Issue while running the js file on nightwatch - nightwatch.js

I am running Nightwatch through Vs code. Where inside the src folder test I have 2 js files one is a customer.js and the second is supplier.js. Now I want to run only customer.js using command npx nightwatch -e chrome
How can I run single js file
I am running Nightwatch through Vs code. Where inside the src folder test I have 2 js files one is a customer.js and the second is supplier.js. Now I want to run only customer.js using command npx nightwatch -e chrome
How can I run single js file

Would this work?
npx nightwatch [filepath]
Replace [filepath] with the filepath of your JS file from the current folder. Something like:
So that:
npx nightwatch node_modules/nightwatch/examples.tests/customer.js


TypeError: cy.findAllByText is not a function e2e-cypress-1 at Context.<anonymous> when run through docker-compose

1. I have added testing-library add-commands in support.js
2. I have created 2 jsconfig.js files to include cypress types
3. I have added comments in spec file to include cypress.
The tests works fine when run through cypress browser but when I run test in terminal using docker-compose command: docker-compose up --exit-code-from cypress
I get Type error Type Error: cy. find All By Text is not a function

Cypress and running just the files specified in testFiles section of cypress.json

Looking at this post (Cypress - How can I run test files in order), I have several scripts specified under testFiles in cypress.json but opening Cypress with npm run cypress still shows all of the scripts in my repo and nothing happens.
Is there a way/trick to (a) automatically running the files specified in cypress.json in the UI and (b) a way to "toggle back" to all of the files in the repo (because I have some scratch files I use to isolate test features and additional tests that will eventually be added to the list)
The section from my cypress.json looks like
"testFiles:" :[
Figured it out. There's a duplicate :
Also, if there's a slash pre-pended on the script name that needs to be removed
"testFiles" :[

In test runner cannot see tests in newly created folder - cypress

I created new folder 'apitests' in cypress project and created a JavaScript test file in it. It does not show up in the test runner.
I have used the default configuration in cypress.json as specified in Cypress documentation
"testFiles": "**/*.*",
I expected my new folder 'apitests' and JavaScript test file to show in the test runner. Here is the end result.
Here is the file structure.
You've put your apitests folder directly in cypress/, while Cypress by default looks in cypress/integration/ folder.
You can change that by using integrationFolder config option, but I'd personally just keep the spec files in cypress/integration as is the default.
I had to add this to cypress.config.js:
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
specPattern: [
I had it initially, but removed it, to hope that Cypress would automatically find all my tests. But that resulted in new tests not being added to the test-runner.
My Cypress-version: 11.x.x (and I updated to 12.0.2 as a debugging attempt).
The solution was found in the Cypress-documentation for config.
You've put your apitests folder directly in cypress/, while Cypress by default looks in cypress/integration/ folder.
You will get an idea about it

CLI testing with Jasmine / PhantomJS

Running yeoman server:test opens Jasmine in my browser and says that my test has passed. Now I want to try the same, but without a browser - using PhantomJS on the CLI. Unfortunately, running yeoman test only throws a:
Running "jasmine:all" (jasmine) task
Running specs for index.html
>> 0 assertions passed in 0 specs (0ms)
Why doesn't it find any tests, even though everything is included in my test/index.html and works pretty well using yeoman server:test?
I used yeoman init jasmine:app --force over my project and adjusted the Gruntfile.js as described here. It looks like that:
// headless testing through PhantomJS
jasmine: {
all: ["test/**/*.html"]
// Alias the `test` task to run the `jasmine` task instead
grunt.registerTask("test", "jasmine");
Note: My tests are written in CoffeeScript.
After some research I found out that PhantomJS is not able to find the files at the same location as ´yeoman server´ or yeoman server:test does.
I precised my question in another thread: Running tests in both headless and browser

How do use node-qunit?

The info on this page seems less-than-forth-coming -- I've got a setup where I installed nodejs and installed the node-quit module. I have test runner and executed the command node /path/to/runner.js. Below is an example of my setup. Any ideas or examples on how to do this or maybe I'm using it wrong. I previous ran qunit tests using Rhino and EnvJs without any issues but I figured I try nodejs since I using it for other things and the packaging system can be scripted in my build. Maybe I missing an option to node to include Qunit or some environment variable not set -- that would make sense.
File Structure
cd node
npm install qunit
This will now update the file structure.
var runner = require("../../node/node_modules/qunit");{
code : "/full/path/to/public/js/main.js",
tests : "/full/path/to/tests/js/tests.js"
test("Hello World", function() {
node tests/js/testrunner.js
It appears that you need to use full paths to the main.js and tests.js files and also include a relative path to the qunit module. I updated the code above as an example for others.
