
lastResponseLength = response.length;
actualResponse += progressResponse
Unfortunatly i found nothing to get partial http body. I tried to use 'reportProgress' Parameter but it's not working.
For some more context my front-end angular code:
service.ts :
setHolidaysDirectory(holidaysKey: string, path: string): Observable<Object>{
const setHolidayDirectoryStreamHttpRequest =
new HttpRequest('POST', 'http://localhost:8089/holidays/pictures/edit', { 'key': holidaysKey,
'path': path
}, {headers: this._httpHeaders, reportProgress: true, responseType: 'text'});
// pipe stream answer
return this._http.request(setHolidayDirectoryStreamHttpRequest);
and my component just call the service and subscribe :
.setHolidaysDirectory(key, finalHolidaysForm.path)
.subscribe((stream) => {
console.log('new answer');
}, error => console.log(error));
But unfortunatly i got empty answer and all the http body is recovered after res.end() (server side)
Can anyone help pls !
Thank a lot !

Difficulty creating a functional Angular2 post

I'm trying to send a post request to another service (a Spring application), an authentication, but I'm having trouble constructing a functional Angular2 post request at all. I'm using this video for reference, which is pretty new, so I assume the information still valid. I'm also able to execute a get request with no problems.
Here's my post request:
export class LogIn {
authUser: string;
authPass: string;
token: any;
constructor(private _http:Http){}
onSubmit() {
var header = new Headers()
var json = JSON.stringify({ user: this.authUser, password: this.authPass })
var params2 = 'user=' + this.authUser + '&password=' + this.authPass
var params = "json=" + json
header.append('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
this._http.post("http://validate.jsontest.com", params, {
headers: header
}).map(res => res.json())
data => this.token = JSON.stringify(data),
err => console.error(err),
() => console.log('done')
The info is being correctly taken from a form, I tested it a couple of times to make sure. I am also using two different ways to build the json (params and params2). When I try to send the request to http://validate.jsontest.com, the console prints undefined where this.token should be. When I try to send the request to the Spring application, I get an error on that side:
Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
In fact you need to use the GET method to do that:
var json = JSON.stringify({
user: this.authUser, password: this.authPass
var params = new URLSearchParams();
params.set('json', json);
this._http.get("http://validate.jsontest.com", {
search: params
}).map(res => res.json());
See this plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/fAHPp49vFZJ8OuPC1043?p=preview.
